Lr.No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/comml/Seniority/Sr.CCTC 30-Sep-2024 Revised provisional seniority list of Sr.CCTC in L-5 of Commercial Department as on 26/09/2024
No.B/P.535/1/2/I/Vol.6 26-Sep-2024 The designation of Sri G. Pavan Vivek shall be read as "CCTC" instead of "Sr.CCTC".
No.B/P.535/|/2/|/Vol.6 24-Sep-2024 Posting orders in favor of Sri K. Prasanth Kumar. Sr.CCTC, reported from HYB Division on IDMT to BZA division-Reg.
No.B/P.535/|/2/1/Vol.6 24-Sep-2024 Transfers of Sr.CCTC in Level-5 of 7h PC pay matrix -
File No. SCR/P.BZA/535/I/OS Promotion/80% PRQ 24-Sep-2024 Promotion/Posting in the category of Office Superintendent in level -6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix in Commercial Department –MOGILI PAKEERAMMA / XZKIQC / 15212MAS416
No.B/P.535/|/2/I/Vol.6 20-Sep-2024 Posting orders in favour of Sri Mannem Srinnivasa Rao. TTI/TPTY, GTL Division reported on IDMT to BZA division-Reg..
No.B/P.535/|/2/|/Vol.6 20-Sep-2024 Transfers of TTI staff in Level-6 of 7th PC pay matrix -
Office Order No. : COMML/57/2024 18-Sep-2024 Promotion/Posting of Junior Clerk -cum-Typist in level-2 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix against 33 1/3% PR Quota in Commercial Department- BZA Division-BANAVATHU ANJANEYULU NAIK / ESIYGD / 24409156525 /
RF 18-Sep-2024 Refresher course
Office Order No. : SCR/PHQ/EC/299/2024 13-Sep-2024 Filling up of vacancies of Catering Inspectors in Level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix in Commercial Department
Office Order No. : SCR/PHQ/EC/299/2024 10-Sep-2024 Filling up of vacancies of Catering Inspectors in Level-6 Of 7th CPC Pay Matrix in Commercial Department.
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/Pay Fixation /CC-TC/Vil.III 06-Sep-2024 Re fixation of pay on exercising option CCTC in L-3 comml department
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/Pay fixation/33 1/3% PRQ 06-Sep-2024 pay fixation to the poat of CCTC in L-3 under 33 1/3% PQ quota of comml department
Lr.No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CSR/CCI/Vol.IV 23-Aug-2024 Show-cause notice for correction of Seniority list of CPSR/CCI in Level-6 of Katta Srikanth - BSR/YLM,
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/Up- Gradation 22-Aug-2024 Fixation of pay on exercising of option
Lr.No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CSR/CCI/Vol.IV 21-Aug-2024 Show-cause notice for correction of Seniority list of CRS in Level-7 of G.V.Subrahmanyam CRS/SLO
B/C.19/Staff/Misc 20-Aug-2024 Nomination of Senior Commercial Supervisor for course on Commercial and Business Development (CABD012)
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/Miisterial/Sr.DCM/O/BZA/MACP 20-Aug-2024 Re-Fixation of pay on option grant of MACP
Ministerial/JC/16 2/3%/LDCE quota 20-Aug-2024 Re fixation of Pay
B/C.19/Staff/Misc 20-Aug-2024 Nomination of Sr.D.Sateesh Kumar SCI/Sr. DCM/O/BZA for Course on Commercial and Business Development
Re Fixation of Pay 20-Aug-2024 Re-fixation of Pay - B.T Narayana & N Indrani
Re Fixation of Pay 20-Aug-2024 Re-fixation of Pay - K.Suresh, Jr.Clerk, Sr.DCM/O/BZA
Revision of Pay 12-Aug-2024 D LAKSHMI OPTION MEMO
487/Comml/MACP 12-Aug-2024 K.Srinivasa Rao MACP O O
Commercial MACP 12-Aug-2024 K.V.V.DURGA RAO MACP O O
MACP OPTIONs OF COMML STAFF 12-Aug-2024 Option of Pay
Lr.No. SCR/P-BZA/487/Gr.D/MACP 12-Aug-2024 Financial Up-gradation under MACPs in favour of Commercial Department staff
Financial Upgradation 12-Aug-2024 V HIMABINDU MACP O O
No.B/P.535/1/2/1/Vol.6 07-Aug-2024 Pay fixation on promotion to post CTI L-7
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/Pay Fixation/CC_TC/Vol.III 05-Aug-2024 Re-fixation of Pay
Redeployement 03-Aug-2024 Surplus staff BZA Divn
Office Order No. : COMML/47/2024 01-Aug-2024 Promotion/Posting of Junior Clerk -cum-Typist in level-2 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix against 16 2/3% (LDCE) Quota in Commercial Department- BZA Division
MUTUAL-TRANSFER-MT00031184-NAKKINA DURGA PRASAD 01-Aug-2024 Inter Divisional Mutual Transfer of Sri Nakkina Durga Prasad, TTI of BZA division to Guntakal division of South Central Railway
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/EP/P9/JC-PRQ/Vol.6 31-Jul-2024 Formation of select list for promotion to the post of Jr.Clerk-cum-Typist in level-2 of VII CPC Pay Matrix against 33.33% Promotional Quota in Ministerial cadre of all Departments on BZA Division (Except Accounts & RPF dept).
CCTC/RESIGNATION 25-Jul-2024 Technical Resignation from service
Lr.No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.IV 16-Jul-2024 Promotions/Transfers of Commercial Clerk/Commercial Supervisor/Commercial Inspector working in Level-6 of VII CPC Pay Matrix Commercial Department of BZA Divn
Lr.No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CSR/CI/Ch.CC/Vol.III 16-Jul-2024 Promotions/Transfers of Commercial Clerks working in Level-5 of VII CPC Pay Matrix Commercial Department of BZA Divn
Office Order No. : comml/41/2024 12-Jul-2024 Promotion/posting of Ticket Examiner in Level-3 of pay matrix against 33 1/3% quota of 2018 and Temporary Transfer of posts in level -3 and Level-5 in Commercial Department BZA division.
No.B/P.535/TE 33 1/3% quota/2018 12-Jul-2024 Promotion/posting of Ticket Examiner in Level-3 of pay matrix against 33 1/3% quota of 2018 on voluntary reversion from conmmercial cum ticket clerk cadre in commercial department- BZA division.
Office Order No. : COMML/43/2024 12-Jul-2024 Posting of Pro .Commercial- cum -Ticket Clerk & Temporary Transferred of posts of Commercial- cum- Ticket Clerk in level -3 in Commercial Department
Office Order No. : comml/43/2024 12-Jul-2024 Transfers of staff in Sr. CCTC and CCTC Cadre of Commercial Department of BZA Division
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/Pay Fixation/CC_TC/Vol.III 10-Jul-2024 Re-fixation of pay on exercising option CCTC in L-3 Comml Department
No.SCR/P-BZA/240/I/TC/VR/SSR 03-Jul-2024 Request for Voluntary Retirement from service
No.B/P.578/I/TC/VR/SSR/Vol.III 03-Jul-2024 Acceptance of Voluntary Retirement of Ticket Checking Staff of Commercial Department BZA Divn
Posting Order 02-Jul-2024 Alteration in Name of K.Sandeep Kumar
Office Order No. : NO. COMML./38/2024. 01-Jul-2024 Promotion/Posting in the category of chief Office Superintendent in level -7 of Pay Matrix Commercial Department – Vijayawada Division
No.B/P.535/1/2/1/Vol.6 01-Jul-2024 Promotion/Transfers of CTI in L-7
No. B/P.Con.608/Selections/Jr.Clerk/16 -2/3 quota 29-Jun-2024 Selection for the post of Jr.Clerk cum Typist (erstwhile Group-D to Group-C) in Level-2 (GP 1900/-) of 7th CPC Pay Matrix against 16 2/3 quota in all Departments (except Accounts, Stores & RPF) of BZA Division
No.B/P.535/1/2/1/Vol.6 27-Jun-2024 Pay fixation to the post of CTI
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/CTI/Upgradation/Vol-I 24-Jun-2024 Fixation of pay on exercising option under FR-22 1(a)(1) to staff of Comml Dept of BZA Division
B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/OOs/Vol-I 14-Jun-2024 Allotment of Subjects & Changes in the postings of Commercial Inspectors
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/Comml./UPGRADATION 14-Jun-2024 Up-Gradation of Pay structure to the post of Chief Commercial Supervisor from Level-7 to Level-8 of VII CPC Pay Matrix – in Commercial Supervisors Cadre of Commercial Department – BZA Division.
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/Comml./UPGRADATION 14-Jun-2024 Up-Gradation of Pay structure to the post of Chief Reservation Supervisor from Level-7 to Level-8 of VII CPC Pay Matrix – in Reservation Supervisors Cadre of Commercial Department – BZA Division.
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/TC/Promo/Opt Fix 12-Jun-2024 Fixation of pay on exercising option under FR-22 1(a)(1) to staff of Comml Dept of BZA Division
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/CTI/Upgradation 11-Jun-2024 Up-gradation of pay structure from level-7 to level-8 of 7th CPC to the staff of Commercial Department in BZA Division
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/Min./Comml./Ch.OS 11-Jun-2024 Formation of Selection list for Promotion to the post of Ch.OS in level-7 of Commercial Department- BZA Division
SCR/P.BZA/535/I/CCTC/RESIGNATION 05-Jun-2024 Technical Resignation from service
TC Gen Transfers 30-May-2024 Periodical Transfers
No.B/P.578/I/TC/VR/SAM/Vol.III 29-May-2024 Acceptance of Voluntary retirement of TC staff of comml Dept BZA Div
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/EP/P9/PRQ/Vol.7 27-May-2024 Selection to the post of Jr.Clerk cumTypist i L-2 against 33 1/3% promotion quota BZA Division
Office Order No. : COMML/29/2024 23-May-2024 -Posting of Pro .Commercial- cum -Ticket Clerk & Temporary Transferred of posts of Commercial- cum- Ticket Clerk in level -3 in Commercial Department
Office Order No. : COMML/ 26 /2024 23-May-2024 PERIODICAL TRANSFERS OF COMML STAFF
Office Order No. : COMML/ 23 /2024 23-May-2024 Promotions/Transfers of Chief Commercial Clerk/Commercial Supervisor/Commercial Inspector working in Level6 of VII CPC Pay Matrix
Office Order No. : COMML/30/2024 23-May-2024 Posting of Pro. Sr. Commercial -cum -Ticket Clerk & Transfers of Sr. Commercial -cum -Ticket Clerk in level -5 of staff in Commercial Department.
Office Order No. : COMML/27/2024 22-May-2024 : Transfers of CCTC Cadre of Commercial Department of BZA Division
Office Order No. : COMML/ 24 /2024 22-May-2024 Periodical Transfers of Reservation Supervisors Cadre of Commercial Department of BZA Divn
Office Order No. : COMML/ 25 /2024 22-May-2024 Promotions/Transfers of Commercial Clerk/Commercial Supervisor/Commercial Inspector working in Level-6 of VII CPC Pay Matrix Commercial Department of BZA Divn
L/No.SCR/P.BZA/1/CTG-2024 20-May-2024 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant in favor of Retired staff
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/TC/Vol.II 20-May-2024 Priority list of request Transfers in F/o TC Staff
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/CCTC/Vol.II 16-May-2024 Pay fixation on option
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/TC/FR-22/BVVSCR 15-May-2024 Fixation of pay under FR-22 to Commercial staff
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/CTI/Up-Grade/Vol.1 15-May-2024 Fixation of pay under FR-22 fro Commercial staff
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/TC/Promo/Opt fix 15-May-2024 Fixation of pay under FR-22 1(a)(1) to commercial staff
No.B/P.578/I/TC/VR/KUM/Vol.III 14-May-2024 K.Uma Mahesh VR
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/C/TC/Vol.II 06-May-2024 Implementation of periodical transfers of Railway employees holding sensitive posts - TC Cadre of Commercial department- BZA Div
B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/OOs/Vol-1 30-Apr-2024 Allotment of Subjects & changes in the postings of Ministerial Staff
No.SCR/P-HQ/263/Gaz/C-1/ACM/70%/2023(SD) 26-Apr-2024 List of qualified employees altered for Viva-voice for selection to the posts of ACM,AOM/ATM against 70% quota
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/Complaints Committee/Vol.VI 26-Apr-2024 Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee for prevention of Sexual Harassment of Working Women at BZA Division, composition of Committee
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/SHOutreach 23-Apr-2024 Conducting of "Sneha Hastam" Outreach program for serving and Retired employees of RJY sec of BZA Division on 26.04.2024
Lr.No.SCR/P.BZA/345/SPANDANA /CTG-2023 23-Apr-2024 : Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant in favor of Serving staff
No.B/P.535/1/2/1/Vol.6 22-Apr-2024 Promotion/Transfers of CTI in L-7
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/CTI/Up-Grade/Vol.1 19-Apr-2024 Comml Opt fix-2 L8
No.B/P.535/1/2/1/Vol.6 16-Apr-2024 Promotion/Transfers of CTI in L-7
No.SCR/P-HQ/263/Gaz/C-1/ACM/70%/2023(SD) 10-Apr-2024 Qualified Employees list
No.EO-141805(2020)/Catfg./Rly Share 08-Apr-2024 Provision of optional catering on pre-paid trains
No.SCR/P-BZA/24/I/C/CSR&CC/VOL.III 03-Apr-2024 Priority list
SCR/P.BZA/535/I/CCTC/RESIGNATION 03-Apr-2024 Sri Amir Kumar, CCTC/Amenities/BZA-Technical Resignation from service
Office Order No. : COMML/14/2024 28-Mar-2024 SMT. S.SUBHASINI promotion to the Post of RS-II in Level-6
COMML./15/2024 28-Mar-2024 AMITH KUMAR PAL Transfer/Postings in the cadre of Comml. Dept.,of BZA Divn.
Tenure list 28-Mar-2024 Periodical transfer of Commercial Supervisors/Clerks Cadre staff
No.SCR/P-BZA/143/I/Ministerial/CCTC/Vol.IV 27-Mar-2024 Posting of Jr.Clerk-cum-typist under AEMG in Commercial Dept
No.G.180/CON/EIs/Vol V 27-Mar-2024 Filling up the post of Enquiry Inspector in Level-7 in Enquiry Organisation under SDGM/SCRly/SC
No.SCR/P.BZA/487/I/TC/MACP/Vol.2 21-Mar-2024 Fixation of pay on exercising option FR-22 1(a)(1)
No.SCR/P.BZA/535/I/CTI/Up-Grade/Vol.1 21-Mar-2024 Fixation of pay on exercising option FR-22 1(a)(1)
ACM/30%LDCE/2023(Spl Drive) 20-Mar-2024 Formation of panel fro promotion to Grp B post of ACM against 30% LDCE quota
No.SCR/P-BZA.269/IX/Vol.VI 20-Mar-2024 Posting/Transfer of General Assistants in General Admin Department of BZA Division
B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/OOs/Vol-I 19-Mar-2024 Allotment of subjects & Changes in the postings of Ministerial Staff
Lr.No.SCR/P.BZA/345/SPANDANA /CTG-2023 19-Mar-2024 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant in favor of Serving staff
APO 30% Notification 2024 19-Mar-2024 Formation of group 'B' panel for promotion to post of Assistant Personnel Officer (APO) in Level -8 against 30% quota
No SCR/P-HQ473/Cash Award/ET/EC(e-136122) 14-Mar-2024 Grant of Cash Award
MUTUAL-TRANSFER-MT00012942-POOJA SHARMA 12-Mar-2024 Inter Railway Mutual Transfer of Kum Pooja Sharma, Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk/BZA of BZA division,
OWN-TRANSFER-AKHILESH KUMAR PATEL 12-Mar-2024 Inter Railway Request Transfer of Sri Akhilesh Kumar Patel, Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk/CTI/Amenities/BZA of BZA division,
No.SCR/P.BZA/761/Coml/MACP 05-Mar-2024 Grant of Financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme- Comml Department
No.SCR/P.BZA/761/Coml/MACP 05-Mar-2024 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant in favor of Commercial staff
Lr.No.SCR/P.BZA/345/SPANDANA /CTG-2023 04-Mar-2024 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant in favor of Retired staff
Lr.No.SCR/P.BZA/345/ /CTG-2024 04-Mar-2024 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant in favor of Retired staff
Lr.No. SCR/P.BZA/345/CTG-202 04-Mar-2024 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant in favor of Serving staff
Resignation 29-Feb-2024 Nonithya CC/TC
CC-TC Seniority list 29-Feb-2024 Provisional seniority list of Commercial-cum-ticket Checking Clerk / Commercial cum Ticket Clerk in Level – 3 of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix of COMMERCIAL Department as on 29/02/2024.
No.E(GP)2022/2/4 29-Feb-2024 Promotions to Gr-B Posts through CBT (SD)
No.SCR/P-bza/578/CC-tc/Resig 28-Feb-2024 Technical resignation from service
Resignation 28-Feb-2024 Hemanth Kumar CC/TC
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/Sneha Hastham/2024 27-Feb-2024 Sneha Hastham Outreach Program
SCR/P-BZA/210(a)/Admin/WI's/Vol.5 26-Feb-2024 Posting/Re-distribution of jurisdiction of WI in Personnel Department
Office Order No. : COMML/09/2024 23-Feb-2024 : Inter Divisional Mutual Transfer of Sri.Prakash Kumar, Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk/ GTL, (Level-5) of GTL division of South Central Railway with Sri.S.Uday Kumar, Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk/BZA (Level-5) of BZA Division, S.C Railway
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/Comml.Cadre.Ch.CC/Vol.III 19-Feb-2024 Promotion to the post of CH.CC/CSR/CI in L-6
NO.SCR/P-HQ/262/GAZ/C1/30%/LDCE/Conf/2022 15-Feb-2024 Grp B post ACM in L-8 Selection in Commercial Department
B/P.Con/11/MD/01/2024 14-Feb-2024 Screening for providing alternative employment on Medical grounds
CTI Seniority list 10-Feb-2024 Provisional seniority list of Chief Travelling Ticket Inspector (CTTI) / Ticket Examiner in Level – 7 of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix of COMMERCIAL Department as on 09/02/2024.
seniority list in Level – 8 09-Feb-2024 Provisional seniority list of Chief Travelling Ticket Inspector (CTTI) / Ticket Examiner in Level – 8 of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix of COMMERCIAL Department as on 09/02/2024.
Seniority list of TTI 09-Feb-2024 Provisional seniority list of Travelling Ticket Inspector (TTI) / Ticket Examiner in Level – 6 of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix of COMMERCIAL Department as on 09/02/2024.
Office Order No. : comml07/2024 07-Feb-2024 Posting of Pro.Commercial cum Ticket Clerk & Transfers of Commercial cum Ticket Clerk in level -3 of staff in Commercial Department
No.SCR/P-BZA/210(a)/Nomination 06-Feb-2024 Nomination of Officer in regard to monitor in promotion to persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) & Redressal of grievances
N.B/P.535/I/CC/NPS 06-Feb-2024 Coverage under Railway Services (pension) rules, 1993 in place of NPS - A Kotesh Kumar
N.B/P.535/I/CC/NPS 06-Feb-2024 Coverage under Railway Services (pension) rules, 1993 in place of NPS - G Meena
N.B/P.535/I/CC/NPS 06-Feb-2024 Coverage under Railway Services (pension) rules, 1993 in place of NPS - S Nageswara Rao
Lr.No.BP.S35/\/TE/33 1/3%o quota 06-Feb-2024 Selection for the post of Ticket Examiner in Level-3 of 7h CPC- Pay Matrix against 33 1/3 % quota of 2018 in Commercial Department of BZA Division
No.SCR/P-BZA/299/P9/Gaz/Vol.II 05-Feb-2024 Re-distribution of Officers' duties in Personnel Branch
Seniority List 03-Feb-2024 Provisional seniority list of Commercial Supdt. / Commercial Clerk in Level – 7 of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix of COMMERCIAL Department as on 30/01/2024.
seniority list L-8 03-Feb-2024 Provisional seniority list of Commercial Supdt. / Commercial Clerk in Level – 8 of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix of COMMERCIAL Department as on 30/01/2024.
L-5 Seniority list SrCC 03-Feb-2024 Provisional seniority list of Senior Commercial Clerk / Commercial Clerk in Level – 5 of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix of COMMERCIAL Department as on 01/02/2024.
L-5 Seniority list SrCC 03-Feb-2024 Provisional seniority list of Senior Commercial Clerk / Commercial Clerk in Level – 5 of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix of COMMERCIAL Department as on 01/02/2024.
L-5 Seniority list SrCC 03-Feb-2024 Provisional seniority list of Senior Commercial Clerk / Commercial Clerk in Level – 5 of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix of COMMERCIAL Department as on 01/02/2024.
L-6 Seniority list 03-Feb-2024 Provisional seniority list of Chief Commercial Clerk / Commercial Clerk in Level – 6 of VIIth CPC Pay Matrix of COMMERCIAL Department as on 30/01/2024.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/Comml.Cadre/Ch.CC/Vol.III 02-Feb-2024 Promotions/Transfers of Chief Commercial clerk/Commercial Supervisor/Commercial Inspector in Level-6 of Pay matrix commercial department of BZA Division
Office Order No. : COMML/05/2024 01-Feb-2024 -Posting of Pro.Sr.Commercial cum Ticket Clerk & Transfer of Sr.CC-TCs in level -5 of staff in Commercial Department.
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/Misc/Up-gradation 31-Jan-2024 Up-gradation of Ch.os in L-7 to Ch.os in L-8 of pay matrix in Ministerial cadre of Commercial department- BZA Division
Office Order No. : COMML/03/2024 30-Jan-2024 Inter Railway Mutual Transfer of Sri.Thondamanti Manoj Kumar, Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk/DVD of Waltair division of East Coast Railway with Sri Lokesh Lolugu Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk/SLO of BZA Division, S.C Railway.
Office Order No. : COMM,/02/2024 30-Jan-2024 Inter Railway Mutual Transfer of Sri.Uma Maheswara Rao Puppala, Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk/VSKP of Waltair division of East Coast Railway with Sri Sateesh Yedla, Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk/Amenities/BZA of BZA Division, S.C Railway
Office Order No. : COMML/01/2024 30-Jan-2024 Inter Divisional Mutual Transfer of Sri.B.Vijaya Prasad, CTI/SC Division of S.C.Railway with Sri.P.Srinivasa Rao,CTI/Amenities/BZA of BZA Division, S.C.Railway.
No.B/C.19/staff/ZRTI/Refresher Course 25-Jan-2024 Refresher Course for Commercial Cadre at ZRTI/MLY
No.SCR/SC/P-BZA/695/Misc/2024 25-Jan-2024 Nomination to work as Welfare Inspector/Sports/BZA
No.B/P.608/I/CE&RS/Vol.III 25-Jan-2024 Filling up of vacancies of RS-II in Level-6 of pay matrix in Commercial Department - BZA Division
SCR/P.BZA/345/CTG-202 24-Jan-2024 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant in favor of Serving staff
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.IV 24-Jan-2024 Formation of "Select list" for promotion to the post of Ch.CC/CSR/CI in level -6 of pay matrix in commercial department - BZA Division
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/Misc/Up-gradation 24-Jan-2024 Formation of 'Select list' for Up-gradation of Ch.os in L-7 to Ch.os in L-8 of pay matrix in Ministerial cadre of Commercial department- BZA Division
No.SCR/P-BZA/143/I/CCSR/CC/Vol.IV 23-Jan-2024 Formation of group 'B' panel for promotion to post of Assistant Commercial Manager (ACM) in Level -8 against 70% quota in commercial department through CBT- special drive to fill up the vacancies
No.SCR/P-HQ/263/GAz/C-1/ACM/70%/2023 (SD) 17-Jan-2024 Formation of group 'B' panel for promotion to post of Assistant Commercial Manager (ACM) in Level -8 against 70% quota in commercial department through CBT- special drive to fill up the vacancies
SCR/P.BZA/345/CTG-202 12-Jan-2024 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant in favor of Serving staff
B/C.19/Staff/Misc 10-Jan-2024 Deployment of staff for the upcoming Ayodhya Mela-2024
Lr.No.SCR/P-BZA/761/commercial/MACP Cell 09-Jan-2024 Financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme in favour of - Coml. Department staff
No.SCR/P-HQ/263/Gaz/C-1/ACM/70%/2023 (SD) 08-Jan-2024 Formation of panel for promotion to group 'B' post of Assistant Commercial Manager (ACM) in Level -8 against 70% quota in commercial department through CBT- special drive to fill up the vacancies
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%- LDCE/2022 05-Jan-2024 Formation of panel for promotion to group 'B' post of Assistant Commercial Manager (ACM) in Level -8 against 30% LDCE quota in commercial department
SCR/P-BZA/578/CCTC/REGIG/VOL.I 04-Jan-2024 Technical Resignation from service to the post of Commercial cum Ticket Clerk in level -3 of 7th CPC Pay matrix
Lr.No.578/1/TC/Vol.VIII 04-Jan-2024 Acceptance of Voluntary Retirement of Ticket Checking Staff of Commercial Department- Vijayawada Division
No.C.568/ G.II/COR of TC/Amenities/Squad. 02-Jan-2024 Posting of staff in CTC Squad,Railway Board
No.SCR/P-HQ/263/Gaz/C-1/ACM/70%/2023 (SD) 29-Dec-2023 Formation of panel for promotion to group 'B' post of Assistant Commercial Manager (ACM) in Level -8 against 70% quota in commercial department through CBT- special drive to fill up the vacancies
No.B/p.535/1/Misc/Upgradation 29-Dec-2023 Up-gradation of Ch.os in L-7 to Ch.os in L-8 of pay matrix in Ministerial cadre of Commercial department- BZA Division
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I(DRQ) 29-Dec-2023 practical training of Pro.Commercial cum Ticket clerk in Commercial Department
No.B/P.535/I/Sr.CC-TC/Vol.I(DRQ) 29-Dec-2023 practical training of Pro. Sr. Commercial cum Ticket clerk in Commercial Department
SCR/P-BZA/578/SR.CCTC/RESIG/VOL.I 29-Dec-2023 Resignation from Railway Service to the post of Sr.Commercial cum Ticket Clerk in level -5 of 7th CPC Pay matrix
No.B/G.157/ABT/12/2023 29-Dec-2023 Station wise nomination and allocation of duties to officers and supervisors in view of inaugural run of Amrit Bharat train Ex:MLDT-SMVB (One way)
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol/IV 29-Dec-2023 Promotion to the post of Chief Commercial Supervisor/ Chief Commercial Inspector in level-7 of pay matrix in Commercial Department of Vijayawada Division
Lr.No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 29-Dec-2023 Promotions/Transfers of CTI in level-7 of Pay matrix commercial department of Vijayawada Division
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/Comml.Cadre/Ch.CC/Vol.III 28-Dec-2023 Filling up of vacancies of Ch.CC/CSR/CI in level -6 of pay matrix in commercial department - BZA Division
No.SCR/P-HQ/262(a)GAz/P-89/70% Quota/2024 28-Dec-2023 Formation of panel for promotion to Group 'B' post of Assistant Personnel Officer in Personnel Department against 70% quota in level -8 7th CPC pay matrix through CBT-Special drive to fill up the Vacancies
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol/IV 28-Dec-2023 Formation of "Select list" for promotion to the post of CCSR/CCI in level -7 of pay matrix in commercial department - BZA Division
No.B/P.535/Sr.TE/Vol.I 28-Dec-2023 Formation of 'Select List' for promotion to the post of Sr.TE - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
Lr.No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 27-Dec-2023 Formation of "Select list" for promotion to the post of Chief Ticket Inspector (CTI) in level -7 of pay matrix in commercial department - BZA Division
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/Commercial/Option Cell/Vol.I 21-Dec-2023 Pay fixation on option in favour of staff of commercial department
No.B/P.5351/I/Office Staff/Vol.V. 21-Dec-2023 Promotion/posting in the category of office Superintendent in level-6 of pay Matrix Commercial Department of Vijayawada Division.
Lr.No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Commercial/MACP Cell 20-Dec-2023 Financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme in favour of - Coml. Department staff
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%-LDCE/2022 20-Dec-2023 Formation of panel for promotion to Group 'B' post of Assistant Commercial MAnager in Level-8 in 7th PC pay Matrix agaiinst 30% LDCE quota in Commercila Department
Alternative employment on medical grounds 19-Dec-2023 Alternative employment on medical grounds in the category of CTI of Ticket Checking Cadre - Commercial Department - Vijayawada Division
SCR/P-BZA/655/Settl/RL/2024 19-Dec-2023 Publication of retirement list of the staff retiring on superannuation during the year 2024
Lr.No.B/P.5356/CTI 16-Dec-2023 Formation of 'Select List' for promotion to the post of CTI in level-7 of pay matrix in Commercial Department - BZA Division
No.SCR/P.BZA/761/Comml/MACP cell 13-Dec-2023 Grant of financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme - Coml. Department
Office Order No. : comml/54/2023 12-Dec-2023 Posting of Pro.Sr.Commercial cum Ticket Clerk & Transfers of Ticket Checking staff in Commercial Department
Office Order No. : comml/54/2023 11-Dec-2023 Posting of Pro. Sr. Commercial cum Ticket Clerk & Transfers of Ticket Checking staff in Commercial Department.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/Comml.Cadre/Ch.CC/Vol.III 06-Dec-2023 Promotion to the post of Commercial Supervisor/ Commercial Inspector in Level-6 of Pay Matrix Commercial Department of Vijayawada Division
No/SCR/P.BZA/761/Coml/MACP Cell 06-Dec-2023 Grant of financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme - Coml. Department
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/Up-gradation 01-Dec-2023 Re-fixation of pay on exercising option SC.No.01/2020 Commercial Supervisors/clerks cadre staff of commercial department- BZA Division
B/P.Con/11/MD/02/202 29-Nov-2023 Screening for providing alternative employment on Medical grounds
Lr.No.B/P.220/TC/Vol.I 20-Nov-2023 Filling up One post each at Vijayawada and Secunderabad at EO/E1/E2 level in Catering Department on Deputation basis.
No.B/P.608/I/CE&RS/Vol.III. 09-Nov-2023 Promotion to the post of Reservation Supervisor-II in level-6 of pay matrix in Commercial Department of Vijayawada Division.
Lr-No B/P.535/CC-TC/ 33 1/3% Quota 08-Nov-2023 Promotion/Posting of Pro Commercial cum Ticket Clerk in Level-3 of Pay matrix against 33 1/3% quota & Transfers of CC-&C & Sr.CC-TC - Commercial Department - Vijayawada Division.
No.SCR/P-BZA/168/Co-Ord/Per tfr./Coml. 03-Nov-2023 Permanent transfer of Non-Gazetted posts in the Commercial Department ( Ticket Checking Staff)Of Vijayawada Division -Reg
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/Commercial/Option Cell/Vol.I 31-Oct-2023 Pay Fixation on option in favour of TC Staff - Comml. DEpt. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/Sr.CC-TC/IDT/Vol.I 31-Oct-2023 Posting order in f/o Sri Y.Sanyasi Naidu, CSR/NED as Sr.CCTC on bottom seniority on transfer to BZA Divn. on IDRT - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/Option Cell/Vol.i 31-Oct-2023 Ineligible List of Comml. Staff who applied for Option Fixation.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 20-Oct-2023 Promotions/Transfers of CTIs & TTIs - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
B/C.19/Staff/Misc. 19-Oct-2023 Relieving of Comml. Staff to work as Instructor/Commercial on temporary basis at ZRTI/MLY.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.IV 18-Oct-2023 Promotion to the post of CRS/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/I/CE&RS/Vol.III 16-Oct-2023 Promotions/Transfers of CRS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.ZRTI/673/Exams/Pro.CCTC 4/23/Result 10-Oct-2023 Results of Pro.CC-TC of Batch No. 4/23
No.SCR/P-HQ/E-Admn/608/Protocol Inspector 06-Oct-2023 Formation of panel for the post of Protocol Inspector (ex-cadre) in Level - 6 of 7th CPC in GM/O/SC @ NDLS.
No.2023/IRCTC/CO/HRD/SCZ Posts 05-Oct-2023 Filling up of 02 posts of Asst. Manager (E2) / Sr.Executive (E1) / Executive (EO) in Catering Dept. each post at BZA & SC on deputation basis.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.IV 03-Oct-2023 Promotions/Transfers of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/Comml.Cadre/Ch.CC/Vol.III 03-Oct-2023 Promotions/Transfers of CSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.C.CCM/Selection of ACMs 21-Sep-2023 Formation of panel for promotion as ACM against 70% Quota - Comml. Dept. - SCR Zone..
B/C.19/Staff/JPO/BVRT 21-Sep-2023 Nomination of Station Manager (Commercial) at BVRT.
B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/OOs/Vol.I 21-Sep-2023 Allotment of subjects & Changes in the postings of Ministerial Staff of Sr.DCM/O/BZA.
No.B/P.608/VI/T/60& PRO/Vol.8 21-Sep-2023 Promotion/Postings as Goods Train Manager - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
BZA TC STAFF 20-Sep-2023 Certificate of Appreciation to Shri G. Lakshmaiah, TTI/Amenities/BZA.
No.B/P.608/I/CE&RS/Vol.III 13-Sep-2023 Formation of 'Select List' for promotion to the post of CRS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
Lr.No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 12-Sep-2023 Promotions/Transfers of CTI & TTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CTI/Upgradation 12-Sep-2023 Pay fixation on upgradation post - CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMML/40/2023 07-Sep-2023 Postings of Pro. Sr.CCTC & Transfers of Sr.CCTC & CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CTI/Upgradation 04-Sep-2023 Up-gradation of pay structure to the post of CTI from level - 7 to level - 8 - TC Staff - BZA Divn.
B/C.19/Staff/MPP 01-Sep-2023 Practical training of Pro-CCTCs
No. B/P.535/I/Office Staff/Vol.V 31-Aug-2023 Re-fixation of pay on exercising option under SC.No. 01/2020 Ministerial Cadre - Comml. Dept.- BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/578/TC/Resig 28-Aug-2023 Resignation of C.Martina, TTI/Amenities/BZA from Railway Service to the post of TTI.
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/Up-Gradation 18-Aug-2023 Pay fixation on upgradation post - CCSR - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/UP-gradation 18-Aug-2023 Pay fixation on upgradation post - CRS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. B/P.535/CC-TC/DRQ//Vol.I 17-Aug-2023 Appointment for the post of Pro.CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.C.571/G.II/TC/Targets/HFS/2019 16-Aug-2023 Relieving of Shri R.S.V.Raju, CTI/BZA.
No.SCR/P-BZA/Independence day/AKAM 15-Aug-2023 Nomination of meritorious staff for Independence Day celebrations on 15.08.23.
No.ZRTI/673/CCTC/Trg 14-Aug-2023 Directing of P.Naresh, Pro Sr.CCTCs to ZRTI/MLY
No.SCR/[-BZA/209/EP/P9/JC-PRQ/Vol.6 04-Aug-2023 Promotion to the post of Jr. Clerk cum Typist - Ministerial Cadre
No. SCR/P-BZA/210/I/Comml. Cadre/Ch.CC/Vol.III 02-Aug-2023 Promotions/Transfers of CSR/CI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No. SCR/P-BZA/222/IRRT/Transfer Cell/Commercial 02-Aug-2023 Submission of IRRT through HRMS Transfer Module.
No.B/P.535/I/Sr.CC-TC/Vol.I(DRQ) 01-Aug-2023 Posting of Pro. Sr.CCTC &Transfers of Sr.CCTC & CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.IV 01-Aug-2023 Promotions/Transfers of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/ECRC/General Transfers 01-Aug-2023 Transfers of Reservation Supervisors (ECRC) - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No. 2023/IRCTC/CO/HRD/SCZ POSTS 31-Jul-2023 Filling up of 02 posts of Asst. Manager (E2) / Sr.Executive (E1) / Executive (EO) in Catering Dept. each post at BZA & SC on deputation basis.
B/P.Con/11/MD/01/2023 27-Jul-2023 Screening for providing alternative employment on Medical grounds.
No. RRC/SCR/GDCE/01/2023 27-Jul-2023 GDCE Notification.
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/EP/P9/JC-PRQ/Vol.6 25-Jul-2023 Formation of select list for the post of Jr. Clerk cum Typist - BZA Divn.
No. ZRTI/673/CCTC/Batch-3/Trg 19-Jul-2023 Initial Training programme to the post of CCTC.
N.ZRTI/673/Exams/Pro.Sr.CCTC 4/23/Result 19-Jul-2023 Results of Pro. Sr.CCTC of Batch No. 4/23.
No.C.415/E/IRTM/Staff/2023 18-Jul-2023 Nomination of Senior Commercial Supervisors for course on "Commercial and Business Development".
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml/MACPP Cell 14-Jul-2023 Grant of financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme - Comml. Dept.
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/EP/P9/JC-LDCE/Vol.6 13-Jul-2023 Eligibility List - Formation of panel for Jr.Clerk cum Typist - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/260/Gaz/TT&C/2023 13-Jul-2023 Gazetted Arrangements in TT&C Department.
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/UP-gradation 11-Jul-2023 Up-gradation of pay structure - CRS from level -7 to level-8 - ECRC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/Up-gradation 11-Jul-2023 Up-gradation of pay structure - CCSR from level -7 to level-8 - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/EP/P9/JC-PRQ/Vol.6 10-Jul-2023 Results of Written Exam for Formation of Panel for filling up of posts - Jr.Clerk cum Typist - BZA Divn.
No.2022/TG-V/21/53 06-Jul-2023 Posting of Staff in CTC Squad, Railway Board.
No.SCR/P-HQ/235 (a)/EC/CI/2022 05-Jul-2023 Filling up of vacancies of Commercial Inspectors in Headquarters Commercial Dept.
No. B/P.535/I/CC-TC/33 1/3% quota 05-Jul-2023 Selection for the post of CC-TC against 33 1/3% General Selection - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.11/1/2/Vol.4 03-Jul-2023 Absorption of T.Rajesh, SM/BZA as TTI/BZA - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/225/EP/RCT 30-Jun-2023 Filling up of non-gazetted posts in RCT/Amaravati bench/Guntur/Andhra Pradesh.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 30-Jun-2023 Promotions/Transfers of CTI & TTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/I/UP-gradation 30-Jun-2023 Up-gradation of pay structure to the post of CCSR - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CTI/Upgradation 30-Jun-2023 Up-gradation of pay structure to the post of CTI - TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/Office Staff/Vol.V 28-Jun-2023 Promotion to the post of Sr.Clerk - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
B/C.19/Sr.DCM Office/OOs/Vol.I 27-Jun-2023 Changes in the postings & subject allotments of Ministerial staff & Inspectors.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol..6 27-Jun-2023 Promotions/Transfers of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/EP/P9/LDCE/Vol.6 23-Jun-2023 Formation of Panel for filling up of posts -Jr.Clerk cum Typist - BZA Divn.
No.C.415/E/IRTM/Staff/2023 22-Jun-2023 Nomination of Senior Commercial Supervisors for course on "Commercial and Business Development".
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml/MACP 20-Jun-2023 Grant of fimacial upgradation under MACP Scheme - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.487/I/Comml.Gr.D/MACPS/Vol.IV 16-Jun-2023 Re-fixation of pay on exercising option - Erstwhile Group 'D' Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.524/1/5/TE/Pay Fixation 16-Jun-2023 Pay fixation on Promotion to the post of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.676/1/2/IDT/AG/Vol.4 14-Jun-2023 IDT of Sri M. Srinivas, TTI/Amenities/BZA on administrative grounds.
No.B/P.535/I/Office Staff/Vol.V 14-Jun-2023 Filling up of vacancies - Sr.Clerk - Promotional Quota - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P.BZA/345/SPANDANA/CTG-2023 14-Jun-2023 Sanction of CTG in favour of serving staff.
O.O No. COMML/17/2023 13-Jun-2023 Promotion/posting in the category of OS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/EP/P9/JC-PRQ/Vol.6 13-Jun-2023 Formation of panel for filling up of posts in the cadre of Jr. Clerk cum Typist - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P.BZA/345/SPANDANA/CTG-2023 12-Jun-2023 Sanction of CTG in favour of serving staff.
No.SCR/P.BZA/345/SPANDANA/CTG-2023 12-Jun-2023 Sanction of CTG in favour of serving staff.
No.SCR/P/BZA/Spandana/LE/2023 06-Jun-2023 Sanction of EOL.
No.B/P.535/CC-TC/33 1/3% Quota 03-Jun-2023 Exam Centres - Selection to the post of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/Misc/Upgradation 02-Jun-2023 Up-gradation of pay structure to the post of Ch.OS from level - 7 to level - 8 - Ministerial Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 31-May-2023 Promotion/Posting of Pro. CCTC & Transfers of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
B/C.568/TC/BZA depot merging 30-May-2023 Allocation of duties & posting of new incumbents to TC Depot/BZA.
No.B/P.535/TC/General Transfers 30-May-2023 Periodical transfers of TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/BZA/241/I/C/CSR&CSR/Vol.III 29-May-2023 Periodical transfer of CSR/CC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/578/CC-TC/Resig 26-May-2023 Resignation from service to the post of CC-TC by Sri V.Sarath Chandra.
No.B/P,535/ECRC/General Transfers 20-May-2023 Periodical transfer of ECRC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/EP/P9/PRQ/Vol.6 19-May-2023 Formation of panel for filling up of posts in the cadre of Jr.Clerk cum Typist
No.B/P.535/CC-TC/33 1/3% Quota 12-May-2023 Exam date Fixed - Selection to the post of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No. B/P.420/V/COMML./CCL/SPANDANA 11-May-2023 Sanction of Child Care Leave for Non-Gazetted Staff.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210(a)/EP/SC/LDCE/Vol.II 09-May-2023 Promotion to the post of Sr.Clerk cum Typist - Ministerial Cadre - All Depts. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210(a)/EP/OS/LDCE/Vol.2 09-May-2023 Promotion to the post of OS - Ministerial Cadre - All Depts. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/225/EP/RCT 06-May-2023 Filling up of Non-gazetted posts in RCT Tribunal - Amaravati Bench/GNT.
No.B/P.BZA/420/COMML./SPANDANA 05-May-2023 Sanction of Maternity Leave in favour of Smt, S.Menaka, TTI/BVRM Squad.
No.ZRTI/ATP/Ref.Comml/2023 29-Apr-2023 Postponement of Refresher Course for Commercial cadre for the Year 2023.
No.B/P.535/Transfers/I/TC/Vol.I 28-Apr-2023 Priority List of request Transfers of BZA TC Staff.
No.B/P.535/Sr.CC-TC/PQ/Vol.I 27-Apr-2023 Promotions/Transfers of Sr.CC-TC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/227/Sel/Instructors/Comml/Misc. 21-Apr-2023 Posting of Sri K.V.Subba Rao, RS/Sr.DCM/O/BZA at Hqrs Office.
O.O No. COMML/09/2023 20-Apr-2023 Posting of Sri K.V.Subba Rao, RS/Sr.DCM/O/BZA at Hqrs Office..
No.B/P.535/I/Office Staff/Vol.V 12-Apr-2023 Formation of 'Select List' for promotion to the post of OS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/235(a)/EC/CI/2021 12-Apr-2023 Posting of Sri K.V.Subba Rao, RS/Sr.DCM/O/BZA.
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/C/TC/Vol.II 11-Apr-2023 Implementation of periodical transfers of Railway Employees holding sensitive posts - TC Cadre of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SC/P-HQ/262(a)/Ga/P-9/70% quota/2022 05-Apr-2023 Formation of panel for promotion to Group 'B' post of APO - 70% Quota - Personnel Dept.
No.B/C.19/Staff/Misc. 05-Apr-2023 Results for Selection of Temporary Instructor at ZRTI.
B/C.19/staff/Training 03-Apr-2023 Nomination of Senior Supervisors for Kayakalp Training Programme.
FELICITATION 01-Apr-2023 Felicitation to Sri M.J.MATHEWS, CTI/GDV Squad by PCCM/SC on 01.04.2023.
No.C.571/TC/Div/Review/Vol.XXIII 30-Mar-2023 Felicitation of TC Staff .
No.SCR/P-BZA/24I/I/CSR & CC/Vol.II 27-Mar-2023 List of Periodical transfer of CSR/CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.676/I/ECRC'S/Vol.8 27-Mar-2023 List of Periodical transfer of ECRC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/Office Staff/Vol.V 27-Mar-2023 Filling up of vacancies of OS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/608/IV/Typing/2023 24-Mar-2023 Results of Typewriting Proficiency test on Personal Computer held on 05.03.2023.
No.2021/CRIS/NDLA-HQ/PERS/DEPUTATION/3842/PT.1 21-Mar-2023 Vacancy Notice No. 22/2023 for the post of Asst. Manager (PMS Group)/PTTL Project,
No.G.10/IT/Web/Vol.ii 17-Mar-2023 Launching of new Zonal ORH
No.B/P.535/CC-TC/33 1/3% Quota 16-Mar-2023 Exam Postponed - Selection to the post of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
SCR/P-BZA/Transfer Cell/Misc. 16-Mar-2023 Flow Chart for Processing of IDRT/IRRT/IRMT applications in HRMS - BZA Divn.
No.Z/SEC/A/RWA/LX 15-Mar-2023 68th Zonal Railways Awards - 2023.
No.SCR/P/BZA/Spandana/LE/2023 15-Mar-2023 Sanction of EOL.
No.SCR/P-BZA/483/VI/Comml./SPANDANA 15-Mar-2023 Sanction of Ex-India leave in favour of Sri M.Sreenivasulu, TTI/SL/BZA.
No.SCR/P-BZA/143/I/C/CSR/CC/Vol.IV 08-Mar-2023 Transfer/Posting of CSR Cadre Staff - Absorption of Medically decategorised staff against working post - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMML/5/2023 06-Mar-2023 Promotion/Posting of D.Stalin,Ch.OS in Commercial. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No:B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/O.Os/Vol-I 03-Mar-2023 Allotment of subjects among the office staff of Sr.DCM/O/BZA.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol..6 01-Mar-2023 Promotion/Transfers of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P,535/Sr.CC-TC/PQ/Vol.i 01-Mar-2023 Promotion/Transfers of Sr.CCTC & CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMML/02/2023 28-Feb-2023 Promotion to the post of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/CC-TC/33 1/3% Quota 27-Feb-2023 Exam Postponed - Selection to the post of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
B/C.19/staff/trainings 23-Feb-2023 Nominated Staff - Course on "Hands-on training on First Aid & Trauma management during golden hour at Accident site" for Onboard Supervisors & Staff from 27.02.23 to 01.03.23 at IRIDM/SBC.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/Commercial/Option Cell/Vol.I 23-Feb-2023 Pay fixation on option in favour of CTIs - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml/MACP Cell 22-Feb-2023 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour Staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.ZRTI/673/Temp.Intr/1 22-Feb-2023 Selection of Temporary Instructor at ZRTI.
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM/O/Vol.XI 21-Feb-2023 Nomination of Ms. Sk.Afreen, Jr.Clerk to handle 'Transfer Module' of HRMS.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol-IV 17-Feb-2023 Selection to the Ex-cadre post of Instructor/ZRTI/MLY.
No.B/C.19/staff/ZRTI/Refresher Course 17-Feb-2023 Refresher Course for Commercial Cadre for the Year 2023 through online/offline mode.
No:B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/O.Os/Vol-I 15-Feb-2023 Allotment of subjects among the office staff of Sr.DCM/O/BZA.
No.ZRTI/ATP/Ref.Comml/2023 15-Feb-2023 Refresher Course for Commercial cadre for the year 2023 through online/offline mode.
No.SCR/P-BZA/608/IV/Typing 14-Feb-2023 Exemption from passing Typewriting Test - Ministerial staff of BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/608/IV/Typing 14-Feb-2023 Conducting of Typewriting proficiency test to Sr.Clerks & Jr.Clerks of all Depts. of BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/I/ECRC's/Vol.9 13-Feb-2023 Priority list of request transfers - ECRC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/CSR & CC/Vol.II 13-Feb-2023 Priority list of request transfers - Category of CCSR/CCI, Ch.CC/CSR/CI & Sr.CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/CC-TC/33 1/3% Quota 10-Feb-2023 Alert Notice - Selection to the post of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
BZA TC STAFF 09-Feb-2023 Certificate of Appreciation to BZA TC Staff for the month of DEC 2022.
No.SCR/P/BZA/Spandana/LE/2023 08-Feb-2023 Sanction of EOL.
No.B/P.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 07-Feb-2023 Acceptance of VRS of Sri P.Gangadhar, CTI/COR/BZA
No.B/P.612/I/TTI 03-Feb-2023 Provisional Seniority List of TTIs - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.612/I/CTI 03-Feb-2023 Provisional Seniority List of CTIs - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.612/I/Sr.CC-TC 03-Feb-2023 Provisional Seniority List of Sr.CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/483/VI/Comml./SPANDANA 03-Feb-2023 Sanction of Ex-India leave.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol-IV 01-Feb-2023 Selection to the Ex-cadre post of Instructor/ZRTI/MLY - Class Room Lecture traIl.
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr,DCM/O/Vol.XI 01-Feb-2023 Reservation in Promotions with bench mark disability (PwBDS)
No,SCR/P-BZA/655/Settl/RL/02/2023 01-Feb-2023 Publication of retirement list of the staff retiring on superannuation during the period from 28.02.2023 to 31.12.2023.
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/C/CI/CS. 31-Jan-2023 Provisional Seniority List of CCSRs/Inspectors,CSRs/Inspectors, Sr.CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.ECR/P-BZA/210/Commercial/Option Cell/Vol.I 30-Jan-2023 Pay fixation on option in favour of staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/09/Admin/WI-LDCE 35%/Vol.12 25-Jan-2023 Eligible & Ineligible List for Selection to the post of S & WI.
No.ZRTI/Temporary-Instructions/2023 25-Jan-2023 Screening of temporary Instructors from divisions.
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/I/C/ECRC/Vol.II 24-Jan-2023 Provisional Seniority List of Reservation Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/I/C/Group 'D' Staff 24-Jan-2023 Provisional Seniority List of Erstwhile Group 'D' Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P/BZA/Spandana/LE/2023 23-Jan-2023 Sanction of EOL.
No.Safety/387/Misc/Man of the month/2023 23-Jan-2023 "Man of the Month" award for P.Durga Prasad, TTI/SL/BZA.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol-IV 23-Jan-2023 Selection to the Ex-cadre post of Instructor/ZRTI/MLY.
B/C.19/Staff/Misc 23-Jan-2023 Screening of temporary Instructors from divisions.
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/09/Admin/WI-LDCE 35%/Vol.12 23-Jan-2023 Selection to the post of S & WI.
No.Safety/387/Misc/Man of the month/2023 20-Jan-2023 "Man of the Month" awards at Zonal level.
No.SCR/P.BZA/345/SPANDANA/CTG-2022 19-Jan-2023 Sanction of CTG in favour of serving staff.
No.Safety.157/MOM/2023 19-Jan-2023 Distribution of "Man of the Month" awards for the months of April 22 to November 22.
No./NAIR/SPTM/FD/023 14-Jan-2023 72nd Foundation Day Celebration on 31.01.2023 - Invitation to award Winners @ Sri V.Ravi Varma, ACM/BZA.
No.B/P.524/I/5/TE/Pay Fixation 13-Jan-2023 Pay fixation on promotion to the post of TTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.524/I/5/TE/Pay Fixation 13-Jan-2023 Pay fixation on promotion to the post of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.487/I/TC/MACP/Vol.2 13-Jan-2023 Fixation on option under FR 22 1(a)(1) on grant of financial upgradation under MACPS in f/o staff of TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn..
No.SCR/P-BZA/227/Sel/Instructors/Comml./Misc. 12-Jan-2023 Posting as CI in Hqrs Office - Comml. Dept.
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml./MACP Cell 12-Jan-2023 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of TC Staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
SCR/P/BZA/Spandana/LE/2023 12-Jan-2023 Sanction of EOL.
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml./MACP Cell 11-Jan-2023 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of S.S.ANIL KUMAR, TTI/GDV Sqd - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml./MACP Cell 11-Jan-2023 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of TC and CC staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
B/C.Sr.DCM/Misc. 06-Jan-2023 On Job Training of IRTS (P) 2019 (EOL) batch.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol-IV 03-Jan-2023 Written examination for Selection to the Ex-cadre post of Instructor/ZRTI/MLY.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.IV 30-Dec-2022 Promotion to the post of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/Comml.Cadre/Ch.CC/Vol.III 30-Dec-2022 Promotion to the post of Ch.CC/CSR/CI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/Sr.TE/Vol.I 30-Dec-2022 Promotions/Transfers of Sr.TE - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/Sr.CC/Vol.I 30-Dec-2022 Promotions/Transfers of Sr.CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/Sr.CC-TC/PQ/Vol.I 30-Dec-2022 Promotions/Transfers of Sr.CC-TC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 30-Dec-2022 Promotion/Posting of Pro CC-TC & Transfers of CC-TC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 30-Dec-2022 Promotion/Transfers of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 30-Dec-2022 Promotion/Transfers of TTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/GDCE/Vol.I 30-Dec-2022 Promotion/Posting of Kamaljeet Kumar, Pro CC-TC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/Office Staff/Vol.V 29-Dec-2022 Promotion/posting to the post of OS - Comml. DEpt. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/Ch.CC/CSR/CI/Vol.III 29-Dec-2022 Formation of 'Select List' for promotion to the post of Ch.CC/CCSR/CI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/O.Os/Vol-I 28-Dec-2022 Allotment of subjects among the Sr,DCM/O Staff.
No.B/P.535/Sr.CC/Vol.I 28-Dec-2022 Formation of 'Select List' for promotion to the post of Sr.CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/Sr.CC-TC/PQ/Vol.I 28-Dec-2022 Formation of 'Select List' for promotion to the post of Sr.CC-TC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
BZA TC STAFF 27-Dec-2022 Certificate of Appreciation to BZA TC Staff for the month of NOV 2022.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.IV 27-Dec-2022 Formation of 'Select List' for promotion to the post of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P/BZA/Spandana/LE/2022 27-Dec-2022 Sanction of EOL.
No.ECR/P-BZA/210/Commercial/Option Cell/Vol.I 27-Dec-2022 Pay fixation on option in favour of CTIs - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/167/Co-Ord/Upgrad/Engg-Comml-Mech 22-Dec-2022 Upgradation of the Posts in Civil Engineering, Commercial and Mechanical Depts.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 22-Dec-2022 Formation of 'Select List' for promotion to the post of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262(a)/Gaz/P-9/30% LDCE Quota/2022 21-Dec-2022 Alert Notice for Viva-Voce @ APO Selection
No.B/P.608/VI/I/SM/Vol.6 20-Dec-2022 Relieving of Staff selected for the post of SM against 25% promotional quota - Operating Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P/BZA/Spandana/LE/2022 20-Dec-2022 Sanction of EOL.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/Ch.CC/CSR/CI/Vol.III 19-Dec-2022 Filling up of vacancies of Ch.CC/CSR/CI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 19-Dec-2022 Request for Voluntary Retirement from service.
No.B/P.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 19-Dec-2022 Acceptance of VRS of Sri G.Sudhakar, CTI/NLR Stn.
No.B/P.420/V/COMML./CCL/SPANDANA 16-Dec-2022 Sanction of CCL for Non - Gazetted Staff.
No.B/P.221/I/CC-TC/IDRT/Vol. 13-Dec-2022 Posting Order of M.Chitti Babu,CCTC/NRP.
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/DSBF/2022. 04-Dec-2022 DSBF Employees Hoilday Camp to GHY, Shillong & Cherapunji from 05.12.22 to 12.12.22.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/P-9/30% LDCE/2022 02-Dec-2022 Formation of panel for promotion as APO against 30% Quota - Personnel Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.2021/V-1/INSP/2/1 02-Dec-2022 Selection of Investigating Inspector (Vig.)/Traffic.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol.IV 01-Dec-2022 Selection to the ex-cadre post of Instructor (Commercial) at ZRTI/MLY.
O.O No. COMM/59/2022 30-Nov-2022 Promotion/Posting of K.Lingeswara Rao,Ch.OS in Commercial. Dept. - BZA Divn.
BZA TC STAFF 26-Nov-2022 Certificate of Appreciation to BZA TC Staff for the month of OCT 2022.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCS/CCI/Vol.IV 25-Nov-2022 Filling up of vacancies of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/I/E & RD/RCT 25-Nov-2022 Repatriation and Transfers of RS Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/PBZA/721/DSBF/2022 25-Nov-2022 Publication of the list of Campers for DSBF Employees Holiday Camp to GHY,Shillong & Cherapunji - BZA Divn.
No.2022/TG-V/21/53 23-Nov-2022 Posting of Staff in CTC Squad, Railway Board.
No.B/P.11/1/Office Staff 23-Nov-2022 Absorption of Medically decategorised Staff in alternative post in Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.420/V/COMML/CCL/SPANDANA 18-Nov-2022 Sanction of Child Care Leave for Non-Gazetted Staff.
No.E(NG)I-2022/PM20/2 18-Nov-2022 Eligibility of Level - 1 (Group 'D') employees for appearing the selection of Publicity Inspector of Level - 5.
No.B/P.487/I/TC/MACP/Vol.2 16-Nov-2022 Fixation on option under FR 22 1(a)(1) on grant of financial upgradation under MACPS in f/o Sri Ch.V.S.Rama Krishna, CTI/COR/BZA - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn..
No.B/P.535/Office Staff/Vol.V 15-Nov-2022 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of Ch.OS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P.BZA/345/SPANDANA/CTG-2022 15-Nov-2022 Sanction of CTG in favour of serving staff.
No.SCR/P.BZA/345/SPANDANA/CTG-2022 15-Nov-2022 Sanction of CTG in favour of serving staff.
No.B/P.535/I/Office Staff/ Vol.IV 14-Nov-2022 Promotion to the post of Ch.OS/S.DCM/O/BZA @ Sri K.George Victor.
No.SCR/P/BZA/Spandana/LE/2022 14-Nov-2022 Sanction of EOL.
No.SCR/P-HQ/409/EC/I/RCT/AMVT 10-Nov-2022 Filling up of Non-gazetted posts in RCT/AMVT.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 08-Nov-2022 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
NAIR 06-Nov-2022 Web Page
No.SCR/P-HQ/228/EC/CLAs/XIV 04-Nov-2022 Filling up of vacancies for selection to the post of CLA .
No.B/P.535/CC-TC/33 1/3% Quota 04-Nov-2022 Selection to the post of CC-TC - General Selection - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC 31-Oct-2022 Transfers of CC-TC in Commercial Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMM/56/2022 31-Oct-2022 Promotion/Posting of Pro.CCTC in Commercial. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMM/52/2022 31-Oct-2022 Promotion/Posting of Sr.CC in Commercial. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMM/53/2022 31-Oct-2022 Promotions/Transfers of Ch.CC/CSR/CI in Commercial. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMM/51/2022 31-Oct-2022 Promotions/Transfers of CCSR/CI in Commercial. Dept. - BZA Divn.
BZA TC STAFF 29-Oct-2022 Certificate of Appreciation to BZA TC Staff for the month of SEP 2022.
No.E(GP)2018/3/8 (Traffic) 28-Oct-2022 IRTS Notification.
No.SCR/P-HQ/MD/401/Seniority List/Vol.I 25-Oct-2022 Publication of provisional seniority list of the Ministerial category of Office Superintendents.
BZA TC STAFF 25-Oct-2022 Certificate of Appreciation to BZA TC Staff for the month of AUG 2022.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%-LDCE/2022 21-Oct-2022 Written Examination for ACM Post against 30% Quota - Comml. Dept.
No.B/P.535/I/Comml.Cadre/Misc. 12-Oct-2022 Medical Examination in Class A2 & below.
SCR/P-HQ/235 (a)/EC/CI/2022 11-Oct-2022 Posting as Commercial Inspectors in Hqrs Office - Comml. Dept.
No.B/C.419/IV/NR/Oct-2022 11-Oct-2022 Clearance of Commercial debits.
B/C.19/staff/trainings 08-Oct-2022 Nominated Staff - Course on "Hands-on training on First Aid & Trauma management during golden hour at Accident site" for Onboard Supervisors & Staff from 10.10.22 to 12.10.22 at IRIDM/SBC.
No.SCR/P-BZA/222/TE Cadre 06-Oct-2022 IDMT of Sri Jami.Santhosh, TTI/ATY/SC Divn.SCR with Sri U.Ramesh Reddy,TTI/SL/BZA.
No.C.415/E/CC&CI/Genl/2021 06-Oct-2022 Selection of CIs in Headquarters Commercial Dept.
No.B/M/IRIDM/08/HOT-FA & TMT/Course 01-Oct-2022 Course on "Hands-on training on First Aid & Trauma management during golden hour at Accident site" for Onboard Supervisors & Staff from 10.10.22 to 12.10.22 at IRIDM/SBC.
No.B/P.535/General Transfers 30-Sep-2022 Transfer of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SGW/P.98/Vol.XXI/Act Apprentices 30-Sep-2022 Notification for Engagement of Act Apprentices on Railway under Apprentices ACT 1961 for the year 2022 - 23.
No. B/P.420/V/COMML./CCL/SPANDANA 28-Sep-2022 Sanction of Child Care Leave for Non-Gazetted Staff.
No.CCI/BZA/Staff Matters/2022 26-Sep-2022 Monitoring Duties in view of Dasara traffic.
No.B/C.19/Staff matters 24-Sep-2022 Special duties in connection with anticipated additional passenger traffic at BZA Station in view of Dussehra Festival - 2022.
No. B/P.487/I/TC/MACP/Vol.2 23-Sep-2022 Fixation on option :under MACPs in favouring of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn..
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/70%/Comml/2022 23-Sep-2022 Postponing of Written Examination for ACM Post against 70% Quota - Comml. Dept.
SCR/P.BZA/345/Spandana/CTG-22/E-File no 261942 22-Sep-2022 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant
N.ZRTI/673/Exams/Pro.CC TC 2/22/Result 22-Sep-2022 Results of Pro.CC-TC of Batch No. 2/22
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/70%/Comml/2022 21-Sep-2022 Written Examination for ACM Post against 70% Quota - Comml. Dept.
No.B/P.535/I/Office Staff/ Vol.IV 21-Sep-2022 IR one way transfer of Smt. M.Pakeeramma, OS/CDO/BBQ/MAS to BZA Divn on Spouse account.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%-LDCE/2022 20-Sep-2022 Breakup Marks for ACM Exam.
B/C No. 568/Station Squad 20-Sep-2022 Deputation of Staff to work in "Station Squad".
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/Welfare Section/FA/2022. 19-Sep-2022 Termination of service in case of Ch.V.S.Rama Krishna, CTI/COR/BZA.
O.O No. COMM/46/2022 13-Sep-2022 Promotion/Posting in the category of Ch.OS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/655/Settl/RL/04/2022 13-Sep-2022 Publication of retirement list of the staff retiring on superannuation on 31.10.22, 30.11.22 & 31.12.22.
No.B/P.524/1/5/TE/Pay Fixation 12-Sep-2022 Pay fixation on promotion to the post of CC-TC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/209/E-Admn/Comp.Ispt/Vol-III 07-Sep-2022 Selection to fill up one post of Complaint Inspector (Ex. Cadre) on tenure basis in GM's Office/SC.
SCR/P.BZA/345/Spandana/CTG-22/E-File no 253543 06-Sep-2022 CTG in favour of serving staff.
SCR/P.BZA/345/Spandana/CTG-22/E-File no 261942 05-Sep-2022 Sanction of CTG.
No.SCR/P-BZA/299/P9/Gaz/Vol.II 05-Sep-2022 Re-distribution of Officers duties in BZA Personnel Branch.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 02-Sep-2022 Promotion/Transfers of CTI/TTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.420/V/COMML/CCL/SPANDANA 02-Sep-2022 Sanction of CCL for Non - Gazetted Commercial Staff
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/C/CI/CS/CC 30-Aug-2022 Formation of Select List for the post of Ch.CC/CSR/CI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol.IV 30-Aug-2022 Selection to the ex-cadre post of Instructor (Commercial) at ZRTI/MLY.
No:B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/O.Os/Vol-I 29-Aug-2022 Allotment of subjects among the office staff of Sr.DCM/O/BZA.
No.C.568/G.II/COR of TC/Amenities/Squad. 25-Aug-2022 Posting of staff in CTC Squad, Railway Board.
No.SCR/P/BZA/210(a)/Admn/Wis/Vol.5 23-Aug-2022 Re-distribution of Jurisdictions of Welfare Inspectors in Sr.DPO/O/BZA.
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml./MACP Cell 23-Aug-2022 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of TC staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.E(NG)I/2020/PM3/4 23-Aug-2022 Selection of ex-cadre posts of PRS & UTS Organisation.
C415/E/ECRC/Genl/Vol.III 16-Aug-2022 Deployment of ECRC staff in TC activities.
No.SCR/P-BZA/Independence day/AKAM 13-Aug-2022 Nomination of meritorious staff for Independence Day celebrations on 15.08.22.
No.SCR/P-BZA/Independence Day Celebrations 10-Aug-2022 Nomination of Meritorious.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I(CG) 04-Aug-2022 Posting of Pro. CC-TC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/Sr.CC-TC/Vol.I(CG) 04-Aug-2022 Posting of Pro.Sr. CC-TC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I(LDCE) 04-Aug-2022 Promotion/Posting of Pro.CC-TC & Transfers of CC-TC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P/BZA/235/9/Admn/Vol.XVII 04-Aug-2022 Transfer of staff of Personnel Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.III 03-Aug-2022 Promotions/transfers of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30&-LDCE/2022 01-Aug-2022 Eligible LIst & Alert Notice for ACM Exam.
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/C/CI/CS/CC 01-Aug-2022 (Revised) Provisional Seniority List of Sr.CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/655/Settl/RL/03/2022 01-Aug-2022 Publication of retirement list of the staff retiring on superannuation on 31.08.2022 & 30.09.2022.
SCR/P.BZA/345/Spandana/CTG-22/E-File no 261942 27-Jul-2022 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant
No.2022/TC-III/61/01/Staff/NR-CPTF 21-Jul-2022 Filling up the posts of Inspectors in NR - CPTF Cell in Railway Board
No.SCR/P-HQ/535/Misc./Gr.D/TADK 21-Jul-2022 Filling up of Non-gazetted posts in RCT/SC.
No.2022/TG-V/21/53 21-Jul-2022 Posting of staff in CTC Squad, Railway Board.
No.B/P.535/TC/Option 19-Jul-2022 Re-fixation of pay on exercising option under SC.No.01/2020 TC Cadre Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/TC/Revision 19-Jul-2022 Revision of pay on promotion as CTI in Level - 7 in f/o staff of TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/235 (a)/EC/CI/2022 18-Jul-2022 Filling up of vacancies of Commercial Inspectors in Headquarters Commercial Dept.
No.B/P.487/I/TC/MACP/Vol.2 18-Jul-2022 Fixation on option on grant of financial up-gradation under MACPS in f/o staff of TC cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
N.ZRTI/673/Exams/Pro.CCTC 1/22/Result 14-Jul-2022 Results of Pro. CCTC Batch No. 01/22.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%-LDCE/2022 14-Jul-2022 Formation of panel for promotion as ACM against 30% Quota - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.487/I/Comml. Gr.D/MACPS/Vol.IV 13-Jul-2022 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of Group 'D' staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/C/CI/CS/CC 13-Jul-2022 Show-cause notice for correction of seniority list dated 29.01.21.
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/SCRWWO/BZA 09-Jul-2022 New Admissions in Jack & Jill School for the Academic Year 2022-2023.
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/Teachers 09-Jul-2022 Recruitment of Teachers in Jcak & Jill Hgh School/BZA.
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM/0/2022 09-Jul-2022 Filling up of the vacancies in Sr.DCM/O/BZA.
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml./MACP Cell 08-Jul-2022 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of ECRC staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml./MACP Cell 08-Jul-2022 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of TC staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/473/Cash Award 06-Jul-2022 Grant of Individual Award and Group Award in favour of TC staff of all Divisions.
No.SCR/P-BZA/143/I/C/CSR/CC/Vol.III 05-Jul-2022 Practical Training - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/70%/Comml/2022 05-Jul-2022 Formation of panel for promotion as ACM against 70% Quota - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 01-Jul-2022 Promotion to the post of TTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 30-Jun-2022 Promotions/Transfers of CTI - Comml.Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/Comml. Cadre/Ch,CC/Vol.III 29-Jun-2022 Promotions/Transfers of Ch.CC/CSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.11/1/2/Vol.4 28-Jun-2022 Absportion of medically decategorized staff against working post in TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 28-Jun-2022 Initial training course to CCTC - Comml. DEpt. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/221/IDMT/Transfer Cell/Commercial 28-Jun-2022 IDMT of Sri U.Ramesh Reddy, TTI/SL/BZA
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml./MACP Cell 24-Jun-2022 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of TC staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/TC/T=Reinsstatement 24-Jun-2022 Reinstatement in to Railway service case of Sri B.Bala Naik, ex. Sr.POH/BZA. (Pro TC)
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml./MACP Cell 23-Jun-2022 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 21-Jun-2022 Relieving of staff in Batch No. 01/2022 of Pro-CC/TCs initial training.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.III 20-Jun-2022 Promotions/Transfers of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
nO.202`/V-1/INSP/2/1 17-Jun-2022 (Postponement) Selection of Investigating Inspector (Vig.)/Traffic, Railway Board.
SCR/P.BZA/345/Spamdana/CTG-22/ 17-Jun-2022 Sanction of CTG.
No.B/P.612/I/C/Vol.III 17-Jun-2022 Provisional Seniority List of Ch.OS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM/O/Vol.XI 15-Jun-2022 Anomaly in the Seniority position of Ch.OS/Sr.DCM/O/BZA.
No.SCR/P-BZA/Co-ord/Transfer policy 14-Jun-2022 Redeployment of Surplus Teachers (TGT) as Ch.OS to the accepting departments in Ministerial Cadre.
No.B/P.612/I/C/Vol.III 14-Jun-2022 Provisional Seniority lists of Ch.OS, OS, Sr.Clerk & Jr. Clerk - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.612/I/TC 14-Jun-2022 Provisional Seniority List of Sr.CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.612/I/TC 14-Jun-2022 Provisional Seniority List of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.612/I/TC 14-Jun-2022 Provisional Seniority List of Sr.TE - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/209/E-Admn/Comp.Inspt/Vol-III 12-Jun-2022 Selection to fill up the one post of Complaint Inspector (Ex. Cadre) on tenure basis in GM's Office.
No.SCR/P-BZA/221/I/IRRT/IDRT/Vol.II (P) 10-Jun-2022 IRRT on spouse working grounds of Shri K.Jeevan Raju, Sr.CC/PO/BZA.
No.B/P.535/I/C/Comml. Supervisors/MACPS/Vol.II (P) 09-Jun-2022 Re-fixation of pay of Comml. Staff - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml./MACP Cell 07-Jun-2022 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Comml./MACP Cell 03-Jun-2022 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of TC staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P/535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 03-Jun-2022 Selection to the post of CCTC - Comml. Dpt. - LDCE Quota - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/VI/RRC/GDCE/CC-TC/2022 01-Jun-2022 Relieving of staff selected through RRC/SC to the post of CCTC.
No.SCR/P-BZA/222/TC Cadre 30-May-2022 IRMT of Sri Seshadri, TTI/TVC/SR with Smt. Bincy Devasia, TTI/Teja Sqd/BZA/SCR
No.SCR/P/BZA/Spanadana/LE/2022 25-May-2022 Sanction of Encashment of Leave.
No.2022/O&M/12/4/1 19-May-2022 67th National Railways Award,2022.
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/C/CI/CS/CC 19-May-2022 Show-cause notice for correction of seniority list dated 29.01.21.
No.SCR/P.BZA/761/Comml. DEpt/MACPs Cell. 19-May-2022 Granting financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme in f/o staff of TC Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.2021/O&M/12/4 14-May-2022 67th National Railways Award - 2022.
CRIS 10-May-2022 Recruitment of ASE & ADA.
No.C.415/E/Conf/RWA/PCCM/2022 10-May-2022 PCCM/SCR Cash Awards List of BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/221/I/C/IDMT/IRMT/Vol.II 09-May-2022 IDMT of Smt. P.Edukondalamma, BSR/GDR with Sri. B.Deva Raju,CSR/SC Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/Resignation 09-May-2022 Resignation from service to the post of TE by S.R.Saju,TE/VDE
No.SCR/P-HQ/260/Gaz/TT&C/2022 04-May-2022 Gazetted Arrangements in TT&C Department.
O.O No. COMML/28/2022 02-May-2022 Transfers of TC Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMML/27/2022 02-May-2022 Periodical transfers of TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMML/29/2022 02-May-2022 Promotion to the post of TTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/O.Os/Vol-I 02-May-2022 Allotment of subjects among the Office Staff of Sr.DCM/O/BZA.
No.SCR/P-BZA/143/I/C/CSR/CC/Vol.III 02-May-2022 Transfer/posting of CSR Staff - Absorption of Medically decategorised staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.677/1/Erst. While Gr.D/Transfers 02-May-2022 Transfer/Posting orders in Erstwhile Group 'D' Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O.No. COMML/26/2022 01-May-2022 Periodical transfers of TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.2021/IRCTC/CO/HRD/DEP/NG/CATG.TOURISM 29-Apr-2022 Filling up of 01 post of E1/EO in Catering Dept. under IRCTC Regional Office/LKO on deputation basis.
No.G.180/CON/VIs/Pers/Vol.XV 28-Apr-2022 Filling up of 01 ex-cadre post of Vigilance Inspector/Personnel Dept.
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/SCRWWO/BZA 27-Apr-2022 Felicitation of Group 'D' Railway Employees.
No.SCR/P-BZA/583/Rly.Week/2022 25-Apr-2022 DRM/BZA AWARDS - 2022
No.SCR/P-BZA/221/IRMT/TC/Vol.II 25-Apr-2022 IRMT of Smt.Bincy Devasia,TTI/Teja Sqd from BZA Divn./SCR with Sri K.Seshadri,TTI/TVC Divn/SR.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/70%/Comml/2022 22-Apr-2022 Formation of panel for promotion to Group 'B' post of ACM - 70% Quota - Comml.Dept.
GM/SCR AWARDS 21-Apr-2022 67th GM/SCR Awards - Citations.
No.SCR/P-BZA/761/Commercial/MACP Cell 19-Apr-2022 Financial upgradation under MACPs in favour of staff of Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P.BZA/345/SPANDANA 19-Apr-2022 Sanction of Composite TRansfer Grant in favor of Retired CTIs - BZA Divn.
No.C.415/E/RWA/PCCM/2022 13-Apr-2022 PCCM/SCR AWARDS 2022
No.SCR/P-HQ/209/E-Admn/Comp.Inspt/Vol-III 12-Apr-2022 Selection to fill up the post of Complaint Inspector on tenure basis in GM's Office
C.571/TC/Div/Review/Vol.XXIII 11-Apr-2022 List of awardees for PCCM/SCR Ticket Checking Meeting at Rail Nilayam, SC.
No.B/P.608/I/CE&RS/Vol.III 11-Apr-2022 Posting/Promotion orders in favour of Sri A.Venu Madhav, ECRC/BZA.
No.Z/SEC/A/RWA/LIX 11-Apr-2022 67th GM/SCR AWARDS - 2022.
No.B/P.676/I/ECRC's/Vol.9 08-Apr-2022 Periodical transfer orders in Reservation Supervisors cadre staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.G.180/Con/Vig./Vis/Traffic/Vol.12 06-Apr-2022 Filling up of 02 ex-cadre post of Chief Vigilance Inspector/Traffic in Level - 7 of 7th CPC.
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/CSR & CC/Vol.II 05-Apr-2022 Periodical transfer orders in CSR Cadre staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 30-Mar-2022 Selection to the post of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/228/EC/Law/Vol.XIV 30-Mar-2022 Selection to the post of CLA.
SCR/P-BZA/655/Settl/RL/02/2022 26-Mar-2022 Publication of retiremnt list of the staff retiring on superannuation on 30.04.2022, 31.05.2022 & 30.06.2022.
No.SCR/P.BZA/345/Spandana 25-Mar-2022 Grant of CTG on Transfer Account in favor of BZA TC Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 18-Mar-2022 Selection for the Post of CCTC - LDCE Quota - Comml.Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/I/ECRC's/Vol.9 17-Mar-2022 Priority list of request transfers - ECRC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.676/I/ECRC's/Vol.8 17-Mar-2022 Periodical transfer of Reservation Supervisor's cadre staff - Comml. DEpt. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/C/TC/Vol.II 17-Mar-2022 Implementation of Periodical transfers of TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMM/15/2022 10-Mar-2022 Transfers of TC Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMM/14/2022 10-Mar-2022 Promotion to the post of CTI - TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/Transfers/I/TC/Vol.I 08-Mar-2022 Priority List of request Transfers of TTI in BZA Ticket Checking Staff
No.B/P.535/Transfers/I/TC/Vol.I 08-Mar-2022 Priority List of request Transfers of CTI in BZA Ticket Checking Staff
O.O No. 02/2022 28-Feb-2022 Posting orders of Ministerial Staff.
No.SCR/P-BZA/227/Sel/Instructors/comml./Others 28-Feb-2022 Filling up of vacancies of RCT/AMVT in Guntur Bench.
No.B/C.419/IV/NR/Feb-2022 22-Feb-2022 Settlement case of Sri D.Satyanarayana Deo, TTI/VSKP.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC 22-Feb-2022 Posting of Pro. CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/Sr.CC-TC 22-Feb-2022 Posting of Pro. Sr.CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC 22-Feb-2022 Transfers of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.RRC/SC/GDCE/01/2018/CCTC 18-Feb-2022 Revised results of GDCE(2018).
No.SCR/P.BZA/761/Comml. Dept/MACPs cell 18-Feb-2022 Financial upgradation under MACPs in f/o staff of Comml. Dept.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol-III 17-Feb-2022 Selection to the ex-cadre post of Instructor (Commercial) - ZRTI/MLY.
No.B/P.524/TE/Pay Fixation 16-Feb-2022 Pay fixation on promotion to the post of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/24I/I/CSR & CC/Vol.II 15-Feb-2022 List of Periodical transfer of CSR/CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262(a)/Gaz/P-9/70% QUOTA/2021 14-Feb-2022 Formation of panel for promotion to the Group B Post of APO in Personnel Dept. all over SCR.
No.SCR/P-HQ/209/E-Admin/Comp.Ispt/Vol-III 11-Feb-2022 Selection to fill up the one post of Complaint Inspector on tenure basis in GM's Office.
No.SCR/P-BZA/222/TE Cadre 11-Feb-2022 IRRT of TTI/BZA SL Staff - Sri K.Simon, Sri R.K.Meena & Sri H.Meena.
O.O No. COMML/08/2022 11-Feb-2022 Transfers of TC Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/CSR & CC/Vol.II 07-Feb-2022 Priority list of request transfers - Category of CCSR/CCI, Ch.CC/CSR/CI & Sr.CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.612/I/TTI 04-Feb-2022 Provisional Seniority List of TTIs - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn. as on 02.02.2022.
No.B/P.612/I/TTI 04-Feb-2022 Provisional Seniority List of CTIs - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn. as on 02.02.2022.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/Sr.CC/Vol.II 02-Feb-2022 Promotion/posting in the category of Sr.CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMML/04/2022 31-Jan-2022 Inter Railway Request Transfer of Sri Harjee Meena, TTI/SL/BZA
O.O No. COMML/03/2022 31-Jan-2022 IRRT of Sri R.K.Meena, TTI/SL/BZA
O.O No. COMML/02/2022 31-Jan-2022 IRRT of Sri K.Simon, TTI/SL/BZA
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol-III 31-Jan-2022 Class Room Lecture Trail - Selection to the ex-cadre post of Instructor (Commercial) - ZRTI/MLY.
PR No. 743 28-Jan-2022 IR provides link in RRB websites for candidates to register their grievances of RRB exam.
N.ZRTI/673/Exams/Pro,CCTC 1/2/Result 28-Jan-2022 Results of Pro.CSR, Batch No. 1/21 (Phase-I)
N.ZRTI/673/Exams/Pro,CCTC 1/2/Result 28-Jan-2022 Results of Pro.CCTC, Batch No. 1/21.
No.SCR/P.BZA/761/Comml. Dept/MACPs cell 28-Jan-2022 Granting financial upgradation under MACP scheme in f/o staff of Comml. Dept.
RRB 27-Jan-2022 Constitution of High Power Committee - Ongoing recruitments by RRBs.
RRB 27-Jan-2022 SCR Outreach Camps for RRB Candidates.
RRB 27-Jan-2022 SCR Outreach Camps for RRB Candidates.
RRB 27-Jan-2022 BZA Division Outreach Camps for RRB Candidates.
PR No. 741 27-Jan-2022 FAQ on Recruitment Process.
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/O.Os/Vol-I 27-Jan-2022 Changes in the postings of Ministerial Staff.
PR No. 739 26-Jan-2022 High Power Committee to look into concerns of candidates over NTPC CBT-1 Result.
NOTICE 25-Jan-2022 NOTICE for aspirants of Railway Job.
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/C/CI/CS 24-Jan-2022 Provisional Seniority List of CCSR/CCI/CSR/CI/Sr.CC/CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/608/IV/Typing 17-Jan-2022 Results of Typing Proficiency test on Computer held on 18.12.2021.
CEN 01/2019 - NTPC 16-Jan-2022 Shortlisting of Candidates for 2nd Stage CBT.
RRB 15-Jan-2022 Railway Clarification on NTPC CBT-1 Results.
No.ECoR/Pers/SPQ(OA)/2021-22 14-Jan-2022 Notification for Recruitment of Sports Persons against Sports Quota in ECoR for the year 2021-22.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol-III 11-Jan-2022 Selection to the ex-cadre post of Instructor (Commercial) - ZRTI/MLY.
SCR/P-BZA/221/IDT-IDMT-IRT/Vol.IV 04-Jan-2022 IDMT of Sri M.Ramesh Kumar, Sr.Clerk/Sr.DCM/O/BZA Divn./SCR with Smt. N.Madhuri,Sr.Clerk/Sr.DPO/O/GTL Divn./SCR
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.III 31-Dec-2021 Promotions/Transfers of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/I.535/OfficeStaff/Vol.IV 31-Dec-2021 Promotion to the post of Ch.OS/OS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 31-Dec-2021 Promotions/Transfers of TTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 31-Dec-2021 Promotions/Transfers of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
RAIL MANTRALAYA 31-Dec-2021 GM/SCR & Chairman/CEO, Railway Board
No.E(GP)2017/3/8 (Traffic) 31-Dec-2021 IRTS Notification w.e.f 13.12.2021.
No.SCR/P-BZA/I/535/Office Staff/Vol.IV 30-Dec-2021 Select List for promotion to the post of OS/Ch.OS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/I/CE&RS/Vol.III 30-Dec-2021 Promotions/Transfers of CE&RS - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 28-Dec-2021 Promotions/Transfers of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Din.
No.SCR/P-BZA/222/IRRT/TC Cadre 28-Dec-2021 IRMT of Sri Niraj Kumar, TTI/SL/BZA.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/Vol.III 27-Dec-2021 Promotions/Transfers of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/Comml. Cadre/Ch.CC/Vol.III 27-Dec-2021 Promotions/Transfers of Ch.CC/CSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/VI/T/PRQ/Vol-8 27-Dec-2021 Written Examination for the post of Goods Guard against 60% Promotional Quota in BZA Operating Dept.
No.2020/O&M/12/4 23-Dec-2021 66th National Railways Award, 2021.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/Comml. Cadre/Ch,CC/Vol.III 22-Dec-2021 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of Ch.CC/CSR/CI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/129/Sports/2021-22 19-Dec-2021 Recruitment of Sports Persons against Sports Quota for the year 2021-22.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/Vol.III 17-Dec-2021 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of CCI/CCSR - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/I/5/Vol.II 17-Dec-2021 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of TTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.6 17-Dec-2021 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol-III 16-Dec-2021 Written examination for Selection to the ex-cadre post of Instructor (Commercial) at ZTI/MLY.
B.C,19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/O.Os/Vol-I 03-Dec-2021 Changes in the postings of Ministerial Staff.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 03-Dec-2021 Written Examination Result - Selection for the post of CCTC LDCE Quota - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O.No. COMML/62/2021 03-Dec-2021 IRRT of Sri Rabindra Choudhary, TTI/SL/BZA
No.B/P.535/I/C/Comml.Sup/Clerks/MACPS/Vol.II 02-Dec-2021 Re-Fixation of pay - Comml.Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/I/5/Vol.II 24-Nov-2021 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of TTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No. E(NG)I-2020/PM9/1 24-Nov-2021 Introduction of GDCE in Accounts Dept. and CLA.
No.SCR/P-HQ/228/EX/CLAs/XIV 23-Nov-2021 Written examination for selection to the post of CLA.
No.B/P.535/I/C/Comml.Sup/Clerks/MACPS/Vol.II 18-Nov-2021 MACP - CSR/Clerks - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210(a)/EP/Sr.Clerk/LDCE/Vol.2 17-Nov-2021 Formation of Panel for promotion to the post of Sr.Clerk cum Typist - Ministerial Cadre - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/INST/Vol-III 16-Nov-2021 Selection to the ex-cadre post of Instructor (Commercial) Level-6 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix, at ZRTI/MLY.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/C/CCSR/Vol.III 15-Nov-2021 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of CCI/CCSR - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 03-Nov-2021 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of CTI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/TC/NPS to Pension 29-Oct-2021 Coverage under Railway Services in place of Pension System @ S.S.Rao,TTI/SL/BZA.
No.B/P.487/1/Ministerial/Sr,DCM/MACP 29-Oct-2021 Grant of MACP in favour of Ministerial Staff in Sr.DCM/O/BZA of BZA Divn.
No.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 27-Oct-2021 Acceptance of VRS of Sri A.V.Rao, CTI/EE Station.
O.O No. COMML/51/2021 26-Oct-2021 Transfers of CSR/CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMML/52/2021 26-Oct-2021 Promoting/Posting of Sr.CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMML/53/2021 26-Oct-2021 Promoting/Posting of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMML/54/2021 26-Oct-2021 Transfers of CCSR/CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O No. COMML/56/2021 26-Oct-2021 Transfers of CSR/CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
COMML/55/2021 26-Oct-2021 Promotion/Posting of Commercial Supervisors in Level-6 of Pay Matrix Commercial Department of Vijayawada Division.
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 14-Oct-2021 Written Exam - Filling up the vacancies of CCTC - Comml.Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/221/IRMT/TC/Vol.II 11-Oct-2021 IRMT of Sri N. Durga Prasad, TTI/CKP/SER.
B/P.11/I/2/Vol.4 11-Oct-2021 Practical training to Pro TTIs - BZA Divn.
No.B/C.568/Staff/TC/Temp Transfer/2020 11-Oct-2021 Temporary Transfer of staff working in CTIs Sqd to CTI/COR/BZA.
No.SCR/P-HQ/122/CGA/Non-Safety Proposals/2021/Vol. 07-Oct-2021 Appointment on compassionate grounds -
No.SCR/P-BZA/210(a)/EP/05/LDCE/Vol.2 01-Oct-2021 Formation of Panel for promotion to the post of OS against 20% LDCE Quota - Ministerial Staff.
O.O No. COMML/46/2021 23-Sep-2021 Inter Railway Mutual Transfer of Sri Santosh Kumar, TTI/RJY Stn with N.Durga Prasad, TTI/CKP Divn.
O.O No. COMML/47/2021 23-Sep-2021 IRRT of Sri Ram Mahesh Meena, TTI/SL/BZA & Sri Ramkesh Meena, TTI/SL/BZA.
No.SCR/P-BZA/240/I/C/Comml.Sup/Clerks/Vol.II 21-Sep-2021 Acceptance of VRS of M. Ravi Kumar, CBSR/BZA.
No.2019/IRCTC/SCZ/3/HRD/Deputation/Tirupati 06-Sep-2021 Filling up of 01 post of E1/E2/Catering in IRCTC/SCZ/TPTY on deputation basis.
No.B/P.676/I/CE&RS's/Vol.9 31-Aug-2021 Transfers of Reservation Clerks Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/E& RS/RCT 31-Aug-2021 Repatriation and Transfers of Reservation Clerks staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.487/Ministerial/MACP 26-Aug-2021 Revision/re fixation of Pay on exercising of option
No.RRC/SC/GDCE/01/2018/CCTC 25-Aug-2021 Written examination Results of CCTC (GDCE-2018)
No.RRC/SC/GDCE/01/2018/CCTC 25-Aug-2021 Final Results of CCTC (GDCE-2018)
No.B/P,535/I/CCTC/Vol.I 25-Aug-2021 Postponement of CCTC Written exam to be held on 29.08.21
No.SCR/ECCS/14/GROUP-D/2021 25-Aug-2021 Filling up of PEON/ATTENDANT Posts in SCRECCS/SC & SCRECCS/BZA.
No.B/C.19/Staff/Notifications 25-Aug-2021 Filling of ex-cadre post of ZRTI/MLY Instructor (Commercial)
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 12-Aug-2021 Filling up the vacancies of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
CCI Select List 10-Aug-2021 Selection of Commercial Inspectors in H.Qrs Commercial Dept.
No.B/P.535/1/2/3/Vol.5 26-Jul-2021 Promotion/transfers to the post of TTI - TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/409/EC/1/RCT/AMVT 16-Jul-2021 Transfer of staff of Comml. Dept. of BZA & GNT Divn. to work in PO/O/AMVT/GNT.
O.O.No. COMML/37/2021 16-Jul-2021 IRRT of Sri N.Meena, TTI/SL/BZA
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/CCSR/CCI/Vol.III 14-Jul-2021 Promotion/Transfers of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C1/30%-LDCE/Conf/2020 09-Jul-2021 Marks secured by ACM/SCR Exam attended employees.
No.B/P.478/I/TC/MACP/Vol. 2 06-Jul-2021 Grant of financial up-gradation under MACPs in favour of staff of TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.578/1/TC/Vol.VIII 06-Jul-2021 Acceptance of VRS of Sri S.Vinod Kumar, CTI/Sr.DCM/O/BZA.
No.SCR/P-BZA/Co-ord/Transfer policy 02-Jul-2021 Redeployment of Surplus Teachers (TGT) as Ch.OS to the accepting depts. in Ministerial cadre.
No.B/P.608/I/CE & RS/Vol.III 01-Jul-2021 Promotion & Transfers in ECRC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/09/Admn.Sec/Vol.9 30-Jun-2021 Selection to the post of Staff & Welfare Inspector
No.SCR/P-HQ/260/Gaz/TT&C/2021 30-Jun-2021 Transfer & Posting of ACM all over SCR
No.B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 29-Jun-2021 Filling up of Vacancies of CCTC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/221/IDMT/TC/Vol.II 25-Jun-2021 IDMT of Sri G.Vasu, TTI/SL/TPTY of GTL Divn. with Sri K.Kanaka Durga Rao, TTI/NLR Sqd of BZA Divn.
O.O.No. COMML/31/2021 25-Jun-2021 Sri G.Kiran Kumar, Sr.TE/SL/BZA promoted to as TTI/SL/BZA
O.O.No. COMML/30/2021 25-Jun-2021 Transfers of CTIs - Comml.Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O.No. COMML/29/2021 25-Jun-2021 Promotion to the post of CTI - TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/252/Gaz/C-1/30%/LDCE/2020 23-Jun-2021 Formation of panel for promotion to Group 'B' post of ACM - Comml. Dept.
No.SCR/P-BZA/221/IDMT/TC/Vol.II 21-Jun-2021 IDMT of Sri A.Naga Srinivas Prasad, CTI/KZJ of SC Divn. with Sri P.Ramana Rao, CTI/BZA of BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/VI/I/ASMs/LDCE/Vol.II 21-Jun-2021 Aptitude Test - Selection for the post of SM against 15% LDCE Quota - Operating Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.E(NG)I/2020/PM 1/8 16-Jun-2021 Eligibility criteria for selection to the post of CLA in Level - 7.
No.B/P.608/I/CE & RS/Vol.III 11-Jun-2021 Promotion & Transfer in ECRC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
O.O.No. COMML/24/2021 11-Jun-2021 Inter Railway Mutual Transfer of Sri K.Srinivasa Rao, Sr.TE/TUNI Sqd/BZA
No,SCR/P/BZA/210/1/CCSR/CCI/Vol.III 08-Jun-2021 Promotions/Transfers of CCSR & CSR - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No. B/C.568/Staff/TC/Temp.Transfers 07-Jun-2021 Temporary Transfer of CCTCs to work in BZA Sleeper Depot
No.2020/Safety(DM)/6/14 31-May-2021 Preventive Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
No.SCR/P-NED/210/Comml.Cadre/Admn. Trf 28-May-2021 Request for promotion of K.Venkateswarlu, CTI/NED
SCR=P-HYB/Para Medical/2021 22-May-2021 Notification for filling of posts in Medical Dept. of HYB Divn. on full time contract basis
No.SCR/P-HQ/409/EC/RCT/SC & AMVT 21-May-2021 Filling up of Non-gazetted posts in RCT/SC & AMVT
No.SCR/P.HQ/228/EC/CLAs/XIV 18-May-2021 Filling up of vacancies for CLA against 60% Promotional Quota
No.B/.C.19/Staff/Notifications 12-May-2021 Filling up of vacancies of Commercial Inspectors in level-07 & 06 of 07th CPC pay matrix.
No.COMML/18/2021 12-May-2021 Promotion to the Post of TTI -TC Cadre - Comml.Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.COMML/19/2021 12-May-2021 Transfer Orders - TC Cadre - Comml.Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 12-May-2021 Acceptance of VRS of Sri K.Vamseedhar, CTI/SL/BZA
No.SCR/P-BZA/221/I/C/IDRT/IRRT/Vol.II (P). 12-May-2021 IRRT of Sri Ashok Kumar, TTI/SL/BZA
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%/ACM/2020 10-May-2021 Postponement of Viva-Voce @ ACM Selection
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%/ACM/2020 06-May-2021 Alert Notice for Viva-Voce @ ACM Selection
No.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 29-Apr-2021 Acceptance of VRS of Sri U.Srinivasulu, CTI/TUNI Sqd
No.SCR/P-BZA/409/Co-Ord 23-Apr-2021 Filling up of Non-Gazetted Posts in RCT,Bangalore Bench on urgent basis
No.B/C.19/Staff/Notifications 16-Apr-2021 Filling up of 01 post of Investigator in CTCR Divn. of Ministry of Home Affairs on "Deputation or Absorption Basis"
No.B/.C.19/Staff/Notifications 16-Apr-2021 Filling up of 01 ex-cadre post of Physical Instructor at National Academy of Indian Railways,Vadodara
No .B/P.535/1/Office Staff/Vol.II1 09-Apr-2021 Promotion to the post of Ch.OS/Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.B/P.535/I/Office Staff/Vol.IV 08-Apr-2021 Select list for promotion to the post of Ch.OS/Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.SCR/P-BZA/Co-ord/IT cell 05-Apr-2021 Formation of Information Technology (IT) Cell on BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/409/Co-Ord/Deputation/WPO/2021 05-Apr-2021 Calling of options from staff for serving under Workshop Projects Organisation/Patna for various Projects
No.B/P.578/1/TC/Vol.VIII 05-Apr-2021 VRS Application received of Sri A.V.Rao, CTI/EE Stn
No,SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/CSR & CC/Vol.II 29-Mar-2021 CCSR/CCI, Ch.CC/CSR/CI, Sr.CC/CC - Priority list of request transfers
No.SCR/P-HQ/229/ET/Vol.II 26-Mar-2021 Deputation of staff to CRIS/NDLS
No.B/P.578/I/Reservation Staff 26-Mar-2021 VRS of Sri K.Venkateswarlu, CRS/OGL
B/P.535/I/CC-TC/Vol.I 24-Mar-2021 Selection to the post of CCTC
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/TC/Vol.II 24-Mar-2021 BZA TC Staff completed 4yrs tenure at present place
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/CSR & CC/Vol.II 23-Mar-2021 CSR/CC Staff completed 4yrs tenure at present place
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%/ACM/2020 23-Mar-2021 ACM/SCR Results of the Main Written Exam
No.B/C.19/Group B/30% 23-Mar-2021 Medical Examination for ACM/SCR Exam Selected candidates
No.B/P.676/I/ECRC's/Vol.9 19-Mar-2021 BZA ECRC Staff completed 4yrs tenure at present place as on 31.03.21
No.HQ/HR/VN/09/2018/OP&BD/Comp. No. 4118 15-Mar-2021 Vacancy Notice for the post of Junior Manager/Business Development at Corporate Office on deputation basis
No.2019/IRCTC/SCZ/3/HRD/Deputation (Tirupati) 09-Mar-2021 Filling up of 01 post of E1/E2/TPTY in IRCTC/SCZ on deputation basis
No.B/P487/VI/I/ASM/MACP 08-Mar-2021 Filling up of 02 ex-cadre posts of Vigilance Inspector/Personnel
No.SCR/P/BZA/210/I/CCSR/CCI/Vol.II 05-Mar-2021 Promotion/Transfers to the post of CCSR/CCI - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 05-Mar-2021 Promotion/Transfers to the post of CTI in TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.E(NG)I/2018/CFP/5 05-Mar-2021 Eligibility Criteria for selection to the post of CCTC
No.B/P.578/I/Office Staff (Min) 10-Feb-2021 Acceptance of VRS of Smt. P.Syamala, Ch.OS/Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.B/P.612/I/C/Vol.III 10-Feb-2021 Provisional Seniority List of Ministerial Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.612/I/TTI 29-Jan-2021 Provisional Seniority List of TTIs - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.612/I/CTI 29-Jan-2021 Provisional Seniority List of CTIs - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/I/C/ECRC/Vol.II 29-Jan-2021 Provisional Seniority List of Resvn. Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.613/I/2/Vol.III 29-Jan-2021 Provisional Seniority List of Group D Staff - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/C/CI/CS/CC 29-Jan-2021 Provisional Seniority List of CCSR/CCI/CSR/Sr.CC/CC - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 28-Jan-2021 Promotion to the post of CTI & Transfer of TTIs in TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/522/SCRMU/Rep. 28-Jan-2021 Revision of feeder category for promotion to the post of CCTC
No.SCR/P.HQ/228/EC/CLAs/XIV 25-Jan-2021 Filling up of vacancies for CLA against 60% Promotional Quota
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/TC/Vol.II 23-Jan-2021 Priority List of Request Transfers in TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn. dtd 19.03.2020
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%/ACM/2020 22-Jan-2021 Main Exam for promotion to the post of ACM/SCR
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%/ACM/2020 21-Jan-2021 Result of pre-qualifying written ACM exam
No.SCR/P/BZA209/LP/PQ.Vol 5 19-Jan-2021 Selection for promotion to the post of Office clerk cum Typist
No.G.180/CON/VIs/Pars/Vol.XV 12-Jan-2021 Filling up of One ex-cadre post of Vigilance Inspector/Traffic
No.B/P.608/I/CE & RS/Vol.III 08-Jan-2021 Promotion to the post of CE & RS in ECRC Cadre of Comml. Dept. all over BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/ET/INST/OPTG-II 01-Jan-2021 Selection to the ex-cadre post of ZRTI/MLY Instructor (Operating)
No.B/P.535/I/2/3/Vo.5 31-Dec-2020 Promotion to the post of TTI - TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.2018-E(SCT)1/25/10 31-Dec-2020 Posting of SC/ST Candidates/employees near their home town on initial appointments/promotions/transfers
No.B/P.535/I/2/4/Vol.6 30-Dec-2020 Promotion/posting of Sr.TE in TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/Comml.Cadre/Ch.CC/vOL.ii 29-Dec-2020 Promotions/Transfers of CC/CSR/CI in Comml. Dept. all over BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/Sr.CC/Vol.II 29-Dec-2020 Promotions/transfers of Sr.CC in Comml. Dept. all over BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.III 24-Dec-2020 S.Satyananda Kumar, BSR/RJY promoted & posted as CBSR/TUNI
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.II 24-Dec-2020 Promotions/Transfers of CCSR/CCI in Comml. Dept. of BZA Divn.
No,SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%/ACM/2020 18-Dec-2020 Pre - Qualifying Exam for Group 'B' post of ACM all over SCR Zone
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.II 16-Dec-2020 Formation of Select List for Promotion to the post of CCI/CCSR in Comml. Dept. all over BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/262/I/GAZ/C-1/LDCE/Comml/2016 05-Dec-2020 List of Eligibility/Ineligibility Volunteers attending to the post of ACM Exam against 30% LDCE Quota in Comml. Dept. all over SCR
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%/ACM/2020 05-Dec-2020 Inclusion of two more names in the List of Eligibility Volunteers attending to the post of ACM Exam against 30% LDCE Quota in Comml. Dept. all over SCR
B/C.19/Staff/Misc 04-Dec-2020 BZA Station TC Duties w.e.f 05.12.20
B/C.19/Staff/Misc 04-Dec-2020 List of Staff to be relieved
No.B/P.535/I/2/3/Vol.5 04-Dec-2020 Promotion to the post of TTI - TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%/ACM/2020 03-Dec-2020 List of Eligibility/Ineligibility Volunteers attending to the post of ACM Exam against 30% LDCE Quota in Comml. Dept. all over SCR
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 03-Dec-2020 Promotion to the post of CTI & transfer of CTIs/TTIs in Comml. Dept. all over BZA Divn.
No.G.180/CON/VIs/Pers/Vol.XV 02-Dec-2020 Filling up of 01 ex-cadre post of Vigilance Inspector/Traffic
No. B/P.535/Office Staff/Vol.III 01-Dec-2020 Promotion to the post of Sr.Clerk in Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.B/C.19/Staff/Notifications 12-Nov-2020 Filling of 01 post of Asst. Manager (UTS) at CRIS/NDLS on deputation basis
No.SCR/P-HQ/235(a)/EC/CI/2018 12-Nov-2020 Posting as CI in Hqrs Office -Comml. Dept.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/Comml.Cadre/Ch.CC/Vol.II 11-Nov-2020 Select List for promotion to the post of CCSR - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 10-Nov-2020 Select List for promotion to the post of CTI - TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.B/P.608/I/5/Vol.II 10-Nov-2020 Select List for promotion to the post of TTI - TC Cadre - Comml. Dept. - BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/Comml.Cadre/Ch.CC/Vol.II 09-Nov-2020 Promotion/Transfer orders of CCSR in Comml. Dept. all over BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-HQ/409/EC/1/RCT/AMVT 06-Nov-2020 Transfer of BZA & GNT Comml. staff to RCT/AMVT
No.B/C.19/Staff/Misc 28-Oct-2020 Allocation of duties to Sri K.V.Subba Rao, RS-II, CRS/O/BZA
No.B/P.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 27-Oct-2020 VRS of Sri U.Srinivasulu, CTI/TUNI Sqd
No.B/C.19/Leave/Comml. Staff/2020 26-Oct-2020 Conversion of Special CL to LAP of Commercial Staff all over BZA Divn.
No.B/C.568/TC Staff/Leave/17-18 26-Oct-2020 Conversion of Special CL to LAP of TC Staff all over BZA Divn.
No.B/C.19/Staff/Misc 23-Oct-2020 Special duties in view of Dasara Festival
No.B/P.608/1/5/Vol.II 23-Oct-2020 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of TTI in Comml. Dept. all over BZA Divn.
No.SCR/P-GTL/Misc 23-Oct-2020 Implementation of e-Transfer Web Portal on GTL Divn.
No.B/T.305/Digi.Pass/20 22-Oct-2020 Nomination of SS for issue of Digital Pass/PTOs to operating staff
No.SCR/P-BZA/P117/CO-ORD/DEPUTATION/VIG 21-Oct-2020 Filling up of the posts of Ministerial Staff Vacancy in Vigilance Branch/Hqrs Office
No.B/C.19/Staff/30%LDCE/ACM 19-Oct-2020 Formation of panel for promotion to the Group B Post of ACM in Comml. Dept. all over SCR
B/C.19/Staff/Misc 19-Oct-2020 TC Duties w.e.f 20.10.20
No.B/C.19/Staff/Misc 16-Oct-2020 Nomination of Pass Admin. for Commercial Dept.
No.SCR/P-HQ/262/Gaz/C-1/30%-LDCE/2020 16-Oct-2020 Formation of panel for promotion to the Group B Post of ACM in Comml. Dept. all over SCR
No.2020/AC-II/21/6 15-Oct-2020 NPS - Online PRAN Generation Module (OPGM)
No.B/C.384/EFT/UTS/BZA/2020 14-Oct-2020 Loss of EFT Book/Missing of EFT Foils
No.IRCAMTECH/GWL/Vac/Notification/2020-II 13-Oct-2020 Selection for Group C & D Posts in CAMTECH/GWL on tenure basis
No.SCR/P-BZA/HRMS/2020 12-Oct-2020 Updating of Employee Master data in HRMS Module
No.B/P.535/I/2/4/Vol.6 05-Oct-2020 Promotion of M.Yanadi as Sr.TE/OGL
No.E(NG)I/2020/TR/16 01-Oct-2020 Inter-Railway Request Transfer - Hardships being faced by the staff
No.D-43/12/2018-F(E)III 01-Oct-2020 Coverage under Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1983 in place of NPS
No.B/P.535/I/CTI 01-Oct-2020 Formation for Select List for Promotion to the post of CTI
No.B/P.535/I/TC/NPS to Pension 30-Sep-2020 Coverage under Railway Services Pension) Rules 1993 in place of NPS
No.B/C.19/Staff/Misc/2/2020 30-Sep-2020 TC Duties w.e.f 01.10.20
No.2020/Sec (E)/Misc (RIL) 30-Sep-2020 Opportunity for children of serving & retired RPF Personnel with RIL as Security Executive in the Office Cadre
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/O.Os/Vol-I 29-Sep-2020 Posting of Sri A.Praveen, Jr.Clerk/Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.E(MPP)/2020/1/7 28-Sep-2020 Utilization of manpower during last few months
No.PC,VI/2018/R-I/1 Pt. 28-Sep-2020 Grant of annual increment due on 1st July to the retiring employees on 30th June
CC No.21 of 2020 24-Sep-2020 Charging freight for parcel & luggage traffic @ 06509/06510
No.2015/RS(G)/779/5(Vol.III) 24-Sep-2020 Implementation of Public Procurement Order,2017
No.2018/IRCTC/CO/EL/Corres 24-Sep-2020 Reopening of Executive lounge under IRCTC Zones
No.RRC/SCR/GDCE/01/2018/WE 24-Sep-2020 Conducting of written examination for posts of SM/GG & CC/TC vide Notification No. RRC/SCR/GDCE/01/2018 dtd 12.12.2018
No.TC-I/2020/103/efile/1 23-Sep-2020 Issue of MR in the name of handling agent of freight customer
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID - 19 23-Sep-2020 Exemption of employees with Disabilities from roaster duty @ COVID-19
No.B/P.535/I/Office Staff/Vol.III 23-Sep-2020 Smt.P.Syamala,OS/Sr.DCM/O/BZA Promoted to the post of Ch.OS/Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.B/C.473/GST/Goods/2020-21 23-Sep-2020 Issuance of Credit Note through GSTM for refund of GST
PQ No. 1791 22-Sep-2020 PQ No. 1791
RS Dy. No. U3851 22-Sep-2020 RS Dy. No. U3851
RS unstarred questions 22-Sep-2020 RS unstarred questions
No.TCR/1078/GST/2020/15/3325222 22-Sep-2020 Correction of GSTIN
No.2020/TC(FM)/11/29 21-Sep-2020 Clarifications on Advance Booking of Parcel Space & Temporary Leasing of Parcel Vans
PQ No. 554 21-Sep-2020 PQ No. 554
RS Dy. No. U4414 21-Sep-2020 RS Dy. No. U4414
RS Dy. No. U4564 21-Sep-2020 RS Dy. No. U4564
CC No.186 of 2020 21-Sep-2020 Worksheet for Calculation of Tariff inn case of Military Traffic
No.2020/H-1/7/3 21-Sep-2020 Reimbursement of cost of OPD medicines : Special sanction in view of COVID-19
RS Q.No. 783 20-Sep-2020 RS Q.No. 783
No.PC-V/2016/PS/I(Stipend) 20-Sep-2020 Revision of rates of stipend to apprentices & trainees on Railways
No.MD.438/Policy 20-Sep-2020 List of CGHS Private Recognized Hospitals in SCR
No.2020/TC-II/2910/Ext.season tkts 20-Sep-2020 Extension of validity of Season tickets on restoration of train services as permitted by State Governmnts for the different categories of passengers
No.2020/TC(FM)/10/13 18-Sep-2020 Temporary leasing of VPs in Passenger Special Trains, on quotation basis
No.B/P.535/I/2/3/Vol.5 18-Sep-2020 Promotion to the post of TTI & Transfer of CTI/TTI
No.2020/TG-V/5/I 18-Sep-2020 Ticket Checking Drive in Special Trains during COVID Period
No.2020/TC(FM)/11/16/Pt.2 17-Sep-2020 Manual Loading of Parcel data from divisions
No.B/EnHM/BZA/SBM/2020 17-Sep-2020 Swachhta Pakhwara from 16.09 to 30.09
PQ No. 10879 17-Sep-2020 PQ No. 10879
O.O No. 66 of 2020 17-Sep-2020 Preventive Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
No.B/P.535/I/2/4/Vol.4 17-Sep-2020 Revision of Pay/Annual Increments of BZA TC Staff
No.B/C.268/Goods/Misc/2020 16-Sep-2020 Opening of Freight Handling terminals
No.TC-I/2020/109/SCR 16-Sep-2020 Detention Charge & Punitive Charge
PQ No. 5807 15-Sep-2020 PQ No. 5807
No.B/C.19/Staff/ZRTI/Refresher Course 15-Sep-2020 Online Refresher Course for BZA Commercial Staff @ 21/09 to 26/09
No.C,5/GI/CP/POLICY/NFR/Vol.III 15-Sep-2020 Notice Invoking FMC for pre-mature termination of Commercial Publicity contracts
No.B/C.268/Goods/Misc/2018 15-Sep-2020 Compliance to procedure order on Loading of Ores
Accounts 14-Sep-2020 English Notes @ ACCOUNTS
No.2004/TG-I/10/P/HHT Pt. 14-Sep-2020 Procedure Order for HHT for TTEs
GOI/13.09.20 13-Sep-2020 Post COVID Management Protocol
No.SCR/P-BZA/221/I/IDMT/IRMT/Vol.II 11-Sep-2020 Inter Railway Mutual Transfer of Sri S.V.N.Appa Rao, Sr.CC/YLM
No.2020/TC(FM)/11/29 11-Sep-2020 Advance booking of parcel space in SLRs,VPs attached to passenger carrying trains & time tabled PCET
No.2016/TC(FM)/18/20/Pt 11-Sep-2020 Co-Users in Private Sidings
No.18/2020-P&PW(C)-6681 11-Sep-2020 Extension of period for submission of Life Certificate from OCT 2020 to DEC 2020
No.E(GP)2018/2/31 11-Sep-2020 Holding of Centralised Computer based exam for Selections & Pre-Qualifying exam for LDCEs for promotion to Group 'B' posts
No.2017/CE-I/CT/9 11-Sep-2020 Simplification of Procedure for Acceptance of Works Tenders
No.2020/TG-IV/Misc/Manpower 11-Sep-2020 Vacancy status of Commercial Staff viz. ECRC, TC & CC
F.No.2020/AC-II/21/3 11-Sep-2020 Co-authorisation of permanently disabled child/children in PPO for Family Pension
Rly Servant Rules,2005 11-Sep-2020 Railway Servant Rules,2005
Rly Servant Rules,2005 11-Sep-2020 Railway Servant Rules,1968
No.SCR/P-HQ/235(a)/EC/CI/2018 10-Sep-2020 Filling up of Vacancies of Commercial Inspectors
No.C.200/RG-IMisc/Vol.III/2017 10-Sep-2020 Relaxation in free time for loading/unloading of covered Wagons (BCN/BCNHL)
PQ DY No. U1220 10-Sep-2020 PQ DY No. U1220
PQ DY No. U1178 10-Sep-2020 PQ DY No. U1178
Microsoft Teams 09-Sep-2020 Microsoft Teams
CC No.180 of 2020 09-Sep-2020 VIPN EOL Notification & Agreement
No.C.14/G.III/WP/2010-21/Vol.I 09-Sep-2020 Updating of IRPSM data by 7th of every month
No.2020/RS(G)/779/10 08-Sep-2020 Procurement of Bed Roll items for passengers on IR
No.E(P&A)I-2019/RT-21 08-Sep-2020 Periodic Review of Railway employees for strengthening of administration
No.B/P.721/Welfare/Misc/2020/I 08-Sep-2020 Organising of COVID-19 Testing Camp in BZA Divnl. Office
O.O No. 64 of 2020 08-Sep-2020 Revised Organizational Structure of Railway Board
PR No.213 08-Sep-2020 RPF disrupts the operation of Illegal software "Real Mango"
No.B/C.19/Staff/ZRTI/Refresher Course 08-Sep-2020 Online Refresher Course for BZA Commercial Staff @ 14/09 to 19/09
O.O No. 65 of 2020 08-Sep-2020 Cadre Controlling Authorities in IR
No.2020/NFR/11/FMC 07-Sep-2020 Applicability of Force Majeure clause under the General Conditions of Contract for Services-2018 to commercial earning contracts
No.B/C.268/Goods loading 07-Sep-2020 Detention of trains in NED division due to non-closing of BCNHL doors after unloading
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID-19 07-Sep-2020 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
No.2020/TG-IV/18/Misc/Comml Contracts 07-Sep-2020 Relief due to COVID-19 to Commercial Earning contracts(Parking, Pay and Use toilets,STD/PCO booth,ATM,PBCM etc) in IR
No.2019/infra/12/21 07-Sep-2020 Implementation of upgradation of cloak rooms & waiting rooms on ROMT model of PPP
No.B/P.578/I/Reservation Staff 07-Sep-2020 VRS of Sri B.V.Ramana Murthy, RS/CCT & Sri G.V.Ramana, RS/CCT
No.2020/E(LL)/OTA/1 07-Sep-2020 Review of cost of OTA & TA
No.SCR-HQOSNT (TELE)/10/202(e41586)0 05-Sep-2020 Connecting IPISs over IR with NTES/Other Servers
F.No.7(2)/E.Coord/2020 05-Sep-2020 Expenditure Management - Further Economy Measures
No.C.5/GI/CP/POLICY/NFR/Vol.III 05-Sep-2020 Notice invoking FMC for pre-mature termination of Commercial Publicity contracts
No.B/C.490/Siding/Misc/2020 05-Sep-2020 Amendment No.6 on co-user facility to the policy circular on Pvt. Sidings
Establishment Rules 05-Sep-2020 Establishment Rules
No.PB/LW/SBF/110/100/Vol. 05-Sep-2020 Financial Assistance from RMW & RF
Accounts 04-Sep-2020 Hindi Notes @ Accounts
No.C.59/G.I/Digitalization/2017 04-Sep-2020 Position of Digital transaction facilities provided
No.2020/RS(M)/GeM/Action Plan 04-Sep-2020 Procurement of Common use Goods and Services through GeM
No.K-16/2019-Group B-CGA-Part(1)/171 04-Sep-2020 Timely submission of the cases for approval of Voluntary Retirement/resignation
No.ZRTI/673/Pro.CCTC 04-Sep-2020 Relieving of Pro.CCTC, Batch No. 02/20 for writing Final Exam
No.C.568/G.II/TC/HHTs/TTEs/2019 04-Sep-2020 Promotion of Digital Transactions over IR
No.SCR-PCOM/RULE(TRG)/10/2020-ZRTI 03-Sep-2020 Resumption of Class Room Training at ZRTI/MLY from 14.09.20
VC with GM Minutes 03-Sep-2020 Minutes of GM's Video Conference on Control of Expenditure
No.2020/IRCTC/HRD/Deputation/VO 03-Sep-2020 Filling up of 01 Post of Vigilance Officer/Asst.Vigilance Officer at IRCTC/SC
TRC No.09 of 2020 03-Sep-2020 Notification for Closure of stations for handling of Parcel traffic over SCR
No.B/C/19/Staff/ZRTI/Refresher Course 03-Sep-2020 Online Refresher Course for BZA Commercial Staff @ 07/09 to 12/09
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID-19 03-Sep-2020 Interim Procedure order on regularization of absence during COVID-19
No.SCR/P-HQ/563/BILLS 03-Sep-2020 Income Tax declaration for the year 2020-21 under Old Tax regime
No.SCR/P.BZA/209/EP/P9/PQ 03-Sep-2020 Selection for the post of Office Clerk cum Typist in Level-2 against 33 1/3% Promotional Quota on BZA Divn.
No.2020/F(E)II/3/1 02-Sep-2020 Protection of pay to the C.G. Servant consequent to appointment to a new post in different service or cadre in C.G. through direct recruitment
No.E(W)2020/PS5-1/3 02-Sep-2020 Modification in the AILTC Scheme
Cadre Review 02-Sep-2020 Status of Cadre Review proposals processed in Cadre Review Division of DoPT
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM/Office/Vol.IX 02-Sep-2020 Re-assignment of subjects as temporary arrangement
No.23/39/2020-EO(ACC) 02-Sep-2020 Re-organization of Railway Board
No.WF 1/2020-21 dt 01.09.2020 02-Sep-2020 Sanction of Scholarships to SSC, Intermediate, Technical, Engg,, Medical & PG Courses for the year 2109-20
No.TCR/1618/2020/02/3325670 02-Sep-2020 Clarification regarding "Station to Station" Rates/STS Scheme
No.2020/E(LR)III/LR/HL1/1 02-Sep-2020 Holiday List 2021
No.ZRTI/673/Online Training/Ref.Comml. 01-Sep-2020 Online Training for Refresher Commercial
LOCOMOTIVES 01-Sep-2020 Classification of Locomotives
No.2020/TG-V/5/I 31-Aug-2020 Ticket Checking Drive in Special Trains run during COVID-19
No.B/P.17/Res/SCT/NOB/Vol.IV 31-Aug-2020 Request for Circulation of Divisional Co-opted Office Bearers list of AISCSTREA/BZA
No.B/P.535/I/CTI 31-Aug-2020 Transfer of CTIs all over BZA Division
PR No.195 31-Aug-2020 SCR advisory to New Recruits under training
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/Vol.XI 30-Aug-2020 Special Instructions for Sr.DCM/O/BZA working in view of COVID-19 Pandemic
No.2018/Trans Cell/health/Consultation Fee 30-Aug-2020 Consultation Fee & Charges for Medicines,Injections etc for Medical aid to passengers
Booking of Special Coach 30-Aug-2020 Booking of Reserved Carriage / Special Coach
EOI @ Goods Shed Sketch 29-Aug-2020 EOI @ OGL Goods Shed Sketch
EOI @ Goods Shed Sketch 29-Aug-2020 EOI @ KCC Goods Shed Sketch
EOI @ Goods Shed Sketch 29-Aug-2020 EOI @ BVRM Goods Shed Sketch
No.PC-VII/2020/HRMS/6 29-Aug-2020 Training Schedule for e-Pass/PTO Module
UNLOCK 4.0 29-Aug-2020 UNLOCK 4.0
Freight Policy 29-Aug-2020 Details of Freight Policy Measures
Retiring C.G.Employees 29-Aug-2020 Handbook for Retiring C.G.Employees
No.25013/03/2019-Estt.A-IV 29-Aug-2020 Periodic Review of Central Govt. Employees
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/O.Os/Vol-I 28-Aug-2020 Postings of Section in-charges to Passenger & General Sections & distribution of subjects in these two sections
Tender No. B-C-01-2020-EOI-GOODSSHED 28-Aug-2020 EOI for development of 9 Goods Sheds over BZA Divn.
2020/RS(G)/779/3 28-Aug-2020 Delegation of Powers : Procurement of Services through GeM
No.TC-I/2020/109/efile/I-Part(1) 28-Aug-2020 Rate of Change for detention of the rake for load adjustment of overloaded wagons
No.TCR/1078/2020/Mini Rake/3327060 28-Aug-2020 Mini Rakes Circular with illustrations
SCRECCS Scholarship Form 28-Aug-2020 SCRECCS Scholarship Form w.e.f 01.09.20
No.SCR/P-SC/761/E-PASS 28-Aug-2020 Implementation of e-Privilege Pass/PTO Module of HRMS at SC Divn.
No.SCR/P-GTL/HRMS/Misc. 28-Aug-2020 Implementation of e-Privilege Pass/PTO Module of HRMS at GTL Divn.
PIB/28.08.20 28-Aug-2020 Initiatives in Tariff & Non Tariff field to boost Freight Operations
No.SCR/P-HQ/661/Settle/NR/2020 27-Aug-2020 Retirement formalities through virtual means
No.B/P.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 27-Aug-2020 Acceptance of VRS of Sri. R.Manohar, TTI/Genl. Squad/BZA
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/CCSR/CCI/Vol.II 27-Aug-2020 BSR Promotion of G.Alekya, SBC/SLO
No.55/11/2017-P&PW(C)/E-4513 27-Aug-2020 ePPO Digi Locker
EIMWB/COA/Sr.DME/BZA 27-Aug-2020 Suspended EIMWB/COA reg.
D.O.No. 2020/H-1/7/9 27-Aug-2020 Letter from CRB to GM/Director Generals all over IR
Pass Rules 26-Aug-2020 Latest Railway Pass Rules
Tender No. B-C-01-2020-EOI-GOODSSHED 26-Aug-2020 EOI for development of 9 Goods Sheds over BZA Divn.
No.B/C.490/Freight/GS/EOI/2020 26-Aug-2020 EOI Notice No.01/2020 dtd 24.08.20 regarding development of Goods Shed activities
No.SCR/P-HQ/260/Gaz/P9/2020 26-Aug-2020 Posting of Sr.DPO/BZA
No.B/C.568/TC/Inspections/2020 26-Aug-2020 Procedural Lapse noticed by Sr.TIAs/BZA during verification of used & on hand EFT Books by BZA TC Staff
No.E(P&A)I-2019/CPC/LE-2 26-Aug-2020 Amendment in the Railway Services Rules
No.TCR/1017/2020/02 25-Aug-2020 Two Point Steel Traffic Combination
2016/NFR/01/Unsolicited NFR Proposal 25-Aug-2020 Excluding short term land licensing
No.2018/PG/18/All-India Helpline 25-Aug-2020 Extending support of 139 for Freight & Parcel Marketing - Protocol reg.
No.2020/TC(FM)/11/16/Pt-II 25-Aug-2020 Availability of PMS terminals at all Divisional Commercial Control Offices
No.SCR/P-BZA/240/I/C/Comml.Sup./Clerks/Vol.II 25-Aug-2020 Acceptance of VRS of Sri T.G.K.Murthy, CGSR/PKPK
No.B/P.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 25-Aug-2020 Acceptance of VRS of Smt. G.Uma, CTI/SL/BZA
No.B/C.170/I/PHC/ID Cards 25-Aug-2020 Issue of Photo Identity Cards to physically Challenged Persons
No.B/C.568/Staff/TC/Temp. Transfers 24-Aug-2020 Temporary transfer of Sri Y.S.C.D.V.Prasada Rao from SL to COR Depot
No.C.415/E/Re-Org/Comml. Branch 24-Aug-2020 Re-organization & re-distribution of work in Commercial Dept.
Webinar 24-Aug-2020 Webinar on Latest Developments in FOIS & e-Demand and eT-RR
No.2014/TG-I/10/P/UTS on Mobile Paperless Tkt 24-Aug-2020 Promotion of unreserved ticket booking through mobile phone (5% bonus extended upto 24.08.21)
HRMS 23-Aug-2020 How to login HRMS App ?
No.ERB-I/2018/23/48 23-Aug-2020 Extension of tenure of committee to examine the demand for consideration of TC Staff as Running Staff
No.2019/EnHM/08/03 22-Aug-2020 Swachhta Pakhwara from 16.09 to 30.09
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/CCSR/CCI/Vol.II 21-Aug-2020 Promotion/Transfer orders in the category of CCSRs all over BZA Divn.
No.2020/NFR/II/FMC 21-Aug-2020 Relief due to COVID-19 to all NFR Commercial Publicity & Advertisement contracts of IR
No.2018/PG/18/All-India Helpline 21-Aug-2020 Extending support of 139 for Freight & Parcel Marketing
No.SCR/P-HQ/260 (a)/C-1/Conf/Vol.XIV 21-Aug-2020 CCM/PM is detailed to look after the duties of CCM/PS in addition to his own
No.B/P.329/8/Vol.III 20-Aug-2020 Conducting of Hindi Competitions - year 2020 in BZA Division
No.2019/E(O)II/5/34 20-Aug-2020 Deputation of Shri K.R.K.Reddy, IRTS to Govt. of A.P
No.B/C.19/Staff/MMS-Online Muster Management Syste 19-Aug-2020 Nomination of In-charges for Online Muster
No.2020/TC(FM)/11/23 19-Aug-2020 Appointment of dedicated teams for dealing with issues related to Parcel Traffic
NRA 19-Aug-2020 National Recruitment Agency
No.B/C.490/Freight/EOI/2020 18-Aug-2020 Calling of Expression of Interest (EOI) for development of Goods Sheds over BZA Divn.
No.2016/TC(FM)/18/20/Pt 18-Aug-2020 Amendment No.6 to the Policy Circular on Private Sidings: Freight Marketing Circular No.11 of 2016
No.2020/TC(FM)/18/09 18-Aug-2020 Waiver of Engine Hire Charges for EOL
No.TCR/1078/2019/2/TEFD 18-Aug-2020 Liberalised Automatic Freight Rebate Scheme for traffic loaded in TEFD
No.2020/TC(FM)/11/11-Pt.1 18-Aug-2020 Minimum composition of 'Indented Parcel Trains'
No.TC-I/2020/223/efile/I 17-Aug-2020 Notified Stations w.e.f 25.08.20 for a period of 6 months
No.B/C.384/Missing EFT/BZA 17-Aug-2020 Loss of metal token No.436 - Reg.
VC with GM Minutes 16-Aug-2020 Minutes/Remarks of GM's VC on Expenditure Control
No.C.78/G/Catering Revenue/2020 16-Aug-2020 Using the term 'revenue' in place of the term 'earnings' in Railway parlance
No.2020/TG-V/22/6 16-Aug-2020 Periodical Medical Examination of ticket checking staff
No.C415/E/Gaz/Trg/LKO/2018 15-Aug-2020 Nomination of officers for online training programme
No.PC-VII/2020/HRMS/6 14-Aug-2020 Guidelines for e-Privilege Pass/PTO Module of HRMS
No.2020/II-1/73 14-Aug-2020 Reimbursement of upto Rs.1200/- towards cost of Oximeter purchased by Railway Medical Beneficiaries suffering from COVID-19
No.SCR/P-HQ/409/E-Admn/RSO/Vol.II 14-Aug-2020 Deputation of staff from SCR to work as RSO in SP/CBI/HYB's office
No.TC-1/2020/108/NR 13-Aug-2020 Guidelines for installation of weighbridge by private party on railway land
Freight Trains 13-Aug-2020 Freight Trains
No.G.203/Policy/Vehicle Hiring/Vol.I 13-Aug-2020 Comprehensive Revised Guidelines on provision of vehicles (Department & Hired)
Reimbursement Claim Form for OPD Medicines 12-Aug-2020 Reimbursement Claim Form for OPD Medicines Special Sanction in view of COVID-19
No.OPTG/SECR/Gds/83A 12-Aug-2020 Nomenclature of Heavy haul freight trains
No.TC-II/2046/2020/Parcel Traffic to Bangladesh 11-Aug-2020 Charging of Export Traffic to Bangladesh booked in indented Parcel Rakes
D.O.No. 2020/EnHM/08/01 11-Aug-2020 Swachha Saptah - Special Cleanliness Drive from 10/08 to 16/08
No.E(NG)I-2020/TR/2 07-Aug-2020 Cancellation of periodical transfer of staff
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM Office/O.Os/Vol-I 07-Aug-2020 Changes in the subjects of Commercial Officers
No.C.120/Coal/MD/2020 07-Aug-2020 Disposal of unconnected coal wagon lying at BZA Yard
No.E(NG)II/2008/SB/19/BP/TADK/Pt.A 06-Aug-2020 Policy of Appointment of TADK on the Railways
No.C.200/RG-IMisc/Vol.III/2017 06-Aug-2020 Relaxation in free time for loading/unloading of covered wagons etc at 11 Goods sheds due to Covid - 19 reg.
e-Pass 04-Aug-2020 e-Pass for Railway Employees
No.E(W)2020/Misc/Dashboard-Insurance 04-Aug-2020 Proposal for Medical Insurance Scheme for Railway Employees
No.E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/23 Pt. 03-Aug-2020 General Departmental Competitive Examinations
No.TCR/1394/2020/03 03-Aug-2020 PCC of wagons for loading of Pet Coke
Reviewing of Stoppages (Revised) 03-Aug-2020 Reviewing of Stoppages of less than 50 Passengers (Revised)
No.C.378/G.III/GM.VC/Cont of Exp/2020 30-Jul-2020 Actionable items noted during V.C on "Strategy/Action plan for controlling expenditure & enhancing earnings held on 08/07 & 10/07
Minutes of V.C held on 08/07 & 10/07 30-Jul-2020 Actionable items noted during V.C on "Strategy/Action plan for controlling expenditure & enhancing earnings held on 08/07 & 10/07
No.P[R]676/V 30-Jul-2020 Cancellation of Periodical Transfers of the Staff
No.SCR/P-BZA/221/I/C/IDMT/IRMT/Vol.II 30-Jul-2020 Transfer of D.Balarama Krishna, CSR/APT
UNLOCK 3.0 29-Jul-2020 UNLOCK 3.0
No.2020/FC Office/Note/Full Board 28-Jul-2020 Using the term 'revenue' in place of term 'earning'
No.2019/Chg/22/04 28-Jul-2020 Identification of maintenance infrastructure for Private Train Project
No.TC-I/2019/201/6 27-Jul-2020 Relaxation in free time for loading/unloading of covered wagons
No.P(E)I/2020/AL-286 23-Jul-2020 Revised admissibility to travel by Taxi/reimbursement of Taxi hire charges for using one's own car for local official journeys at or near Headquarters
eOffice Digitization 22-Jul-2020 eOffice Digitization
No.B/C.137/Untoward incidents/19-20 22-Jul-2020 Revised Railway Passenger's (Manner of Investigation of untoward incidents) Rules, 2020
QR Code for Reserved Tickets 22-Jul-2020 QR Code for Contactless Ticket Checking of Reserved Tickets
No.B/C.268/SFTO Scheme 22-Jul-2020 Liberalized Wagon Investment Scheme (LWIS)
No.2020/RB(W)/5/7 21-Jul-2020 Retirement formalities through virtual means
No.TC-I/2019/108/1 21-Jul-2020 Transmission of weighment data from weighbridge to TMS by linking all weighbridges with FOIS
No.2017/RS/Ptg.&Sty./AP/PP/IR 21-Jul-2020 Closure of 5 Printing Presses
No.SCR-PCOM/RULE(TRG)/10/2020-ZRTI 20-Jul-2020 Cancellation of Resumption of Class room training of all courses at ZRTI/MLY
No.E(GP)2018/2/31 20-Jul-2020 Introduction of 100% objective type multiple choice questions in written examinations held as part of selections/LDCEs for promotion from Group 'C' to Group 'B' posts in all Departments except Accounts.
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/Covid - 19 16-Jul-2020 Treating of absence on Account of Covid-19
CC No.142 of 2020 16-Jul-2020 Notification of Two Point originating loading stations on BZA Division
POST COVID COACH 14-Jul-2020 Post Covid Coach
Ref: 152/Conf 14-Jul-2020 Regarding Lockdown in Bihar
No.ZRTI/673/Online Training/Covid - 19 13-Jul-2020 Extension of period falling due for Refresher Courses - conducting online training
No.B/T.305/Misc./20 11-Jul-2020 Temporary closure of 6 stations in GDV - BVRM Section
PR No. 149 11-Jul-2020 Parcel Train to Bangladesh
No.P[R]418/III 11-Jul-2020 Grant of Special CL to Gazetted / Non - Gazetted for absence due to Bandh, Curfew & other disturbances
No.B/C.518/PRS/Trng/2020 09-Jul-2020 Providing of training to operate PRS at Rampachodavaram
No.2020/IRCTC/SCZ/1/LCD/Corres/Static Units 09-Jul-2020 Extension of Tenure of Static units - Refund of License
No.2020/Catering/531/01 09-Jul-2020 Installation of WVMs at Stations
No.403/2020 03-Jul-2020 Creation of Posts & Policy for Crew in Operations Phase
No.G.157/Meetings/2020 03-Jul-2020 Strategy / Action Plan & Taken for controlling expenditure & enhancing earnings
No.SCR/P-HQ/630/RP/SCT/Vol.XIII 03-Jul-2020 Circulation of list of newly elected D.E.C of AISCSTREA,BZA Divn.
O.O.No.3 dtd 30.06.20 01-Jul-2020 Work Allocation in Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM/O/ O.OsVol-I 01-Jul-2020 Changes in the postings & subject allotments of Ministerial Staff working in Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.P[R]436/P/Vol.IV 01-Jul-2020 Treating the period of absence / duty of officers / employees due to lockdown
ZRTI/TPJ/SR 01-Jul-2020 RC - TTE
PIB/01.07.20 01-Jul-2020 RFQ for Private participation for operation of passenger train services over 109 OD pairs of routes
No.ZRTI/673/Training/Covid-19 01-Jul-2020 Cancellation of Training of all courses at ZRTI/MLY upto 15.07.20
No.2020/Tele Dev/e-Office implementation 01-Jul-2020 Implementation of e-Office over Zonal Railways & record storage
CC No.123 of 2020 01-Jul-2020 Refund of the tickets booked in regular time-tabled trains in operations prior to lock down
No.TCR/1078/2020/07 30-Jun-2020 Policy Guidelines for concession in Freight Charges for long lead traffic
No.TCR/1078/2020/07 30-Jun-2020 Policy Guidelines for concession in Freight Charges for short lead traffic
No.TC-I/2019/101/1 30-Jun-2020 Registration of demand for wagons electronically (e-RD) in case of Granite
No.C.5/GI/DDIS/2015-16/Vol.III 30-Jun-2020 Installation of Dual Display Information Systems (DDIS) Screens contract for the period from 09.10.15 to 31.03.20
No.SCR/P-BZA/143/I/C/CSR/CC/Vol.III 30-Jun-2020 Absorption of Medically decategorised against working post in Level - 5 in Comml. Dept.
No.B&P.608/CE & RS/Vol.II 30-Jun-2020 Transfers of Reservation Clerks staff in BZA Comml. Dept.
No.B/P.535/I/TC/Vol.II 30-Jun-2020 Promotion/Posting of Pro CC/TC in BZA Comml. Dept.
No.B/P.535/I/2/1/Vol.6 30-Jun-2020 Promotion/Posting of D.K.V.S.P.Chaitanya as Sr.TE/SL/BZA
No.B/P.535/I/2/3/Vol.5 30-Jun-2020 Promotion of V.Lachi Ram as TTI/SL/BZA
No.B/P.535/I/5/Vol.XIII 30-Jun-2020 Posting of Pro CC/TC in BZA Comml. Dept.
No.B/G/Con/CRC/Policy/2019 30-Jun-2020 Writing of Annual Confidential Reports - reg.
No.2019/PPM Cell/PRIMES/05/01 30-Jun-2020 Online training on Data analytic report
No.C.415/E/Gaz/Misc/2020 30-Jun-2020 Provisions in respect of the Contract Workers
eOffice Update 29-Jun-2020 eOffice Update
No.B/C.19/Staff/2020 29-Jun-2020 Revised work distribution of Commercial Inspectors in Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.2020/H-1/7/3 29-Jun-2020 Reimbursement of cost of OPD medicines in view of COVID-19
No.2020/TG-I/20/P/e-pass 26-Jun-2020 Testing of ticket booking facility on PRS with online pass issued from HRMS
No.TCR/1394/2020/03 26-Jun-2020 PCC of wagon for loading of Pet Coke
No.TCR/107/2016/01 26-Jun-2020 Policy Guidelines - Transportation Products
No.TC-I/2012/101/1 Pt. 26-Jun-2020 Registration of Indent for wagons
F.No.TC-II/2003/2020/Refund Corona 25-Jun-2020 Refund of the tickets booked in regular time tabled trains in operations prior to lockdown
No.B/P.535/I/2/1/Vol.5 25-Jun-2020 Promotion to the post of CTI & Transfers in BZA Ticket Checking
No.P[R]420/VII 25-Jun-2020 Regularisation of absent period of officers/staff due to lockdown w.e.f 23.03.20
No.2018/M(N)/951/34 Pt. 23-Jun-2020 Instructions regarding Guard Driver (GDR) Check & Door work
No.E.221/TRS/UOR/Vol- 23-Jun-2020 Discontinuation of Sanitization of inside of locomotive with Sodium Hypochlorite solution
No.2015-B-235 20-Jun-2020 Expenditure Management - Economy Measures & Rationalization of Expenditure
No.A-17014/1/2020-RBCC 20-Jun-2020 Implementation of 'Microsoft Teams' all over IR
No.SCR/BZA/Engg/B/WD/North/Bldgs/2020/36 19-Jun-2020 Data requirement for Redevelopment of Stations by IRSDC
No.W.361/Plg/IRSDC & RLDA 19-Jun-2020 Redevelopment of Stations by IRSDC
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/CSR & CC/Vol.II 18-Jun-2020 Transfer Orders in CSR/CC Cadre staff of BZA Comml.Dept
No.P[R]420/VII 17-Jun-2020 Regularisation of absent period of officers/staff in view of COVID-19
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 17-Jun-2020 Promotion to the post of CTI & Transfers in BZA Ticket Checking
No.B/P.535/I/2/4/Vol.4 17-Jun-2020 Revision of BZA TTes Pay/Annual Increments
No.E(W)2020/PS5-2/7 15-Jun-2020 Extension of validity of Passes/PTOs consequent to national lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19
Channel of Promotion 14-Jun-2020 Channel of Promotion
No.SCR/P-HQ/260/Gaz/TT&C/2020 12-Jun-2020 Transfer & Posting of ACM all over SCR
No.99/TG-V/21/13 11-Jun-2020 Remittance of cash collected by TTEs & its correct accountal
No.SCR/P-HQ/262(a)/Gaz/C-1/70%/Comml/2019 11-Jun-2020 Promotion to the post of ACM all over SCR
O.O.No.45 11-Jun-2020 Preventive Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
Railway Board Notification 08-Jun-2020 Manner of Investigation of Untoward Incidents
RRB 07-Jun-2020 Important Notice for Candidates Selected for SCR
No.TCR/1078/2020/8 06-Jun-2020 Policy guidelines on Round Trip Traffic (RTT)
Safety VC 05-Jun-2020 Actionable items noted during he weekly safety Video Conference held on 02.06.20
No.E(GP)2010/2/39 05-Jun-2020 On-line Pre Selection Training to SC/ST Candidates for selections held for promtion to Group 'B'posts
O.O.No.39 05-Jun-2020 Reporting of Officials in Board's Office - Unlock 1.0
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID-19 05-Jun-2020 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
No.TC-I/2019/201/2 04-Jun-2020 Clarification on resumption of levy of Demurrage & Wharfage Charges
No.TC-II/2910/2020/new train Covid-19/EDR 03-Jun-2020 Cancellation of train stoppages due to ban on intra state movement
No.ZRTI/673/Training/Covid - 19 01-Jun-2020 Cancellation of training of all courses at ZRTI/MLY upto 30.06.20
Guidelines for Train Services 31-May-2020 Guidelines for Train Services w.e.f 01.06.20 (Telugu)
UNLOCK 1.O 31-May-2020 UNLOCK 1.0
PR No. 111 31-May-2020 Intra State travel within AP by trains is restricted
Travel Advisory 30-May-2020 Advisory to Rail Passengers
No.B/C.19/Staff/Misc/2/2020 29-May-2020 BZA Comml. Preparedness for commencement of passenger operations w.e.f 01.06.20
No.SCR-HQOGMO(DRUCC/3/2019) 29-May-2020 DRUCC Recommendations received from Hon'ble MPs / Union Ministers
No.2018/EnHM/08/02 29-May-2020 Cleaning & sanitisation of Coaches - preventing spread of COVID-19
No.TC-II/2910/2020/Special Train/Covid-19 29-May-2020 Creation of User id in PRIMES for extracting Passenger details
CC No.110 of 2020 29-May-2020 Rationalisation of Rates structure of Parcel & Luggage
No.2020/TG-V/COVID-19 29-May-2020 Guidelines for ticket checking staff.
No.MD/90/FW/Corona 29-May-2020 Scale of protective equipment for railway staff directly involved in train operations
No.TC-II/2910/2020/Special Train/Covid - 19 28-May-2020 Modification in instructions for Special trains w.e.f 12.05.20 & 01.06.20 respectively
No.C.568/G.II/TC/Misc/2018 28-May-2020 Preparedness for commencement of passenger operations w.e.f 01.06.20
No.B/C.508/Refunds/Covid-19/2020 27-May-2020 Additional Special Imprest
No.C.375(DEV=Parcel/Unit/Pti 27-May-2020 Rationalization of Rate for Parcel Traffic
No.C.568/G.II/TC/Misc/2018 27-May-2020 Preparedness for commencement of passenger operations w.e.f 01.06.20
SCR Preparedness 26-May-2020 Preparedness for Commencement of Passenger Operations w.e.f 01.06.20
No.B/C.59/Cash Chest/20-21/Vol.VII 26-May-2020 Handing over of receipt portion of bank remittance challan with CR Notes & other vouchers to Comml. Courier
No.B/P.535/Office Staff/Vol.IV 26-May-2020 Filling up of OS Posts in Sr.DCM/O/BZA
Guidelines for Train Services 25-May-2020 Guidelines for Train Services w.e.f 01.06.20
Guidelines for domestic travel 23-May-2020 Guidelines for domestic travel (air/train/inter-state bus travel)
No.SCR/P-HQ/262(a)/Gaz/C-1/70%/Comml/2019 22-May-2020 Viva-Voce for ACM Promotion all over SCR
No.C.568/G.II/TC/Passes-PTO's/Loss/Vol.XVII 22-May-2020 Loss of EFT Book @ Sri Ramesh Chandra,CTI/BXR
No.B/C.19/Staff/Misc/2020 22-May-2020 Nomination of station incharges on resumption of train services
No.TC-II/2910/2020/Special Train/Covid - 19 22-May-2020 Modification in instructions for 15 pairs of special trains running w.e.f 12.05.20
No.SCR/P-BZA/209/09/Admn.Sec/Vol.9 22-May-2020 Selection to the post of Staff & Welfare Inspector against 35% quota for eligible staff all over BZA Divn
C.518/R/P/EQ/Vol.IV 21-May-2020 Procedure for submission of EQ Applications during COVID-19
No.2020/TG-I/10/P/COVID 2019 21-May-2020 Opening of counters for booking of reserved tickets
No.2020/Catering/600/01/Pt.2 Pt. 20-May-2020 Opening of static Catering/Vending Units (MPS,Bookstalls, Misc./Chemist Stalls etc) at Railway Stations
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID - 19 20-May-2020 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
No.C.200/RG-IMisc/Vol.III/2017 19-May-2020 Pre-payment of Demurrage charges at stations/Goods sheds
No.E-Office/2020-21 19-May-2020 Implementation of e-Office over Zonal Railways
No.B/C.59/Cash Chest/19-20/Vol.VII 18-May-2020 Handing over of receipt portion of bank remittance challan with CR Notes and other vouchers to Comml. Courier
No.C.210/GI/Halts/Correspondence/2020 18-May-2020 Proposal for payment of wages to Halt agents & STBAs during COVID-19
No.ZRTI/673/Training/Covid-19 17-May-2020 Cancellation of training of all courses at ZRTI/MLY upto 31.05.20
No.C.473/RG/FOIS/2020 17-May-2020 Grant of discount for rakes procured under LWIS
Leave Statement gudelines 17-May-2020 Guidance for preparing leave statement during this lockdown period
No.ERB-I/2019/3/6 17-May-2020 Multi Skilling of staff
No.TC-I/2019/201/2 15-May-2020 Guidelines regarding resumption of levy of Demurrage, Wharfage etc
SCR/P-BZA/947/I/Comml/Re-eng./Retd.Emp.TC Cadre 13-May-2020 Termination of re-engaged retired staff in Comml Dept. of BZA Divn.
No.2020/TG-I/20/WL limit/Special Trains/COVID 13-May-2020 Booking of Special Trains
F.No.TC-II/2003/2020/Refund Corona 13-May-2020 Refund of the trains Cancelled
F.No.TC-II/2003/2020/Refund Corona 13-May-2020 Revised guidelines on the subject cancellation of tickets and refund of fare due to COVID-19 Situation
No.TC-II/2910/2020/new train Covid-19 13-May-2020 Refund of fare in case passenger is not found fit for travelling due to symptoms of CORONA
Nio.ERB-I/2020/23/14 13-May-2020 Multi skilling of staff
No.300011/12/2015-O&M ( C N:6452 ) 13-May-2020 Framework for WORK FOR HOME
No.C.200/RG-IMisc/Vol.III/2017 13-May-2020 Lifting of Force Majeure condition for levying of Demurrage & Wharfare Charges
No.E(NG)I-2029/TR/2 12-May-2020 Cancellation of Periodical Transfers of the staff
No.SCR/P-HQ/362/Misc. 12-May-2020 Drawal of Children Educational Allowance for the year 2019 - 20 reg.
Children Educational Allowance 12-May-2020 Application for CEA.
No.C.415/E/Misc/SPL Train/2020 12-May-2020 Standard Operating Protocol for movement of persons by Special trains
No.C.518/COVID-19/SPL 12-May-2020 Standard Operating Protocol (SOP) for movement of passengers by trains
No.TC-II/2910/2020/Special Train/Covid - 19 11-May-2020 Running of Special Trains
No.2011/C&IS/Committee/Laptops/Pt.II 08-May-2020 Provision of Laptop to Gazetted Officers in IR
No.2019/AC-IV/9/5/Abstract Z 08-May-2020 Classification of earnings
No.XCR/Covid-19/BZA/2020 08-May-2020 Indeterminate movement of the migrant workers along the tracks over BZA Division
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID - 19 08-May-2020 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
No.2020/Catering/600/02/Pt.2 08-May-2020 Provision of catering services in SHRAMIK Special trains
No.2020/Catering/600/02/Pt.2 08-May-2020 Addendum to Boards Letter No.2020/Catering/600/02/Pt.2
No.ZRTI/673/Training/Covid-19 07-May-2020 Cancellation of training of all courses at ZRTI/MLYupto 17.05.20
No.C.78/F/Static Catering Units/CP-2017 07-May-2020 Invoking of Force Majeure Clause (FMC) in Commercial earning contracts during COVID-19 lockdown
Force Majeure 07-May-2020 Extract of SBD for catering Contracts GMUs of A1,A & B Category stations
No.SCR/P-NZA/241/I/C/CSR & CC/Vol.II 06-May-2020 Priority list of request transfers of CCI/CCSR/Ch.CC/CSR/CI,Sr.CC & CC
No.20/H-1/7/5/1 06-May-2020 Periodical Medical Examination (PME) of staff during COVID-19
No.B/P/563/I/5/Vol.XIII 06-May-2020 Results of Pro.CC/TC in batch No.01/20
eMail Diarization 06-May-2020 eMail Diarization @ eOffice
No.SCR/P-HQ/563/BILLS 05-May-2020 Declaration option for exercising TDS to be deducted from salary under Old tax regime or New tax regime
VMC 05-May-2020 VMC Areas of the Division
State Govt. Order 05-May-2020 Krishna Distt. declared as Red Distt.
State Govt. Order 05-May-2020 VMC List of Wards
No.TC-1/2019/201/2 05-May-2020 Revised guidelines regarding Demurrage, Wharfage etc
PQ No. 3909 05-May-2020 All India Ticket checking Vacancy Zone wise
No.2018/Catering/600/9 05-May-2020 Management of KItchen Units transferred by Railways to IRCTC
No.B/P.500/NR/MAY/2020 05-May-2020 Clearance in regard to SPE/Vig/DAR & withheld of Commercial debits
No.G.230/ORH/20-21 04-May-2020 Non - Allotment of accomodation in Officer's Rest House, Holiday Homes, Retiring rooms / Dormitories over SCR from 06/05 to 31/05
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID - 19 03-May-2020 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
O.O No. 32 of 2020 03-May-2020 Reporting of Officials in Board's Office during extended lockdown period
No.DTP/2020/05/17 02-May-2020 Movement of stranded persons by Shramik Special trains
Sr.DCM Contact No.s 02-May-2020 Sr.DCM Contact No.s all over IR
Nodal Officers 02-May-2020 Nodal Officers of States/UTs for Stranded Persons
No.TC;II/2020/Spl Trains=Covid-19 01-May-2020 Fare for Special train on State Demand run during COVID-19
No.2019/TG-I/10/ATVMs/Smart Card 01-May-2020 Extension of validity of smart cards for issuing tickets through ATVMs
No.A/BZA/BUD/26/2019-20 01-May-2020 Appropriation Accounts for year 2019-20
PIB/01.05.20 01-May-2020 Shramik Special Trains
MHA No.40-3/2020-DM-I(A) 01-May-2020 Ministry of Home Affairs Order
No.TCR/1394/2019/1 01-May-2020 Permissible Carrying Capacity (PCC)of wagons/CC+8 routes
No.ZRTI/673/Exams/Pro.CC/TC/1/20/Result. 30-Apr-2020 Result of Pro.CC/TC/1/20
F.No. 110313/9/2014;Estt (A;III) 30-Apr-2020 Effective use of Aarogyasetu App for breaking the transmission of COVID-19
No.SCR/P-HQ/563/Bills 30-Apr-2020 Declaration for exercising option for TDS to be deducted from salary under Old Tax regime or new tax regime
No.C.79/New Inititatives/CP-2017 29-Apr-2020 Use of scrapping ICF Coaches as "Restaurant" & "Fast Food Outlet"
No.XCR/Covid-19/BZA/2020 29-Apr-2020 Indeterminate movement of the migrant workers along the tracks over BZA Division
No.ZRTI/673/Training/Covid-19 29-Apr-2020 Cancellation of Training of all courses at ZRTI/MLY upto 07.05.20
No.TCFM/Parcel Special Trains/COVID-19 28-Apr-2020 Charging of Parcel Special trains being run on account of COVID-19
No.T/239/LIVE STOCK/NFR/PART-II 27-Apr-2020 Regarding Booking/Sending of PIG to NFR
Tele - Consultation Medical Services @ RH/BZA 27-Apr-2020 Tele - Consultation Medical Services @ RH/BZA
No.TC-I/2019/201/2 25-Apr-2020 Revised guidelines regarding Demurrage, Wharfage etc.
N.1/2020-E-II (B) 23-Apr-2020 Freezing of D.A till July 2021
E - Office Quick Start Guide 22-Apr-2020 E - Office Quick Start Guide
No.2018/V-I/INSP/2/4 21-Apr-2020 Selection to the post of Investigating Inspector (Vig.)/Traffic
No.c.415/E/Staff Matters/2020 20-Apr-2020 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19
Sr.DME/BZA/19/04/20 19-Apr-2020 Suspension of weigh bridge at COA for weighment
No.2020/TC(FM)/11/09 - COVID-19/Trans-shipment 18-Apr-2020 Transhipment of Parcels during COVID-19
No.2018/M(PU)/1/1-Misc 17-Apr-2020 Operation of PU & Zonal Railway Workshops from 20/04 to 03/05
No.B/P.612/I/C/Vol.III 17-Apr-2020 Provisional Seniority list of Ministerial Staff of BZA Commercial Department
No.TC-1/2019/103/1 16-Apr-2020 Delivery of goods at destinations in absence of RR
O.O No. 25 of 2020 16-Apr-2020 Reporting of Officials in Board's Office during lockdown period
No.B/C.59/Cash Chest/19-20/Vol.VII 15-Apr-2020 Handing over of receipt portion of bank remittance challan with CR Notes & other vouchers to Commercial Courier
No.ACP/V.21 15-Apr-2020 Accountal of traffic earnings - non submission of CR/VR notes & relevant vouchers to Cash Office
No.G.230/ORH/19-20 15-Apr-2020 Allotment of accomodation in ORH, Holiday Homes, RR/Dormitories over SCR from 16/04 yo 05/05
No.B/C.441/Covid/Parcel Specials/2020 15-Apr-2020 Running of Parcels Specials for the clearance of essential commodities during the Lock down Period
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/Covid - 19 15-Apr-2020 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID - 19
No.TCR/1017/2016/01/Pt 15-Apr-2020 Policy guidelines - Transportation Products
CANCELLATION 14-Apr-2020 Extended Cancellation of Passenger trains till 03/05
PR No.33 14-Apr-2020 All Passenger train services cancelled till 03/05
F.No.TC-II/2003/2020/Refund Corona 14-Apr-2020 Extension of currency of instructions from 21/03 onwards on the subject of cancellation of tickets, refund of fare, booking of tickets & closure of booking counters
No.ZRTI/673/Training/Covid-19 14-Apr-2020 Cancellation of training of all courses at ZRTI/MLY upto 03/05
No.TC-I/2019/2012 14-Apr-2020 Application of normal guidelines regarding Demurrage, Wharfages etc
TELE CONSULTATION FACILITY @ RH/BZA 13-Apr-2020 Tele Consultation Facility at RH/BZA
No.2012/E(LR)III/HLI-1 11-Apr-2020 Declaration of Holiday on 14/04
No.ZRTI/673/Training/Covid-19 11-Apr-2020 Extension of closure of ZRTI/MLY beyond 14.04.20
Advisory for Media 10-Apr-2020 Publication of media reports on travel protocol etc of trains passengers on resumption of train services : Advisory for media
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/Covid - 19 10-Apr-2020 Instructions for implementation of DUMRAIL PARIVAAR SAHAYOG YOJANA
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID - 19 09-Apr-2020 Master Circular No.10 - Special CL
No.P/483/Spl.CL/Covid-19/Co-Ord 08-Apr-2020 Master Circular No.10 - Grant of Special CL on account of COVID-19
No.A/GST/Clarifications/2019 06-Apr-2020 GST on Cost of Tender Form
No.E(W)2020/SC-2/1 04-Apr-2020 AROGYA SETU APP & General Measures to enhance body's natural defence system
No.2020/AC-I/6/COVID 03-Apr-2020 Accounting procedure for expenditure on COVID related activities on Railways
VC with MR. MSR & CRB 03-Apr-2020 Items noted during Video Conference of Hon'bl MR, MSR & CRB Sir on 03.04.20
Movement of Commercial Couriers 02-Apr-2020 Movement of Commercial Couriers
01.04.2020 01-Apr-2020 Officials to reach out to needy people during COVID-19
No.2020/H-1/7/5 01-Apr-2020 Periodical Medical Examination of staff
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID - 19 01-Apr-2020 Master Circular No.10 - Special Casual Leave
F.No.23(4)/E.Coord/2020/1 01-Apr-2020 Payment of wages to outsourced persons
No.2012/E(GR)-II/11/3 01-Apr-2020 PM CARES Fund
No.B/C.59/Cash-in-transit/BZA/2020 31-Mar-2020 Submission of CR Notes,V.R.Notes upto 31.03.20,monthly reports, Balance Sheets of both Coaching and Goods upto MARCH 2020 from stations over BZA Division
2015/TG-IV/13/6(RDN) 31-Mar-2020 Re-entrusting of Bid process Management & implementation of Rail Display Network
No.C.5/CP/DDIS/2015-16/Vol.III 31-Mar-2020 Termination of DDIS Contract from 01/04/2020
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/FUNERALADVANCE-2020 31-Mar-2020 Sanction of Funeral Advance to Sri G.Raja Ratnam,SBC/APT
E.No.33/12/73 Estt.A 31-Mar-2020 Retirement of Government Servants on 31.03.2020 clarification
No.B/C.59/Cash-in-trrabsit/BZA/2020 30-Mar-2020 Intimation of cash in transit upto 31.03.20 at Goods sheds all over BZA Divn.
No.B/T.305/Misc./20 30-Mar-2020 Measures to restrict the staff movements in RMV - GDV - MTM - BVRM - NS - KLDI section
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID - 19 30-Mar-2020 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 guidelines for protection & safety of DIVYANGJAN
G.O.Rt.No.293 30-Mar-2020 Exemption of Railway staff on possession of Railway Id Card
N0.2018/M[PU)/1/1-Misc 30-Mar-2020 Closure of PUs & Zonal Railway workshops due to COVID-19
No.21011/02/2015-Est(A-II)-Part II 30-Mar-2020 Extension of timelines for recording of APAR
No.P/PCPO/COVID.19/SURVEY 29-Mar-2020 Mobile App software - COVID 19
IRCTC Base Kitchen 29-Mar-2020 13 IRCTC Base Kitchen to provide cooked food to needy people in times of lockdown
No.SCR/P-HQ/563/BILLS 28-Mar-2020 SCR letter on Contribution to PMNRF
No.2020/H-1/7/2/A 28-Mar-2020 Railway Health facilities available to all Central Govt. Employees
PR No.1340 28-Mar-2020 Full refund for all the tickets booked for the journey period between 21/03 to 14/04
No.2020/H-1/7/2/B 28-Mar-2020 Reimbursement of OPD Medicines : Special sanction in view of COVID-19
EMI WAIVER 27-Mar-2020 Statement on Development & Regulatory Policies
A/TA/CBC/Misc 27-Mar-2020 Remittance of cash & vouchers & submission of Station Balance sheets
No.TC-1/2016/201/1 27-Mar-2020 Demurrage, Stabling, Wharfage, Stacking, Waiver & Write off
No.C.200/RG-IMisc/Vol.III/2017 27-Mar-2020 Pre - payment of Demurrage Charges at stations/Goods sheds
No.TC-1/2019/201/2 27-Mar-2020 Relaxation in Demurrage & Wharfage rules
No.2020/E(LL)/PMNRF/1 27-Mar-2020 Contribution to PMNRF
A/TA/CBC/Misc 27-Mar-2020 Remittance of cash & Vouchers & submission of station Balance sheets
No.CWM/PR/Gen 27-Mar-2020 Modification in Non AC Coaches for planning of isolation rakes
No.2020/IRCTC/prevention of COVID-19 27-Mar-2020 Preparation of Meals in IRCTC Kitchen Units over IR for the needy/destitute amidst COVID-19 Epidemic
Z.15025/12/2020/DIR/CHGS 27-Mar-2020 Reimbursement of OPD Medicines : Special sanction in view of COVID-19
No.ACP/V.20 27-Mar-2020 Balance under Traffic Suspense - Cash-in-transit for the year ending 31.03.20
COVID-19 26-Mar-2020 COVID-19 Measures - Board Control Cell
CC No. 62 of 2020 26-Mar-2020 Extension of validity for the policies pertaining to goods/container traffic
CC No. 63 of 2020 26-Mar-2020 No haulage charge for movement of empty containers & empty flat wagons
No.2020/TG-I/COVID-19 25-Mar-2020 Instructions for booking of Reserved/Unreserved tickets upto 24.00hrs of 14/04
DTP/2020/03/28 25-Mar-2020 Extended Cancellation of Passenger Train Services
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/Covid - 19 25-Mar-2020 Restricted attendance in SCR establishments to combat the spread of COVID-19
No.C.432/Mktg./CPLP-NP/CV/Vol.III(Pt.)/2020 24-Mar-2020 Request for Special Leave to lease holders of leased SLRs/VPs
No.2019 M(C)/202/1 24-Mar-2020 Prevention measure to achieve social distancing to contain spread of COVID - 19
No.C.568/G.II/TC/Passes-PTO's/Loss/Vol.XVII 24-Mar-2020 Loss of Bronze Metal Token No. 1629
No.2018/M(PU)/1/1-Misc 24-Mar-2020 Closure of Production Units & Zonal Railway Workshops
Ref.HD/40/2020.Dt.24.03.2020 24-Mar-2020 SCR - BZA Divn. - Exemption for railway vehicle & staff having valid identity
COVID-19 24-Mar-2020 Simple Self Detection & Prevention of COVID-19
No.TC-1/2019/103/1 24-Mar-2020 Delivery of goods at the destination station in absence of RR
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/Covid - 19 23-Mar-2020 Revised instructions regarding attendance to contain spread of COVID-19
No.C.508/Chg.Ref/Misc/Covid-19 23-Mar-2020 Special imprest to stations for managing unprecedent refunds in view of trains/journey cancellation
No.C.59/G.I/CASH/COLLECTION/2018 23-Mar-2020 Doorstep Banking - Collection of cash/DDs from various stations on SCR by SBI
E-Receipt No. - 667735/2020 23-Mar-2020 Relaxation in Demurrage & Wharfage rules
No.TCFM/PARCEL/COVID-19 23-Mar-2020 Restriction on Booking & Loading of all Parcels
No.46-T/01/RESTRICTION VP 23-Mar-2020 Restriction of Parcel traffic over NR
No.C.508/Chg.Ref/Misc/Covid-19 23-Mar-2020 Retaining of cash at stations on account of cancellations of PRS tickets due to Covid-19
Guidelines on securing Commercial Units 23-Mar-2020 Guidelines on securing the Commercial Units at stations in view of cancellation of train services up to the restoration
Rc.C1/55/M/2020 23-Mar-2020 Exemption from the prohibitive orders
No.B/C.439/Covid-19/Comml-Contracts/2020 23-Mar-2020 Temporary Closure of Commercial Units
No.B/C.19/Staff/Sr.DCM/O/Vol.X 23-Mar-2020 Booking of skeletal staff to work in Sr.DCM/O/BZA
TRC No.03 of 2020 23-Mar-2020 Relaxation in certain provisions of Refund Rules
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID - 19 22-Mar-2020 Revised instructions regarding attendance to contain spread of COVID - 19
No.2020/E(LL)/HER/3 22-Mar-2020 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID - 19
Dy.CCM/IT/MSG/No./COVI-19/01/DT 21.03.2020 21-Mar-2020 Message from Dy.CCM/IT/SCR
SANITISATION 21-Mar-2020 Regarding Sanitization of Tr.No. 17406 & Tr.No. 22691
PR No.1325 21-Mar-2020 Relaxed Refund Rules for PRS Counter tickets
BZA.COM 21-Mar-2020 BZA.COM Application
C.415/E/Misc/Covid/2020 20-Mar-2020 Standard Procedure to be followed by Commercial Staff on receiving information about COVID - 19 Positive Cases in trains/stations
No.B/C.568/Staff/TC/2020 20-Mar-2020 Posting of Shri P.Sudhakar, CTI/COR/BZA as incharge CTI/COR/BZA
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/COVID-19 20-Mar-2020 Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID -19
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/TC/Vol.II 20-Mar-2020 Publication of Priority List of Request Transfers of Sr.TE/TE in BZA Ticket Checking Staff
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/I/CCSR/CCI/Vol.II 20-Mar-2020 Promotion to the post of CCI/CCSR all over BZA Divn.
No. M.C&W/COVID-19/Instructions 20-Mar-2020 Protocol drawn for reported COVID-19 passenger in train services
No.2016/M(L)/467/1 20-Mar-2020 Breath analyser test and Biometric verification of running staffduring signing On/Off
PR No.1315 20-Mar-2020 SCR's proactive measure against spread of Corona Virus
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/Covid - 19 20-Mar-2020 IRCTC - Prevention/spreading of COVID-19 infection
No.TC-II/2910/2020/Imprest to station 20-Mar-2020 Accounting procedure for special imprest to stations for managing unprecedent refunds in view of trains/journey cancellation
No.C.521/G.II/RR/Policy/Vol.V 19-Mar-2020 Closing of Retiring Rooms/Dormitories for passengers over SCR
No.SCR/P-BZA/240/I/C/Comml.Sup/Clerks/Vol.II 19-Mar-2020 Acceptance of VRS of Sri K.Vijaya Babu
No.TC-II/2003/20/Covid 19 19-Mar-2020 Withdrawal of concession in passenger fare for all categories of passengers except 4 categories of Divyangjan & 11 categories of patients till further advice
No.C.568/GII/TC/Misc/2018 19-Mar-2020 Permission to conduct on board passenger survey
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/TC/Vol.II 19-Mar-2020 Publication of Priority List of Request Transfers of CTI/TTI in BZA Ticket Checking Staff
No.ZRTI/673/Cancellation of Training/Covid - 19/1 19-Mar-2020 Cancellation of courses from 19.03.20 (AN) to 31.03.20
No.G.157/Genl/2020 19-Mar-2020 Preparedness for COVID - 19 by SCR
No.SCR/P-HQ/262(a)/Gaz/C-1/70%/Comml.2019 17-Mar-2020 Results of ACM Written Examination
No.B/C.19/Staff/Vol.X 17-Mar-2020 Procedure order for applying and sanctioning of leave
No.E(G)/2020/CL 4 - 2 17-Mar-2020 Prevention and control of Corona Virus disease
No.C/CR/UTS/Platform Ticket Fares/Vol.V 17-Mar-2020 Enhancement of Platform ticket fare during the period from 18/03 to 31/03 over SCR
No.TC-1/2016/108/2 17-Mar-2020 Guidelines for preparation of RRs for the rake loaded on 31/03
No.TCII/2003/10/TTE Lobby 17-Mar-2020 100% digitalization of working of TTE lobbies at stations
No.C.568/GII/TC/HHT's/TTE 16-Mar-2020 100% Digitalization of working of TTE Lobbies at stations
No.SCR/P-HQ/478/Covid - 19 16-Mar-2020 COVID - 19
No.ZRTI/673/Training/Covid-19/1 16-Mar-2020 Regulation/Cancellation of courses as part of precautionary measures on COVID - 19
No.B/C/Sr.DCM/Misc. 13-Mar-2020 Procurement of Sanitizers
No.T/454/TT/2020 13-Mar-2020 Currency of Zonal Public Time Table & Trains at a Glance
No.M.13/C&W/Cleanliness/215/Linen/Vol.II 13-Mar-2020 Measures to control the spread of Corona Virus COVID - 19
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/CSR & CC/Vol.II 12-Mar-2020 Implementation of periodical transfers in BZA Commercial Clerk Cadre
No.B/P.676/1/ECRC's/Vol.9 12-Mar-2020 Implementation of periodical transfers in BZA ECRC Cadre
C.568/G.II/PAS/P/Vol.VI 10-Mar-2020 Announcements & display of posters/pamphlet regarding awareness of CORONA VIRUS
No..2017/TT-IV/11/1 09-Mar-2020 Quota for loading of JUMBO rakes for NFR stations
No.B/C.300/CAB/POLICY 09-Mar-2020 Revision of Cab Fee charges all over BZA Division
No.2020/O&M/12/4/2 09-Mar-2020 65th Railway Week Function, 2020
No.SCR/P-HQ/AEBAS/PCPO Secretariat 08-Mar-2020 Exemption to employees to mark bio metric attendance in AEBAS
No.B/C.319/Weighmnet of Bagged Consignments/Vol.II 08-Mar-2020 Exemption of weighment of rakes loaded with consignments in Standard Bags of Uniform size reg.
No.B/C.568/TC-TTE's LOBBY/2020 06-Mar-2020 JPO for EFT transactions through PGPRS POS machines by on board/off board ticket checking staff
No.CEE/P/56/301/AC 06-Mar-2020 Clarification regarding installation of AC in Railway Quarter
No.2019/TG-V/8/13 06-Mar-2020 Information sought under RTI Act, 2005
No.2015/H-1/7/3 04-Mar-2020 Prevention/Spreading of Corona Virus (COVID - 19) infection
SCR/P-BZA/122/Comml.Cadre/Vol.I 04-Mar-2020 Practical training in the category of CC/TC in Commercial Dept. all over BZA Divn.
SCR/P-BZA/122/Comml.Cadre/Vol.I 04-Mar-2020 Practical training in the category of CC/TC in Commercial Dept. all over BZA Divn.
No.C.415/E/SCRMU PNM/139/11/19 03-Mar-2020 Irregular posting of Supervisors in various Departments by ignoring seniority
No.TC.II/2019/16/Humsafar 03-Mar-2020 Rationalisation of fare structure of Humsafar trains
No.No.2008/H-1/2/15 03-Mar-2020 Removal of age limit of 25yrsof medical facilities for dependent children of serving Railway Employees & Pensioners
No.D-43/12/2018-F(E)III 03-Mar-2020 Coverage under Railway Services Rules, 1953 in place of NPS
No.2020/V-1/INSP/2/1 03-Mar-2020 Selection of Investigating Inspector (Vig.)/Railway Board in various departments in Level 7
No.TC/14/2019/MRLY/SEOTH/RU-I 29-Feb-2020 Representation of Shri T.Chakravarthy, CTI/BZA
No.CAO/PTS/128/POS/IR/TTE/2019 27-Feb-2020 Provision of POS machines for accepting digital payment by ticket checking staff
No.SCR/P-BZA/227/Sel/Instructors/Comml.(Misc.) 27-Feb-2020 Posting order in favour of B.Srinivasa Rao, CC/PKO
ACM EXAM QUESTION PAPER 27-Feb-2020 Question Paper for selection to the post of ACM in Comml. Dept.
CC No. 39 of 2020 27-Feb-2020 Rationalisation of Flexi Fare Scheme in RAJDHANI, SHATABDI & DURONTO
No.2015/TG-1/10/DT/Pt.II/4 26-Feb-2020 Acceptance of digital payments for EFT transactions through digital modes by ticket checking staff
No.CAO/PTS/128/POS/IR/TTE/2019 26-Feb-2020 Feedback on the workshop of PGPRS POS machines by on board/ off board ticket checking staff
No.C.285/Mktg/Quotas/Vol.IV 25-Feb-2020 Allotment of Parcel Quota by 🚂🚃🚃 Tr.No. 20890 HUMSAFAR Exp
No.C.549/58/Vol.XXIV 25-Feb-2020 Treating of Transfer of ticket "TOT"
No.RRC/SCR/GDCE/01/2018 24-Feb-2020 Conducting of written examination for posts of SM/GOODS GUARD & Comml. cum TC
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/I/C/TC/Vol.II 24-Feb-2020 Implementation of periodical transfers in BZA Ticket Checking Cadre
No.B/MD.208/UNION/Vol.II 24-Feb-2020 Regarding SICK MEMO
No.B/MD.208/UNION/Vol.II 24-Feb-2020 Supply of diabetic medicines for 3 months
No.B/MD.208/UNION/Vol.II 24-Feb-2020 Referral to Non - Empanelled hospitals
No.2014/V-1/VP/1/10 22-Feb-2020 Co-operation with vigilance team in discharge of duty
No.E(W)2016/PS5-1/9 21-Feb-2020 Amendment in the Railway Servants (Pass) Rules,1986 to provide for issuance of Passes/PTOs in digitalized/electronic mode
No.2017/RS/Ptg.&Sty./AP/PP/IR 21-Feb-2020 Closure of remaining five Printing Presses
No.E(W)2020/FU-1/2 21-Feb-2020 Overseas Camp under SBF at Bangkok, Pattayya & Bali
No.2019/Catering/600/09 21-Feb-2020 Transfer of catering charges of pre-paid trains to IRCTC
No.2018/TG-1/20/P/STBA 21-Feb-2020 Master Circular on implementation of STBA scheme at NSG-5 & NSG-6 category stations
No.2019/TG-I/20/P/45 21-Feb-2020 Earmarking of accommodation in Power Car of LHB rakes
No.2019/Tourism/140/9 21-Feb-2020 Pilgrim Special Trains
No.T/239/Restriction/PT-II 21-Feb-2020 Restriction in Booking/Movement of VP from & to GHY
No.2020/O&M/12/4/2 21-Feb-2020 65th Railway Week National Award Function,2020
No.SCR/P-BZA/402/C/CI/CS/CC 20-Feb-2020 Provisional Seniority List of CCSR/Inspectors/CSR/Sr.CC & CC all over BZA Division as on 21.01.2020
No.B/C.565/UTS&PRS/2020 20-Feb-2020 Rail Concession for Ek Bharat Shreshta Bharat
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 19-Feb-2020 Promotion to the post of CTI & Transfer of staff in Ticket Checking Cadre
No.B/C.19/Group B/70%/2019 19-Feb-2020 Notice for the ACM Written Examination in Commercial Dept against 70% Quota selection -
No.2015/TG-I/10/DT/Pt.II/4 19-Feb-2020 JPO for EFT transactions through PGPRS POS machines by on board/off board ticket checking staff
No.SCR/P.BZA/721/RMEEC/2020 18-Feb-2020 Railway Minister's English Essay Competition 2019 -2020
F.No. 11012/7/2017 - Estt.A-III 18-Feb-2020 Grant of vigilance clearance for obtaining passport
No.57/04/2019-P&PW(B) 17-Feb-2020 Coverage under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules,1972 in place of NPS
No.TCII/2003/03/Refund/Computerisation 15-Feb-2020 Grant of refund from PRS on cancellation of tickets - CCRS
CUG 14-Feb-2020 CUG/AUTO Phone Numbers of SS all over BZA Division
No.B/C.568/Staff/TC/Temp Transfer/2019 14-Feb-2020 Temporary transfer of ticket checking staff
No.29 of 2020 14-Feb-2020 Revision of charges for Hospital on wheels organized by Impact India Foundation, MUMBAI
No.C/CR/Insp/Workshop/2020 13-Feb-2020 Workshop at BZA on 'UTSONMOBILE' app
No.B/C.568/TC/Temp. Transfer/2020 12-Feb-2020 Temporary transfer of Ticket Checking staff
No.SCR/P-BZA/240/I/C/Comml.Sup/Clerks/Vol.II 12-Feb-2020 Acceptance of VRS of Sri N.Chandrahas, CBSR/KVZ
No.B/C.19/Staff/Vol.X 11-Feb-2020 Procedure for applying & sanctioning of leave.
No.CAO/PT5/116/TTE LOBBY/IMPL/2018 11-Feb-2020 Enabling digital payments through HHTs by onboard TTEs
No.B/C.568/TC-TTE's LOBBY/2020 11-Feb-2020 Implementation of TTE Lobby Project
No.SCR/BZA/P/Ruling/O/947 10-Feb-2020 Proposal for Re - Engagement of Retired Staff in Commercial Dept.
Destination Alert 10-Feb-2020 Destination Alert for onboard passengers
No.B/C.157/Safety/Misc/2018 07-Feb-2020 Special Safety Drive
No.SCR/P-HQ/205/EC/AVC 07-Feb-2020 Revised avenue for the post of Commercial cum Ticket Clerk in Level - 03
No.E(G)2020/LE/I-I 05-Feb-2020 Biometric Attendance System on Indian Railways
No.Z/SEC/A/RWA/I.VII 05-Feb-2020 Guidelines for sending nominations for 65th Rly. Week Award 2020 at SCR Zonal Level
No.2019/E(LR)III/Ref/Misc./10 05-Feb-2020 Transfer of Union Office bearers - Secret Ballot Elections reg.
No.TCII/2003/10/TTE Lobby 05-Feb-2020 100% digitalization of working of TTE lobbies at stations
No.B/C.473/GST/GOODS/2019-20 03-Feb-2020 Feeding of Reverse Charge transactions of earnings into CRIS Manual Utility
No.2001/TG-V/11/31 03-Feb-2020 Misuse of Senior Citizen Concession as well as Senior Citizen Quota
No.B/P.676/I/ECRC'S/Vol.9 03-Feb-2020 Transfer of V.Neeraja, RS - II/NLR
No.B/P.535/I/Office Staff/Vol.III 03-Feb-2020 Promotion of S.Sujatha as Ch.OS/Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.B/P/535/I/2/4/Vol.4 03-Feb-2020 Revision of Pay/Annual Increments to BZA Ticket Checking Staff
No.B/P.612/I/TTI 03-Feb-2020 Provisional Seniority List of TTI's all over BZA Divn. as on 01.01.2020
No.94/TG-I/20/P/8 02-Feb-2020 Preservation period of Reservation Record
No.2014/TG-V/26/2 01-Feb-2020 Time Limit for releasing reserved accomodation to RAC/WL
No.RTI Cell/2010/01008050/CPO-III (Final Reply) 01-Feb-2020 Information sought under RTI Act 2005
No.SCR/P-HQ/262(a)/Gaz/C-1/70%/Comml.2019 01-Feb-2020 Written Examination to Group 'B' Post of ACM in Commercial Dept. against 70% Quota over SCR
No.TC.II/2910/2016/Discounted Fares 01-Feb-2020 10% rebate in the basic fare on the vacant berths/seats after preparation of 1st chart
No.TC.II/2910/2016/Discounted Fares 01-Feb-2020 Applicability of rebate of 10% on cluster journey tickets after preparation of 1st chart
No.2019/TC(FM)/11/01 31-Jan-2020 Utilization of Suburban Railways for transportation of E-commerce consignments
No.P[R]288/I 31-Jan-2020 Re-engagement of retired staff in exigencies of services
No.SCR/P-BZA/641/EST/2019-2020 30-Jan-2020 BZA Division Select list for "Employees Special Tour" to Bangkok, Pattayya & Bali
No.SCR/P/BZA/210/1/CCSR/CCI/Vol.II 28-Jan-2020 Promotions/Transfers of CCI/CCSR all over BZA Divn.
C.571/TC/DIV/Review/Vol.XXIII 28-Jan-2020 Special drive against fake/misuse of passes
No.W/120/XIII/I/Insp.spl. 27-Jan-2020 GM/SCR Annual Inspection for the year 2020 - 2021
No.B/MD.100/MISC 27-Jan-2020 Placing of Employees on Sick List at HU/STPM
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 27-Jan-2020 Promotion to the post of CTI & Transfer of Ticket Checking Staff over BZA Division.
No.B/P.512/I/CTI 23-Jan-2020 Provisional Seniority List of CTI's all over BZA Divn. as on 01.01.2020
No.E(W)2006/WE-5/3 22-Jan-2020 Presentation of Gold Plated Medals to retiring railway servants
PASS ROUTES 22-Jan-2020 List of permissible routes for issue of Passes
No.B/C.568/Temp.Transfer/2020 22-Jan-2020 Temporary transfer of Ticket Checking Staff
No.T.75/CAB/VPH/19 21-Jan-2020 Restriction on parcel traffic over Delhi area in connection with Republic Day - 2020
No.SCR/P-HQ/456/SBF/OSC/2019-20 17-Jan-2020 Organizing Employees Special Tour to Bangkok, Pattayya & Bali
No.B/P.535/1/Office Staff/Vol.III 17-Jan-2020 Select List for promotion to the post of Ch.OS in Comml Dept, BZA Divn.
No.B/C.568/TC-Instructions/2020 17-Jan-2020 Format for Cash Remittance Memo
No.2018/Tele/6(4)/1 16-Jan-2020 Provision of CCTV at Railway Offices
No.E(NG)I/2018/CFP/5 13-Jan-2020 Eligibility Criteria for selection to the post of TE/CC
No.98/TG.1/9/P 11-Jan-2020 Policy instructions regarding RAJDHANI/SHATABDI Exp
No.ZRTI/673/Trg./Pro CC TC 11-Jan-2020 Commencement of Pro CCTC Special batch at ZRTI
SCR/P-BZA/122/Comml.Cadre/Vol.II 10-Jan-2020 Posting of staff as CC against DR Quota - Comml. cum Ticket Clerk Cadre
B/C.565/UTS/2019 10-Jan-2020 Increase of Platform ticket at BZA, RJY & NLR
No.ECoR/Pers/wel/Holiday Home/ARK/2019 09-Jan-2020 Holiday Home at ARAKU
Referral Hospital 09-Jan-2020 List of Referral Hospitals all over VIJAYAWADA as on 09.01.2020
No.B/P.535/1/TC/Vol.II 09-Jan-2020 Selection to the post of TC/CC all over BZA Divn.
CC No. 7 of 2020 09-Jan-2020 Closure of CDBH Station over SCR
No.2019/TG-V/5/2 08-Jan-2020 Special ticket checking drives on all Zonal Railways
No.B/C.568/Staff/TC/Temp Transfer/2020 08-Jan-2020 Temporary transfer of Sri D.Venu Gopal, CTI/COR/BZA
No.E(NG)I/2010/PM 1/19 08-Jan-2020 Filling up non gazetted posts in Electrical & Mechanical Dept.
No.2010/Tele/14(3)/1(3054385) 08-Jan-2020 Discontinuing of Helpline Numbers
No.2018/Sec(SCNL)MR Dash Board Tasks 08-Jan-2020 Action against illegal vendor mafias operating inside the train
No.E(G)2019 RN 2-13 08-Jan-2020 Action to be taken by DRMs regarding subletting of allocated quarters
No.B/P.535/I//2/4/Vol.4 07-Jan-2020 Revision of Pay/Annual Increments of BZA Ticket Checking Staff
B/C.565/STBA/3/2019 07-Jan-2020 Engagement of STBA all over BZA Division
No.G.180/CON/VIs/Tfc/Vol.11 07-Jan-2020 Filling up of the posts of CVI/Traffic
No.B/C.151/Cloakroom/RJY/2020 06-Jan-2020 Revision of Cloak Room & Locker tariff at stations
PC-VII/2017/R-I/7 06-Jan-2020 Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 - reg.
Lr.No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 06-Jan-2020 Fixation of PAY OF Sri Ch.Ravi Kishore, CTI/COR/BZA
No.2020/Sec. (Int)/51/3/4-018 06-Jan-2020 Call for general strike by Central Trade Unions
No.P[R] 481/XI 06-Jan-2020 Date of next increment under Rule 10 of Railway Services
No.2014/TG-I/20/P Pt. 04-Jan-2020 Running of Special Trains
Lr.No. SCR/P-HQ/661/Sett/Hqrs 03-Jan-2020 Recovery of over payments at the time of retirement
No.E(NG)II/2018/RR-1/31 03-Jan-2020 CG Appointment as SSE
No.2008/TG-V/5/1 03-Jan-2020 Collection of penalty from persons found loitering in Platform without Platform ticket / travel authority
B/C.518/Press IDs/2011 02-Jan-2020 Extension of Validity period of Photo Identity Cards to Accredited Press Correspondents
No.B/P.608/I/CE & RS/ 01-Jan-2020 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of CE & RS all over BZA Division
No.B/P.608/I/CE & RS/ 01-Jan-2020 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of RS - II all over BZA Division
No.B/P.608/1/CE & RS/Vol.III 01-Jan-2020 Promotion to the post of CE & RS all over BZA Division
No.B/P.608/1/CE & RS/Vol.III 01-Jan-2020 Promotion to the post of RS - II all over BZA Division
No.G.296/TP/2020 01-Jan-2020 Tour Programme of GM/SCR
No.2008/TG-V/18/9 01-Jan-2020 Inclusion of bedroll charge of Rs.2⃣5⃣/- in the fare of GARIBRATH Exp trains
No.2015/CE-I/CT/O/20/1 01-Jan-2020 Power of acceptance of Works Tenders
No.2019/PG/1/15/RailMadad 01-Jan-2020 RailMadad
No.B/P.608/I/2/5 31-Dec-2019 Formation of select list for promotion to the post of Sr.TE all over BZA Division
No.TC-II/2910/2019/Fare 31-Dec-2019 Revision of Passenger fare w.e f 01.01.2020
No.B/P.535/I/2/4/Vol.6 31-Dec-2019 Promotions/Postings of Sr.TE all over BZA Division
No.SCR/P/BZA/210/I/C/Sr.CC/Vol.II 31-Dec-2019 Promotions/postings of Sr.CC all over BZA Division
No.23/67/2018-EO(ACC) 31-Dec-2019 Re - Employment of CRB
No.B/P.535/1/2/3/Vol.5 30-Dec-2019 Promotion/Transfer to the post of TTIs all over BZA Division
No.SCR/P/BZA/210/1/Comml.Cadre/Ch.CC/Vol.II 30-Dec-2019 Select List for promotion to the post of Ch.CC/CSR/CI all over BZA Division.
No.B/P.535/I/2/4/Vol.6 30-Dec-2019 Promotion to the post of Sr.TE all over BZA Division
Committee Report 29-Dec-2019 Committee Report on Classification of Posts
No.E(GP)2019/2/25 27-Dec-2019 Eligibility conditions for promotion from Group 'C' to Group 'B'
No.CTI/SL/BZA/2019 26-Dec-2019 Inter railway transfer of Sri Soumen.Sardar, TTI/SL/BZA
No.E(P&A)I-2016/RT-16 25-Dec-2019 Administrative Posts in IRMS
No.SCR/P-BZA/271/1/C/CC/Trg/Vol.III 24-Dec-2019 Transfer/Posting of Commercial Clerks all over BZA Divn
No.CTI/SL/BZA/P/9/2017 24-Dec-2019 Inter railway transfer of Sri Manjeet, TTI/SL/BZA
No.B/P.487/Ministerial/Sr.DCM/MAC 23-Dec-2019 Grant of MACP to ministerial staff in Sr.DCM/O/BZA
No.B/C.100/E/SD/10/12/19 dtd 21.12.19 22-Dec-2019 Staff nominated for CCM/PM Meeting in BZA on 24.12.19
Settlement Procedure 21-Dec-2019 Settlement Procedure
No.2019/RB(W)/5/12 21-Dec-2019 CRB Retirement circular
No.E(NG)I/2019/PM 1/20 21-Dec-2019 Promotion of Group C Staff to "Selection" posts
CC No. 250 of 2019 20-Dec-2019 Revision of fare of BUS cum MMTS Rail Ticket - General Bus ticket (GBT)
No.2018/PG/18/All India Helpline 19-Dec-2019 Integrated Railway Helpline & RAIL MADAD
PC-VII/2017/R-I/7 19-Dec-2019 Date of Next Increment under Rule 10 of Railway Services Rules,2016
Referral Hospital 19-Dec-2019 List of Consultants at Railway Referral Hospitals
No.C.571/G-II/TC/Div/Review/Vol.XXIII 18-Dec-2019 Rotation of officials in sensitive posts - Ticket Checking staff - reg.
No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 18-Dec-2019 Formation of Select List for promotion to the post of CTI
No.ZRTI/673/Annual Day Celebrations 17-Dec-2019 ZRTI/MLY Meritorious Trainees List
No.TCII/2003/2015/Refund Policy/1 17-Dec-2019 REFUND RULES
No.C.568/G.II/TC/Passes-PTO's/Loss/Vol.XVII 16-Dec-2019 Loss of Silver Metal Pass No. 2576
No.B/C.568/TC/Temp. Transfer/2019 16-Dec-2019 Temporary transfer of BZA Ticket Checking Staff
No.SCR/P-HQ/TRG/674/2/Vol.III 13-Dec-2019 Development of MDZTI/MDDTI
No.2007/TG-V/26/1 13-Dec-2019 Realization of excess charge/penalty from passengers found travelling in higher class with lower class tickets.
No.SCR/BZA/P/332/P/Vol.VIII 13-Dec-2019 HOLIDAY LIST 2020 over BZA Division
No.2015/TG-III/631/11 13-Dec-2019 Revised tariff of Standard meals/items on static units all over INDIAN RAILWAYS
No.SCR/P-BZA/240/I/C/Comml.Sup/Clerks/Vol.II 10-Dec-2019 Acceptance of VRS of Sri C.Lakshminarayana, CPSR/CLX
No.B/C.568/TC/Staff/Meeting/2019 10-Dec-2019 Performance Review Meeting of BZA Ticket Checking Squads
No.2017/V-1/ALSL/1/1 10-Dec-2019 Rotation of officers working in sensitive posts
No.B/C.568/TC/Misc/2019 09-Dec-2019 Temporary transfer of C.V.Reddy,Sr.TE/SL/BZA
No.B/G 50/VII/21/125hq/2019 09-Dec-2019 Complaints regarding opening of coach doors
No.SWR/P.721/Holiday Homes 08-Dec-2019 Holiday home at MADGAON/GOA for non gazetted staff
No.B/MD.438/Ref/Aayush 07-Dec-2019 Empanelment of M/s. AAYUSH NRI LEPL Health Care Pvt. Ltd/Vijayawada
No.B/P.676/1/ECRC's/Vol.9 06-Dec-2019 Transfer of Reservation clerks staff
No.SCR/P.HQ/209/ES/Instructor (RB) 06-Dec-2019 Filling up the Ex-Cadre post of HINDI Instructors at ZRTI/MLY
No.T.296/GM's ANNUAL SPECIAL/19 - 20 03-Dec-2019 GM/SCR Inspection @ DVD - RJY
No.C/CR/UTS/Mobile Paperless Ticketing/18 29-Nov-2019 UTS Mobile Ticketing helpline - Reg.
No.E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1 28-Nov-2019 Re-engagement of Retired employees in exigencies of services
No.P(R)/332/XX 27-Nov-2019 Holiday List 2020
No.B/C.568/TC/Misc/2019 27-Nov-2019 Temporary transfer posting as TTI/TUNI
No.E(NG)I/2019/PM1/14 27-Nov-2019 Merger of TC,CC & ECRC
No.SCR/P-HQ/263(a)/Gaz/T-14/Optg/70%/2019 27-Nov-2019 Formation of panel for promotion to Group 'B' post of AOM/ATM in Operating Dept on SCR
No.ZRTI/673/Exams/Pro. CC/TC/2/19/Result 26-Nov-2019 Pro. CC/TC Results
CC No. 192 (GC)/Parcel/2019 26-Nov-2019 Closure of Parcel offices all over ECOR
No.W/120/XIII/I/Insp.Spl 25-Nov-2019 Revised GM/SCR Annual Inspection
Holiday Homes 22-Nov-2019 List of Holiday Homes all over IR
No.E(GP)2007/2/50 21-Nov-2019 Ex-cadre Group 'B' Post of Protocol Officer
No.P[R]288/I 21-Nov-2019 Re-engagement of Retired employees in exigencies of services
No.SCR/P-BZA/210/1/C/CCSR/CCI/Vol.II 20-Nov-2019 Transfers / Postings of CCSR/CC of Comml Dept, BZA Divn.
No.P[R]288/I 20-Nov-2019 Re - Engagement of Retired employees in exigencies of services.
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/RRC/GDCE/2019 15-Nov-2019 Conducting of written examination for GDCE Category
No.SCR/P-HQ/235(a)/EC/CI/2018 15-Nov-2019 Filling up of vacancies Of Commercial Inspectors in Level - 07
No.Safety Seminar/BZA/November/2019 15-Nov-2019 Safety Seminar at Railway Institute/BZA
No.E(NG)I/2018/PM 1/4 14-Nov-2019 100% Objective type paper for Departmental Examination
No.E(NG)II/2010/RC-5/1 14-Nov-2019 Revision of policy regarding compensation of land losers affected by land acquisition for railway projects
No.SCR/P/BZA/210/1/C/Sr.CC/Vol.II 14-Nov-2019 Promotions/Transfers of CCI/ CCSR in Level - 7
No.2015/TG-III/631/11 14-Nov-2019 Revision in Menu & Tariff of catering services on Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto & Standard Meals on IR
No.ERB-I/2019/3/6 13-Nov-2019 OSD/ Ticket Checking / Railway Board
No.B/P.535/1/2/1/Vol.5 13-Nov-2019 Promotion to the post of CTI in Level - 7 & Transfer of staff in TC Cadre - BZA Divn
No.E(NG)II/2019/RR-1/29 12-Nov-2019 Extension in joining time from date of issue of offer of appointment
No.E(P&A)I-2017/CPC/LE-5 11-Nov-2019 Leave to a Railway servant who is unlikely to be fit to return to duty
No.E(P&A)I-2017/SP-1/Genl-5 11-Nov-2019 Payment of extra work allowance
No.SCR/P-HQ/111/Act.App/2019 10-Nov-2019 Notification for Engagement of apprentice
No.B/C.568/TC-Instructions/2019 08-Nov-2019 Travelling on roof step/Foot Board of a train
No.C.571/TC/Div/Review/Vol.XXIII 08-Nov-2019 Review of the Ticket Checking Performance
No.W/120/XIII/I/Insp.Spl 08-Nov-2019 Revised GM's Annual Inspection for the year 2019-20
No.B/P.329/37/Vol.XXI 07-Nov-2019 HINDI Competition in the aegis of TOLIC - BZA
No.B/P.500/PA/2019 04-Nov-2019 Pension Adalat - 2019
Retirement Benefits 04-Nov-2019 Retirement Benefits
No.SCR/P-BZA/227/Sel/Instructs/Misc. 03-Nov-2019 Filling up of vacancies of Comml Inspectors in GP Rs.4600/-
No.2018/TG-I/9/P/2 02-Nov-2019 Earmarking DP Quota in Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto Exp type trains
No.PC-V/2017/A/TA/1 01-Nov-2019 Grant of Transport Allowance to Railway Employees
No.B/P.578/TC/Vol.VIII 01-Nov-2019 VRS in favour of K.Vengaiah, CTI/COR/BZA
No.B/C.568/TC-Circular/2019 31-Oct-2019 Use of TTE App for checking UTS tickets
REFUND 31-Oct-2019 OTP based Refund against cancelled ticket or Fully WL Dropped ticket booked by IRCTC Agent
INCREMENT 30-Oct-2019 Drawal of next increment under Rule 10 of Central Civil Services regarding
No.2004/TGIV/39/24/Service Tax 29-Oct-2019 Levy of GST for booking of Retiring Rooms
1-RTA/0/Genl/Policy/Pt-XIV 29-Oct-2019 Facility of change of name
No.B/P.535/1/2/3/Vol.5 28-Oct-2019 Promotion to the post of TTI
No.E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1 28-Oct-2019 Monthly Remuneration of a re-engaged retired employee
No.E(NG)II/2005/RC-4/SC/2 28-Oct-2019 Filling up of posts in Para - Medical categories in Group C on contract
CUG 28-Oct-2019 CUG numbers in BZA - VSKP Section
No.E(MPP)/2019/1/38 26-Oct-2019 Retirements data for the year 2019 - 20 to 2029 - 30.
No.2017/Coaching/33/13 25-Oct-2019 Inspection Carriage
No.C.415/E/Genl/ACM/70%/2019 25-Oct-2019 Formation of Panel for promotion to Group B Post of ACM in Level - 8 Pay Matrix against 70% Quota selection in Commercial Dept
No.SCR/P-HQ/456/11/18-19(Sch) 25-Oct-2019 Extension of date for grant of Scholarships/Special Scholarships & Meritorious Cash Awards to wards of Non Gazette Employees for the year 2018 - 19.
No.W/120/XIII/I/Insp.Spl 25-Oct-2019 Revised GM's Annual Inspection for the year 2019 - 20.
No.B/C.79/Catering matters/Misc 25-Oct-2019 Use of Kulhad,glasses & plates made by potters.
MACP 25-Oct-2019 Consolidated guidelines regarding MACP
No.C.285/Mktg/Genl/Misc/2017/Vol.III 25-Oct-2019 Special Drive against explosives & dangerous goods in the railway premises on SCR
SCR/P-BZA/947/I/Comml/Re-eng/Retd.Emp.Tc.Cadre 25-Oct-2019 Re - engagement of retired staff in Commercial Dept BZA Divn
Guidelines for Re-Engaged TC Staff 25-Oct-2019 Guidelines for Re-Engaged TC Staff in BZA Divn
No.P(R)/16 24-Oct-2019 Colours of ink to be used for sending communications
No.RRC/SCR/GDCE/01/2018/WE 23-Oct-2019 Conducting of written examination for GDCE Categories
No.B/C.19/Staff/Training/2019 22-Oct-2019 Safety Seminar at BTTR ON 2.10.19
No.B/C.568/TC-Staff-Circulars/2019 21-Oct-2019 Irregular working of TTEs pointed out by FA & CAO
No.EP 839/12/Vol.V 21-Oct-2019 System Improvement regarding Mutual Transfer within same station
No.2016E(GC)16-9 (Cadre Review) (Vol.III)(IX) 19-Oct-2019 Restructuring of Gazetted Cadre of GR.'A' Railway services
No.B/P.535/1/2/1/Vol.5 17-Oct-2019 Formation of select list for Promotion to the post of CTI
No.B/C.568/TC/MISC/2019 17-Oct-2019 Transfer of K.V.Dhar, CTI/COR/BZA to CTI/MTM Stn
No.SCR/P-BZA/721/Vig.Awareness Week 17-Oct-2019 Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week
No.SCR/P-HQ/235(a)EC/CI/2018 17-Oct-2019 Filling up of vacancies of Commercial Inspectors in (GP 4600) Level 7
No.SCR/P-HQ/473/EC/Awards 14-Oct-2019 Grant of Group Cash Awards in favour of RJY station Staff
No.B/P.535/1/TC/Vol.II 14-Oct-2019 Selection for the post of TE against 16 2/3% LDCE Quota on BZA Divn
No.B/MD.438/Andhra 12-Oct-2019 Inclusion of additional specialties of M/s. Andhra Hospital, Vijayawada.
744 10-Oct-2019 EGoS for development of 50 railway stations
No.B/P.578/TC/Vol.VIII 03-Oct-2019 Acceptance of VR of P.Ramesh Babu, CTI/OGL Sqd
No.2019/F(E)II/3/3/1 30-Sep-2019 Fixation of Pay in case of employees who seek transfer to alower post under FR 15(a)
No.E(NG)I-2004/TR/22 29-Sep-2019 Posting of staff transferred on Vigilance ground back to their original Railway/Division
No.2018/TG-V/1/53 (Pt.III) 28-Sep-2019 Provision of facilities in TTE Rest House at par with that of running rooms of drivers/guards
No. SCR/P-HQ/HRMS/2019 27-Sep-2019 Updating Employees details in HRMS database through SCR - HRMS web site
No.2019/AC-II/25/6 27-Sep-2019 Fraud in issue of EFT
D.O.No. 2016-E(GC)16-9(Cadre Review) (Vol.IV)(XI) 27-Sep-2019 Implementation of cadre review orders
No.E(NG)I-2019/TR/11 27-Sep-2019 Forwarding of one way own request transfer applications to other divisions/Railways
No.B/C.568/TC-Manning of Trains/2019 26-Sep-2019 Manning of UDAY Exp reg.
No.SCR/P-HQ/456/19/DAEC/19/WFI Vol-III 26-Sep-2019 Conducting of camp for DIVYANGJAN Employees on Zonal basis
CC No.198 of 2019 26-Sep-2019 Notification for closure of stations for handling of Parcel traffic over SCR
No.B/P.535/I/2/4/Vol.4 24-Sep-2019 Extending the promotion of TTE in scale Rs.4000 - 6000 from 01.11.2003 on proforma basis - TC Cadre
No.SCR/P-HQ/483/BILLS 23-Sep-2019 Payment of PLB for the year 2018 - 19
No.E9NG)I-2019/TR/11 23-Sep-2019 Forwarding of one - way own request transfer applications to other divisions/railways
No.B/P.329/11/Vol.XVI 23-Sep-2019 DRM's Cash Awards in HINDI Implementation during the year 2018 - 19
No.B/P.535/1/2/3/Vol.5 23-Sep-2019 Transfers & Promotion to the Post off TTI's
No.B/P.608/1/5/Vol.II 23-Sep-2019 Formation of Select List for Promotion to the post of TTI.
F.No.12/1/2019-JCA-2 20-Sep-2019 Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2020 reg.
CUG @ SCR 18-Sep-2019 CUG Numbers all over SCR
No.S.11011/29/2019-EHS 17-Sep-2019 Emergency treatment in CGHS Empanelled Hospitals
No.Mech/C/Coach Mitra Service Request 17-Sep-2019 Procedure for lodging Coach Mitra Service Request
No.2017/IRCTC/HRD/Deputation(NG) 14-Sep-2019 Vacancy in IRCTC
No.SCR/P-BZA/Sr.DPO/NOTES-2019 13-Sep-2019 UMID awareness programme
No.2012/TG-1/20/P/Charts 13-Sep-2019 Modification in the reservation charts
No.SCR/P-SC/456/Welfare/2018-19 12-Sep-2019 Grant of Scholarships / Special Scholarships to the wards of Non - Gazetted Employees prosecuting Graduation/PG during the year 2018-19
No.SCR/BZA/P/Ruling/O/947 12-Sep-2019 Proposal for Re - engagement of Retired Commercial staff
SPECIAL NOTE 11-Sep-2019 Special Note to SLEEPER TTEs
SA/P.465/XII/HRMS/2019 10-Sep-2019 HRMS - Implementation of Employee Master Data & e-SR Modules - reg.
No.B/C.568/TC/Staff/EFT/2019 05-Sep-2019 JPO regarding remittance of cash collected by TTE's/Commercial staff & its correct accountal.
No.SCR/P-HQ/402/EC/I/Integrated Seniority/Vol.II 04-Sep-2019 Integrated Seniority list of Comml.Dept Staff for selection to the Group B post of ACM against 70% Quota
No.2019/V1/CVC/5/2 04-Sep-2019 Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week - 2019
No.SCR/P-BZA/765/TT/UMID 03-Sep-2019 Launch of UMID Regsitration & Verification/Approval
NDA RATE 01-Sep-2019 NDA Rate w.e.f 01/07/19
No.2017/TG-III/645/02 31-Aug-2019 Prohibition of flame based cooking in Pantry Cars
No.2018/Trans.Cell/Health/Medical Issues 31-Aug-2019 Debit & Credit note for treatment of patient(Railway Medical Beneficiary) to other railway hospital with or without referral
No.2019/IRCTC/ERTD/CRIS 31-Aug-2019 Introduction of Convenience Fee for booking of online tickets through IRCTC
No.B/P.535/I/TC/Vol.II 31-Aug-2019 Selection for the post of TE against 16 2/3rd LDCE Quota in BZA Division
No.E(W)2009 PS 5-1/30 30-Aug-2019 Validity of Duty Passes for travel in Duronto Exp trains
No.TC.II/2910/2016/Discounted Fares 29-Aug-2019 Discount Scheme on vacant seats in trains having sitting accomodation of AC Chair car & Executive Class
CC No. 169 of 2019 27-Aug-2019 Revision of Porterage Charges at Railway stations all over S.C.R
No.2017/TG-1/20/P/19 27-Aug-2019 Provision of sleeping accomodation during night time.
No.E(W)2019/ED-2/1 26-Aug-2019 Master Circular on Children Educational Allowance & Hostel Subsidy
No.SCR/P-BZA/227/Sel/Instructs/Misc. 19-Aug-2019 Selection to the posts of ZRTI Instructors (Comml)
No.SCR/P-HQ/456/11/18-19(Sch) 19-Aug-2019 Grant of SBF Scholarship
No.2016/C&IS/Project/PRS-M-Ph-2/120 18-Aug-2019 Implementation of new age ticketing software by IRCTC
No.MD.438 16-Aug-2019 Emergency treatment at outside locations/stations
No.2019/TG-V/5/2 16-Aug-2019 Special ticket checking drives on all Zonal Railways
No.2013/E(LR)III/LR/FAC/2 15-Aug-2019 Deputation of railway staff to recognized unions/federations
No.E(P&A)I-2019/RT-21 08-Aug-2019 Premature Retirement of Railway Servants
Lr.No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 08-Aug-2019 Promotions & Transfer List
No.2007/TG-V/26/1 07-Aug-2019 Realization of excess charge/penalty from passengers found travelling in higher class with lower class
Engagement of Retired Staff by IRCTC 06-Aug-2019 Engagement of Retired Staff by IRCTC
Latest IRFDC Version 06-Aug-2019 Download current IRFDC ver 4.90 from link-
No.B/C.565/UTSonMobile/2019 05-Aug-2019 Pupularization of UTS on Mobile application
No.G.10.IT.Web/SMS/10 03-Aug-2019 Closure of SMS based Passenger Complaints & Suggestion System
UTS 03-Aug-2019 Ticketing through UTS Mobile APP
No.2019/E(LR)III/SBE/1 01-Aug-2019 Secret Ballot Elections - 2019
No.WF/2019-20 01-Aug-2019 Sanction of Scholarships
Scholarship Form 01-Aug-2019 Application for Scholarship
No.E(NG)II/2007/RC-4/CORE/1 31-Jul-2019 8 days leave for Re - Engagement of retired Employees in exigencies of services
No.SCR/P-HQ/129/Sports/2019-20 31-Jul-2019 Recruitment of Sports Persons against Sports Quota over SCR
No.PB/RR/39/Sports-Open/04/2019 31-Jul-2019 Recruitment of Sports Persons against Sports Quota over SR
No.ERB-I/2019/3/6 27-Jul-2019 Filling up post of OSD,Railway Board on deputation basis.
No.E(O)III-2019/TR/300 27-Jul-2019 Looking after the duties of post of GM/SCR
No.E(W)2016/PS5-1/8 26-Jul-2019 Revised Pay limits for entitlement of Passes/PTOs
IT RETURNS 26-Jul-2019 Filing of Income Tax Return for Financial Year 2018 - 2019 (AY 2019 - 20) indicating details of contribution/donations made.
No.2019/TG-II/Training Module 26-Jul-2019 Training of Unified Cadre of TC, CC & ECRC.
No.TCII/2870/06 25-Jul-2019 Filing of report for shortage/excess of cases during duty at Booking Counters.
No.TC.II/2080/12/Livestock 25-Jul-2019 Revision of freight charges for transportation of all animals including wild animals & birds in Parcel Vans & Brake Vans.
No.SCR/P-HQ/227/EC/Vol.III 24-Jul-2019 Selection to the ex-cadre post of Instructor (Comml) at ZRTI/MLY
No.B/P.608/1/5/Vol.II 19-Jul-2019 Formation of Select list for promotion to the post of TTI in Level - 6
No.TCR/1078/2017/16 18-Jul-2019 Levy of GST on service of transportation of goods in containers by rail
No.2011/TG-1/10/ATVMs/Facilitators 18-Jul-2019 Review of ATVM Facilitator Scheme.
B/C.568/TC/P/Instructions/BZA/19 16-Jul-2019 Unauthorized travelling in SLRD Coaches - reg.
B/C.568/TC/P/Instructions/BZA/19 16-Jul-2019 Overcrowding of reserved coaches by Tr.No. 12864/12863 Exp
No.C/C/568/TC/Circulars/6/2019 16-Jul-2019 Taking details of passengers while issuing EFTs by onboard TTEs
No.G.265/V/Misc/Tfc 16-Jul-2019 Reiteration of instructions to office & staff on proper use of Railway Passes issued to them
No.E(W)2019/FU-I/6 16-Jul-2019 Scheme for providing immediate relief to the families of Railway Servants who die while in service.
PQ 16-Jul-2019 P.Q
No.2018/TG-V/1/3 (Pt.III) 11-Jul-2019 Provision of facilities in TTE Rest House at par with Running rooms
No.C/SECR/HQ/Estt/MPP/19/3631 10-Jul-2019 Re-introduction of VCRC Working
No.C.568/G.11/TC/Misc 09-Jul-2019 Instructions to TC Staff & Booking Clerks
No.2017/E(Trg)/30/14 08-Jul-2019 Incentives for acquiring higher Qualifications
SCR/P-HQ/235 (a)/EC/CI/2018 07-Jul-2019 Filling up of vacancies of Commercial Inspectors in Level 7
No.B/P.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 06-Jul-2019 Voluntary Retirement of Sk.Md.Abdul Rahman, TTI/SL/BZA
No.B/C.568/TC/Circulars/2019 06-Jul-2019 Increase in complaints regarding unauthorized entry in reserved coaches
64th Railway Board Awards Supplementary List 05-Jul-2019 RB AWARD to M.J.Mathews
No.B/P.535/1/2/4/Vol.6 05-Jul-2019 Promotion from TE to Sr.TE
No.C.568/G.II/TC/Rest Rooms/Vol-37/Part - II 01-Jul-2019 Action Plan for improvement in TTE's Rest Houses
No.T.454/salient Features/75 29-Jun-2019 Salient features of SCR Timetable w.e.f 01/07/19
No.B/C.568/TC/Instructions/2019 26-Jun-2019 Taking details of passengers while issuing EFT by onboard TTEs
No.E(Pass) 768/0 Vol.I 21-Jun-2019 Appropriate stamping on the passes as per the revised travel
No.B/P.535/I/2/1/Vol.5 21-Jun-2019 Promotion & transfer
No.2015/TG-1/14/EQ 17-Jun-2019 Procedure for release of accomodation out of Emergency Quota.
No.535/2/4/Vol.6 14-Jun-2019 Transfer Orders
CTI/COR/BZA2019/ACP 12-Jun-2019 Guidelines for effective functioning of ACP
No.B/C 79/Catg./EMFACBZA/2018 10-Jun-2019 Emergency First Aid Centre at BZA
No.RRC/SCR/GDCE/01/2018/WE 07-Jun-2019 Conducting of written exam for GDCE Categories notified
No.E(NG)I/2019/PM1/14 07-Jun-2019 Merger o TC,CC & ECRC - continuance of intake of Comml. Apprentices - reg
No.B/C.568/Tkt Chg/2019 07-Jun-2019 Temporary transfer of ticket checking staff
No.SCR/P.BZA/117/Co-Ord/Deputation,Catg 06-Jun-2019 Deputation of Rly staff to CRIS as Assistant Manager
No.B/P.535/I/TC/Vol.II 04-Jun-2019 Selection to the post of TE from Group - D to Group - C
No.ERB-I/2018/23/48 29-May-2019 ORDER
No.PC-V/2016/MACPS/1 29-May-2019 Benchmark regarding MACP
No.SCR/P-BZA/241/C/TC/Vol.II 28-May-2019 Transfer Orders
No.B/P.578/I/TC/Vol.VIII 24-May-2019 Acceptance of VR of Sri M.Babu Rao, CTI/COR/BZA
No.SCR/P-BZA/345/I/TC//CTG/Vol.II 23-May-2019 Sanction of Composite Transfer Grant to BZA Ticket Checking Staff
No.E(NG)-II/2010/RR-1/17 22-May-2019 Recognition of Qualification obtained through Distance Education Mode - Acceptance for purpose of Employment in railways.
No.B/C.571/TC/TARGETS/Vol.IV/18-19 22-May-2019 Revised BZA Ticket Checking Targets for the year 2019 - 20
No.B/P.535/I/2/1/Vol.5 21-May-2019 Fixation of pay on promotion as CTI in Level - 7
No.SCR/P/HQ/229/EC/Deputation of staff 14-May-2019 Deputation of staff to CRIS/NDLS.
UMID 13-May-2019 Implementation of UMID Scheme.
No.SCR/P-HQ/235(a)EC/CI/2018 12-May-2019 Filling up of Vacancies in Commercial Inspectors/Hqrs
No.E(W)2017/ED-2/3 10-May-2019 Implementation of decisions relating to grant of CEA & Hostel Subsidy.
STANDING INSTRUCTIONS 10-May-2019 Updation of ON & OFF details in Lobby
No.2018/TG-I/20/P/48 01-May-2019 Change of boarding Point
No.B/C.100/Emergency/2019 01-May-2019 Precautions to be taken during storm & strong wind.
No.ERB-I/2018/23/48 01-May-2019 Tenure extended
No.B/P.535/I/2/1/Vol.5 01-May-2019 Pay Fixation of promoted CTIs
No. E(NG)I-2019/TR/6 29-Apr-2019 Posting of husband & wife at the station.
R.No.49/MVSD of 22.02.2019 19-Apr-2019 DEBIT MEMO
Lr.No.B/P.535/I/2/I/Vol.5 17-Apr-2019 Promotion to the post of CTI
No.B/C.441/Mktg/Misc/2019 15-Apr-2019 Trsfficking of Contraband on
DRM AWARDS 2019 11-Apr-2019 DRM/BZA AWARDS 2019
No.B/C.568/TC-Instrucion/2018-19 10-Apr-2019 Wearing of Proper Uniform with name badge by Ticket Checking Staff
No.SCR/P.BZA/721/RWA/2018-19 10-Apr-2019 64th DRM Awards 2019 @ Commercial Dept.
No.B/P 535/I/2/4/Vol.5 10-Apr-2019 Pay Fixation on Promotion to the post of Sr.TE in Level - 5
No.Z/SEC/A/RWA/LVI 10-Apr-2019 64th GM AWARDS 2019 - INDIVIDUAL
No.II/P.535/I/TC/Vol.II 09-Apr-2019 Selection for the post of TC's from Group - D to Group - C.
No.B/C.568/TC/P/2019 08-Apr-2019 Checking ID Cards of OBHS & Pantry Car staff
No.2016/AC-II/21/7 07-Apr-2019 Amendment in Government Contribution under NPS
No.E(NG)I/2016/PM 1/12 (Pt.) 05-Apr-2019 Merger of three categories of posts in the Commercial Department (TC,CC & ECRC)
No.2019/V-1/VP /5/1 05-Apr-2019 Procedure for dealing with DAR cases against Officers/staff arising out of vigilance investigation - Disagreement with Vigilance advice
No.C.415/E/RWA/PCCM/2019 02-Apr-2019 Cultural & Quiz Programme to be held at 64th Railway Week Awards - 2019 at PCCM's Level
No.P(R)257/V 01-Apr-2019 Declaration of Holiday on 11.04.2019
Relief cum Identification Letter 27-Mar-2019 Format for relieving of staff for TE Selection Exam.
Inter Railway Documentary Competition 27-Mar-2019 Inter Railway Documentary Competition
Inter Railway Quiz Competition 27-Mar-2019 Inter Railway Quiz Competition
B/P.535/I/2/Vol.5 26-Mar-2019 Fixation of Pay on promotion as CTI in Level 7 - TC Cadre - Comml. Dept
Employees Children Holiday Camp 26-Mar-2019 BZA Division Railway Employees Children Holiday Camp to OOTY & surrounding areas in the month of MAY 2019.
New Tuition Fee Form 20-Mar-2019 New Tuition Fee Form
Cash awards & Merit Certificate to wards of Railwa 20-Mar-2019 Presentation of Cash awards & Merit Certificate to wards of Railway Employees.
New Pattern of LDCE Exam 19-Mar-2019 New Pattern of LDCE Exam for promotion from Group C to Group B.
Employees Holiday Camp 18-Mar-2019 BZA Division Railway Employees Holiday Camp to CAPE,MDU,RMM,KQN in the month of APRIL/MAY 2019.
Priority List of Request Transfers of BZA Ticket C 15-Mar-2019 Priority List of Request Transfers of BZA Ticket Checking Staff.
SCR Outstanding Women 15-Mar-2019 Congrats to K.A.Syamala Mol, TTI/Sports Sqd 💐💐💐
No.2019/TG-I/20/P/7 12-Mar-2019 Requisition for release of Emergency Quota
No.2016/H-1/11/69/Hospital Recognition 10-Mar-2019 Entitlement of Hospital Wards for Railway Medical Beneficiaries in Railway empanelled Hospitals
N0. 6.180/VIG.3.Vol.IX 05-Mar-2019 Selection of Vigilance Inspector ( Traffic )
Online Reservation Charts 01-Mar-2019 Reservation charts can be viewed online @
No. 09 of 2019 28-Feb-2019 Revised travel entitlements on Duty, Privilege & Post Complimentary Passes.
Merging of Commercial Cadre 24-Feb-2019 Merging of Commercial Cadre
No./17/2019 16-Feb-2019 Change of Boarding Point
No.6 of 2019/Refund Rules 12-Feb-2019 Provision of linking PNRs for two connecting journeys & cancellation of such tickets & refund of fare rules in case of misconnection of trains
Selection of Vigilance Inspectors 07-Feb-2019 Selection of Vigilance Inspectors
Office Order No. Comml/8/2019 07-Feb-2019 Promotion & Transfer Order
Office Order No. Comml/9/2019 07-Feb-2019 Transfer Orders
New Pass Rules 31-Jan-2019 Revised travel entitlements on Duty Pass, Privilege Pass & Post Retirement Complimentary Pass
Select list for promotion to the post of CTI 25-Jan-2019 Select list for promotion to the post of CTI
Procurement of Brief Case 22-Jan-2019 Procurement of Brief Case to Ticket Checking Staff
Merger of Comml posts 17-Jan-2019 Merger of TC,CC & ECRC
Procedure in cash remittance 16-Jan-2019 Instructions regarding remittance of cash by Ticket Checking staff
Comml.03/2019 10-Jan-2019 Trsnsfer Orders
PCCM/SCR interaction with Field Officers 28-Dec-2018 Presentation by PCCM/SCR to field Supervisors
Different cases of Irregular Travel 27-Dec-2018 Different cases of Irregular Travel
Promotion List 19-Dec-2018 TE to Sr.TE Promotion
TC Staff as Running Staff 18-Dec-2018 Consideration of Ticket Checking staff as Running staff
TWT Charging 15-Dec-2018 How to charge TWT passenger in different trains ?
48 14-Dec-2018 Change in MEMU & DEMU Services all over BZA & GNT Division.
ECRC Staff to utilise for Stationary Ticket Checki 12-Dec-2018 Deployment of ECRC Staff in Ticket Checking Activities
GDCE Notification 12-Dec-2018 Filling up of Vacancies against GDCE Quota.
PASS & PTO Rules 09-Dec-2018 Privilege Pass, PTO & Duty Pass Eligibility
Steps for MNP of CUG SIM 07-Dec-2018 Information regarding Steps for MNP from AIRTEL to JIO
MNP of CUG SIM 05-Dec-2018 Instruction/Procedure for Migration of CUG from AIRTEL to JIO
MNP of CUG SIM 02-Dec-2018 📱Switch Over of CUG SIMS from AIRTEL to JIO📱
ID Cards 30-Nov-2018 Acceptance of Identity Cards issued to the Passengers as proof of identity of passengers for undertaking journey by train.
Employees Tour 28-Nov-2018 SCR Employees Special Tour to 🛩 DUBAI, SHARJAH & ABU DHABI ✈
brdng-rules/11/2018 24-Nov-2018 BOARDING POINT Rules
07 22-Nov-2018 WINTER SPECIALS
Comml.84/2018 16-Nov-2018 Posting & Transfers
PCCM/SC 09-Nov-2018 Precautions to be taken by TC staff -Squad TTEs pl note and act accordingly
B/P order 03-Nov-2018 promotion and transfer orders
CHECKS BY SQUADS 29-Sep-2018 A new feature was added for squad TTEs
EFT preparation 20-Sep-2018 Preparation of EFT by TC staff at BO/RO, not to be in practice. Stn/Squads pl note.
HHTs TAB features 13-Sep-2018 Basic features of Hand Held Terminals (HHTs) for the use of Ticket Checking staff.
Sr. DPO/9/2018 07-Sep-2018 Promotions and transfer list
Hht /2018 29-Aug-2018 trail version HHTs app userid scr01 password scr01 and also scr02 and scr03 password same
Kerala 22-Aug-2018 A letter from railway minister.
SR.timetable 14-Aug-2018 New southern railway zone time table 2018
SMARTPHONE in U R hand 12-Aug-2018 Use Smartphone. Educate others to do it.
basic How to Use HHTs 08-Aug-2018 How to use HHTs (basics) for ticket checking staff. For information please. Subject to change.
Saksham Schedules 08-Aug-2018 Saksham Schedules: Complete your training without fail (due staff).
UTS app 08-Aug-2018 Educated UTS app In public
Manning of Coaches 04-Aug-2018 Manning of Upper and Sleeper coaches by TC staff.Pl note
Resitting ACP in LBH coaches 04-Aug-2018 All ticket checking staff. learn how to reset ACP in LBH coaches.
Safety Seminar on ACP 03-Aug-2018 Attend safety seminar at conference hall coaching depot BZA from 10.00 hrs by Sr.DSO/BZA Sub: ACP resetting and brake binding of LHB coaches. Attend without fail who are in headquarters.
register phone number for TTE APP 28-Jul-2018 registered in CRIS database phone numbers and the passwords is 1234
registered list for TTE APP squads 25-Jul-2018 Sheet 1 . Registered phone numbers (squads) for TTE App.
registered list for TTE APP squads2 25-Jul-2018 Page 2
From Income-tax 21-Jul-2018 Information regarding income-tax returns
TEST TTE APP 16-Jul-2018 PDF about UTS app
HHTs for TTEs 16-Jul-2018 hand held terminals for TTEs.
3/2018 09-Jul-2018 B/C orders for ticket checking staff on 09/07/2018.
2/2018 26-Jun-2018 CTI promotion orders from SRDPO
1/2018 24-Jun-2018 Checking against un authorised vendors. Important
RAIL DRISHTI 30-Nov--0001 User friendly online website @
SA/P.465/XII/HRMS/2019 30-Nov--0001 CHARACTER CERTIFICATE to be attatched with HRMS
No.SCR/P-BZA/535/General Transferd 30-Nov--0001 Transfer order of S.John,CTI/NLR Stn kept in abeyance until further advice.